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Questions tagged [child-process]

For questions regarding child-process

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How to call a binary with execFile() multiple times in parallel?

I'm using execFile and execFileSync to invoke a CLI tool called rad from inside my Node.js app. Specifically, I need to call it once to retrieve a list of "Patch" IDs in a "Repo" ...
maninak's user avatar
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How to delegate variable evaluation to the child CMD process in Windows command-line? [duplicate]

I am trying to delegate variable evaluation to the child CMD process in Windows command-line. Consider the following: set foo=bar cmd /c "set foo=rod & echo %foo%" It prints bar and not ...
Adel M.'s user avatar
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Can't write two inputs in to stdin with node

My goal was to use gpg in node with child_process to verify a signature from database without passing the file but with the signature text, but when i try to pass the signature and the content to be ...
Silver Stitch's user avatar
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NodeJS v14: issue feeding in multiple commands to living spawn process and extracting output

I'm trying to create a wrapper which uses spawn process (and keep it alive) so that I can pass in several powershell commands one at a time. Where the expectation is for the command to fully execute ...
shen's user avatar
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getting error: "spawn nodemon ENOENT" even though Nodemon is globally installed and can be used directly in shell

I am trying to make this program which automatically setup a boilerplate for me. I wanted it to make some files and add some boilerplate code to it, install some basic dependencies, open the IDE and ...
Ridham Sharma's user avatar
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NodeJS child_processes how to sync AbortController between children

I want to spawn 2 children that perform their own requests through the script. If one of them fails, I want to be able to abort the other child as well. This is what I came up ...
Netlemon Opp's user avatar
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How is child_process.exec('powershell "$userInput = Read-Host;"') handled in node.js?

I am experimenting with the code below, for testing how does child_process.exec() in node.js handle standard input from user. import { exec } from 'child_process'; exec('powershell "$userInput = ...
康米Commie's user avatar
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child_process : exec is not a function

I try to execute a PowerShell command with child_process but when I execute the command I receive: exec is not a function Here is my code : const { exec } = require('child_process'); export default ...
loan heron's user avatar
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Node.js running `child_process.exec` takes too long

I am executing a command line script using child_process in Windows which takes too long to respond (more than 1 minute) while running the exact command directly in the CMD would react quickly (less ...
MarchWinds's user avatar
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NodeJS child_process spawn not closing even after completion

I am trying to create a ReactNative project with ReactNative CLI. So i am triggering the command in a nodejs script. We also encounter prompts during the project creation and that has been handled in ...
Surya's user avatar
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Running a multi-threaded Java application in Node child_process

I'm working on a desktop app using Electron.js for the frontend and Java for the backend. Instead of setting up endpoints and using REST APIs for communication, I want to directly run my Java ...
cumabolat's user avatar
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django.db.utils.OperationalError: SSL error: sslv3 alert bad record mac

On my Django drf application, I am using multiprocessing library to run background task. Its working fine in the development. In production when worker start to execute I receive the following error ...
Mohammed Sabir's user avatar
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Making nested fork() in C [closed]

I need to write a program in C that will: create child process (child_process1) print PID of parent process using getppid() the child_process1 will create another subprocess (child_process2) ...
Krzysztoff's user avatar
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'charmap' codec can't encode character '\u2713' in position 0: character maps to <undefined>

so im currently coding something with modal ( that uses python subprocesses to run these scripts, but well, everytime the modal subprocess starts, it gives me the error: "'charmap' ...
Daniel Otto's user avatar
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How to fork multiple child processes to open separate terminal windows?

I am working on building a simple X O (tic-tac-toe) game in C on a Linux system. I want to fork three child processes: Child 1: Player 1 Child 2: Player 2 Child 3: Display for the game where Player 1 ...
Belal Qatoum's user avatar

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