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Run some tests in serial mode and some in parallel in the same file Playwright

In this example I have 4 tests in the same spec file, and I want 2 of them to be executed in serial mode and the other 2 to be executed in parallel. // a,b - to be executed in parallel mode test("...'s user avatar
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WebdriverIO still logs me in even though the input value is null

I am trying to write a simple test using WebdriverIO on the SauceDemo website. When I insert valid authorization values in the inputs and then clear these inputs, it still somehow logs me in on a ...
autojonski's user avatar
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PixiJS - I have to double click to open the Pause screen. Why is that?

In trying to find out why the pause menu opens when the pause button is double clicked instead of being clicked once. It’s a web application which I haven’t made and I’ve never worked with PixiJS. I’...
user25148622's user avatar
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Cypress - cannot select option in dropdown inside the iframe

I have a dropdown like below: The panel with the options is displayed only when the user starts typing. The DOM input element is defined as below: <input _ngcontent-ng-c3697127439="" ...
bartleo's user avatar
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Assert a specific element is PRESENT within a specific div

Using a Playwright/Javascript framework, I am trying to validate a specific element "Draft project brief" card IS PRESENT within the specific "To Do" column. Screenshot of webpage ...
marsknows's user avatar
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Cannot loop all rows in cucumber.js examples table

In my automated test, I intend to automatically answer quiz and click the "next" button to proceed to the next page after each question is done in each page (questionNum). However, only the ...
Shirley's user avatar
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Reuse results of random generation function as "const" [duplicate]

Newbie question here, For Cypress test of a web project, I generated a random name for an item creation. I want to "store" the resultat as "const" in order to check that folder is ...
thomas diana's user avatar
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How do I call a function in for E2E test automation?

I am in a QA bootcamp (Coding Temple) and I am working on an assignment where we take pseudo code and turn it into an automated test using javaScript functions in cypress. However, I just cannot get ...
Immaculate Leila's user avatar
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How to restart Electron application for each test case in WebDriverIO?

I'm working on a test suite using WebDriverIO for testing an Electron application. In my spec file, I have multiple test cases (it blocks) that need to run independently, but I need to restart the ...
user25536480's user avatar
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After login using cy.origin I am not logged in

I'm struggling with login using cy.origin. I've try use cy.session, but after session the page is log out. Here is my commands.js Cypress.Commands.add("login", (username, password) => { ...
Adriana Brezničanová's user avatar
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Cypress - iframe in iframe

I have a problem with my app. I am trying to type in an element that is in two iframes. First I´m trying to load first iframe and type in elements that are visible - it works perfect! cy.frameLoaded('...
Dominik Skála's user avatar
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I want Gmail api to read and write email using postman api. Without browser and UI interaction [closed]

I'm facing problem to use gmail api for my cypress test cases to read and write emails by using api's. But tried alot by reading different blog and watching videos, But nothing helped me out in better ...
Bilal Hussain's user avatar
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How to config babel to compile import from ES6

I have a problem about config babel to compile import from ES6 javascript. I use babel.config.js this is file wdio.conf.js, i want to compile import chai from "chai" but i am fail. require('@...
duyhoccode's user avatar
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How to config wdio.config.js in Webdriverio using javascript

have a good day for you. I am studying about automated testing by javascript, i meet a problem about hook , i have find many source, but i can not fix the error. If i remove "const expect = ...
duyhoccode's user avatar
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Playwright - asserting expected validation is matching validation result

I have the following code for asserting that the validation error messages are matching with the elements text contents test('Assert validations are present on the checkout page', async ({ page }) =&...
Amar's user avatar
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