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Questions tagged [webdriver-io]

WebdriverIO from is a JavaScript library for controlling browsers with Selenium server via the WebDriver API.

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Facing issue while integrating firebase testlab in my local mobile-automation project developed in webdriverIO with cucumber framwork

I am developing a mobile-automation project using webdriverIO & cucumber framework with Appium server. On localhost when we are launching multiple emulator in that case cpu got stuck & apps ...
Surbhi Gupta's user avatar
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How to specify axeDevToolsMobile plugin to WebdriverIO appium service?

The symptoms of my issue is that when I call axe:scan I get the following messages returned to the console: 2024-07-03T12:57:29.185Z DEBUG webdriver: request failed due to response error: unknown ...
Andy Wyatt's user avatar
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Runing WebDriverIo Test on Electron Application in Dev Mode

I am trying to use wdio for my electron project, its working very well when running it on the build (release/win-unpacked/) but when I set the configuration file to use it directly in dev mode ...
khaldoun kassem's user avatar
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How to verify that element is not visible in webdriverio in mocha javascript

"I am currently automating tasks in JavaScript using the WebdriverIO framework with Mocha. I have a question: How can I verify that an element is not visible in WebdriverIO within the Mocha ...
Yash Patel's user avatar
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Customization to allure report not working with cucumber

I am trying to customize my allure report and add a custom title heading,logo and test case id to each feature. Any suggestions on how that can be acheived for cucumber with webdriver io addLabel(name,...
Akshay Shetty's user avatar
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Getting Unable to connect to "http://localhost:4723/wd/hub" error with node 18 when run against mobile Apps

I have webdriverio + cucumberjs based tests and When using node 18, I,m getting error - http://localhost:4723/wd/hub Setup: node v18.20.3 (npm v10.7.0) [email protected] [email protected] I am able to run ...
Aduait Pokhriyal's user avatar
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WebdriverIO + Jasmine: How to make use of grep to filter the spec files

I have a suite folder with 3 spec files configured. In one of the spec file it block has the description "_smoke" but when using the jasmineOpts.grep=_smoke it does not filter the spec file ...
rakesh prabhakar balraj's user avatar
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Implement multiple-cucumber-html-reporter with webdriverIO & appium

Currently i am developing a mobile automation project in WebdriverIO & appium, as per requirement i have to integrate 'multiple-cucumber-html-reporter' this reporting system in that. Any idea how ...
Surbhi Gupta's user avatar
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Finding a way to run tests using @tagID in webdriverIO

`I have implemented Mobile-Automation in WebdriverIO with playwright & Appium Currently i am facing an issue with run tests using single @tag, currently what happening is, all scripts are running ...
Surbhi Gupta's user avatar
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How to restart Electron application for each test case in WebDriverIO?

I'm working on a test suite using WebDriverIO for testing an Electron application. In my spec file, I have multiple test cases (it blocks) that need to run independently, but I need to restart the ...
user25536480's user avatar
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How to remove too many nested steps in Allure Reports?

I'm working on this project using webdriverio, cucumber and allure reports. The reports have a weird 4-5 levels deep nesting issue when a test step is broken or times-out or fails. On the last step ...
aStripe's user avatar
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How to change the statusText of statusCode: 200 in webdriverio

I'm testing a website api with mocks and stubs, and need to respond to a http GET request. I'm using "webdriverio": "8.32.2" and browser.mock. The response needs to set the ...
Charlotte Garnier's user avatar
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Wdio right click powerBI

onst gapAnalysRight = await $$(//div[@_ngcontent-ng-c1971078803]//*[text()='Forecast']/parent::div); await browser.pause(1000) await gapAnalysRight[2].click({ button: 2, x: 300, y: 400 }) im ...
rajkumar b's user avatar
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Store all option labels from a drop-down list in a variable in webdriverio

I would like to store all labels from a drop-down list in a variable and compare with another variable thanks to WEBDRIVERIO. I tried this but it's failing: // Locate the select element const ...
coeurdange57's user avatar
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What's the impact of being async on getBy*() and queryBy*() queries in WebdriverIO Testing Library?

I'm trying to get at the exact difference in getBy*() vs queryBy*() vs findBy*() in WebdriverIO Testing Library. I'm asking because the docs describe all of them as async ("All queries are async.....
Jan Żankowski's user avatar

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