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Questions tagged [confirm-dialog]

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kendo ui confirm dialog box in jsp file jquery

I have a jsp file. I need to add confirm dialog box when user clicks on delete button currently script has simple confirm, but i want kendo ui confirm box. I am not sure how confirm box is in jsp file....
Adil's user avatar
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Multiple PrimeFaces global p:confirmDialog

I looked at the example for confirmDialogs on Primefaces ( And I was wondering if it is possible to reuse the confirmDialog ...
Heavenly Journey's user avatar
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Beeware Toga confirm_dialog callback error

I am trying to use the confirm_dialog window with Beeware. I understand that the on_result callback should be activated only when I click the OK button. Below i attach a simple script I use to try it. ...
Ariel's user avatar
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Primeng ConfirmDialog 'Yes' button is pre-selected

My p-confirmDialog has the pre-selected 'Yes' button by default.. I have no idea why. Additionally, I wonder how to customize the default buttons in any PrimeNg dialogs. Can you please help me out? ...
JBC's user avatar
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is it possible to have a table embedded in message of dash dcc.confirmdialog?

Trying to see if I can enhance the confirmdialog pop up message window by passing not only string but maybe a dash table with a few records and option to collapse it for user. Is that possible? https:/...
Mth Clv's user avatar
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PrimeFaces confirmdialogs from single Bean

Submit button is pressed the bean first checks for valid values, if it fails validation a dialog is presented. While the process is running another session submits a button press and the bean checks ...
Steve's user avatar
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Why imported hook gives an error has already been declared [closed]

In my react project, I import this: import confirmDialog from '../../components/confirmDialog/ConfirmDialog'; when I add the bottom line: const [confirmDialog, SetConfirmDialog] = useState ({isOpen: ...
Hossein Azizdokht's user avatar
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PrimeNG ConfirmDialog not popping up after version change

Confirm Dialog is not centered after version change to 9.1.3. If I place confirmDialog tag on top of the HTML page, it displays at the top and move other components. If I place it at the bottom of the ...
Jan69's user avatar
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confirmDialog commandButton does not redirect/ does nothing if you wait for a longer period of time/ idle time session

I have a JSF page where a popup would appear if he is idle for some period of time. 3 min 10 min etc If he is idle for some period of time a confirmDialog box would comeup with a message - "Your ...
suryanandan's user avatar
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How can I have a confirmation dialog with title that returns true/false on "OK" and "Cancel" events?

I have created a confirmation box that works as expected and return true/false on the button click. But it is a general confirm where I cannot set a custom title. function Validate() { if ($('#...
gene's user avatar
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How to override custom severity icon in a p:confirmDialog

How can I override the severity facet of confirmDialog ? For example, <f:facet name="severity"> <h:outputText rendered="#{severity eq 'alert'}" styleClass="ui-icon icon_warning ui-...
lakshmanan bhaskar's user avatar
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p-confirmDialog is not getting focused

Whenever I click on the button, dialogbox is opening but the whole screen greys out and I cannot click on the dialogbox. .html file <p-confirmDialog header="Confirmation" icon="pi pi-exclamation-...
Nivesh Elangovanraaj's user avatar
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Angular 6 Primeng confirmdialog inside of dialog deactivates page

I am trying to add a confirm dialog into a dialog box that is in a component on my navbar. <p-menubar> <div> <app-overlay></app-overlay> </div> ...
jason316's user avatar
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How can I show p:confirmDialog from bean?

I got this from primefaces but I dont want to use the button and call the confirm dialog from the bean, how can I do this or render commandbutton and execute from bean? The problem is that Im using a ...
juanpalomo's user avatar
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Primeface confirmDialog accesibility

The confirmation dialogues are not accessible to my screenreader (Orca 3.22.2). The reader only reads the header but not the message of the dialog. Since the focus is set on the first button by ...
Leah's user avatar
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