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Questions tagged [c++11]

C++11 is the version of C++ after C++03. This tag should be used (along with the [C++] tag) for questions about C++ features specific to C++11.

-1 votes
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FSM with templates and pointers [duplicate]

Hi I'm trying to make a FSM Finite State Machine in c++ with pointers and templates. I want to simplify my code and get access to the variable of the State controller inheritted or the Game Screen ...
Bersere's user avatar
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3 answers

difficulty to understand the code, and maybe the concept itself (recursion problem)

this code below is from Grokking Algorithms book that is an exercise for the functional programming/recursion and an application for the D&C concept. the function finds the maximum number in a ...
Ahmed Salah's user avatar
-2 votes
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Undefined reference to std::string while linking, but the header doesn't seem to be the problem [duplicate]

I am translating a program that was written in C to C++. It was as easy as changing the suffix to the file and modifying some compiler flags. Before using actual C++ features, it compiled perfectly. ...
Bestemmie's user avatar
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1 answer

Two almost similar multithreaded code have very different running time

i am having a strange problem for C++ multithreaded programs. i wrote the first code and was not seeing any performance improvement over single threaded code. i kept on experimenting with shifting the ...
programmer of c's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Why exception can not be caught on windows by msvc but on Linux by GCC [duplicate]

The same files on Windows and Linux as follow: std_exp.cpp #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <stdexcept> using namespace std; int main() { try { std::...
Monhde Sau Hung's user avatar
-3 votes
1 answer

Understanding usage of std::for_each with structs [duplicate]

I am trying to understand how below code works, from cpp reference website: std::vector<int> v{3, -4, 2, -8, 15, 267}; struct Sum { void operator()(int n) { sum += n; } int sum {0}; }; ...
barribow's user avatar
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c++ 'const' in multi-file

In C++ Primer, it tells me that I should modify all const variables with 'extern'. However, when I tried that in DevC++ 5.11 with C++11, I found that it was not necessary. //main.cpp #include <...
zzz's user avatar
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Templating CUDA

CUDA supports templates and that is nice, I have however problem with interplay with C++. Let's say I have functions template <typename T> void CUDAZeroPad2D(dim3 threads, ...
VojtaK's user avatar
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--trace-children-skip option is not having any impact with Valgrind

I have a with: ./opt/exm/bin/exm_daemon exm_daemon spawns many process. I run valgrind with options: sudo valgrind --leak-check=full --show-leak-kinds=all --track-origins=yes --trace-children=...
noob-sys-dev's user avatar
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Right memory_order to react on atomic increment changes in other thread?

Consider such code: #include <atomic> #include <thread> bool read_from_network() noexcept; void write_to_network() noexcept; int main() { std::atomic<size_t> work_counter; std:...
user1244932's user avatar
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Guarding tests against exit/death

I'm using googletest to test multi-threading code with std::thread. In broken code, it often happens that a std::thread is destroyed before the thread has joined, causing a program termination. ...
Hendrik's user avatar
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4 votes
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Idiomatic ways of using tuples and std::tie

I am trying to implement the modular multiplicative inverse using the extended Euclidean algorithm in C++. In Python, the code for this is concise and idiomatic, using tuple unpacking: def inv_modulo(...
João Areias's user avatar
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Decoupling the TCP receiving/sending and the user level messages processing [closed]

The code snippet provided below is utilized for decoupling the TCP receiving/sending and the user level messages processing. The Server class functions as a TCP server responsible for receiving and ...
John's user avatar
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C++ function dispatch based on user defined input type category (C++11/14 friendly)

I want to dispatch functions based on user defined "tag" of my input types. For example, I defined a tag called SomeSpecificObjectType and in class Object I mark this class as a ...
Xiyang Liu's user avatar
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Why Does My TTT Engine with MCTS Perform Better Using Highest UCB Score (c=0) Over Highest Evaluation for Best Moves?

I’m currently implementing a Tic-Tac-Toe (TTT) engine using Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS). However, I’ve encountered an issue with the function responsible for calculating the best moves. Initially, ...
ThatGuy. exe's user avatar

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