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navigator.mediaDevices.enumerateDevices() shows audioinput but not videoinput from capture card

I recently installed a M.2 PCIe capture card (Magewell Eco Capture Dual HDMI M2) in the expectation that I would be able to access the captures in a chromium renderer (Electron specifically). I can ...
leitning's user avatar
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Extract Input field filled data from Electron BrowserView

For example, here is a simple BrowserWindow with appropriate security settings except for webviewTag: true which is necessary for this project. let webPrefs = { plugins: false, nodeIntegration:...
klados's user avatar
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Electron desktop capture multi-monitor view resolution too small

I have an electron application that is successfully screensharing the desktop via WebRTC. Unfortunately, when the screen-shared machine has multiple monitors, the call to getUserMedia which generates ...
Neobyte's user avatar
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Electron webview's setWindowOpenHandler is not called at all when opening a new window

My Electron (v22.3.6) app uses <webview> tag. This webview is located in the 'main.html' renderer process with <webview> tag. And the 'main.html' is loaded by mainWindow, a BrowserWindow ...
klados's user avatar
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In Electron, why is it only possible to set frame rate in offscreen rendering?

Electron methods that are only possible to use with offscreen rendering This picture was taken from the Electron documentation. My question is why is it only possible to use theses methods in ...
Arnon Asquira's user avatar
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touch-events not working in latest chromium version

Using electron JS for one of our desktop apps, now we are upgrading electron version. When we upgrade electron version we noticed that touch functionality has stopped working. app.commandLine....
Nik's user avatar
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Cypress: We detected that the Chromium Renderer crashed

Currently I’m trying to execute a single test with Cypress: I used: cypress run I’m getting: We detected that the Chromium Renderer process just crashed. And: Fatal JavaScript invalid size error ...
Corgu1995's user avatar
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element.requestFullscreen() not working in electron 18.2

I have a VueJS2 app inside Electron 18.2 and and I want to make a div full screen when the user presses a button. I am using this code console.log("fullscreenEnabled", document....
nexus370's user avatar
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How can i change the keybinds to open devtools with js in electron

so you can disable and enable devtools in electron in main or index.js. if the devtools are disabled they can still be accessed by pressings ctrl + shift + i is it possible to change these keybinds to ...
unofficialdxnny's user avatar
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Could not start audio source error on mediaDevices.getUserMedia

I am trying to make a screen recorder with electron.js I have used desktopCapturer.getSources to get all the screens which is working fine but when I am tring to get stream using navigator....
Shubham Kumar's user avatar
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Electron process running after closing, eating RAM and Processor

I'm working on a new Electron application and frequently have to go into my task manager and kill a bunch of lingering Electron processes as it eats away at my ram. In the screenshot, one of them is ...
TeeDeL's user avatar
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How to keep multiple subwindows open in Electron?

My app structure overview: Main window (loaded via win.loadURL, has no access to electron). Five subwindows opened via, '_blank'). Currently, when opening multiple subwindows, the ...
Wenfang Du's user avatar
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Error: Cannot find module ‘/opt/Ferdi/resources/app.asar/node_modules/@meetfranz/theme/lib/index.js’

I’m collaborating with the programmers involved in the ferdi project. Ferdi motto is :"All your messaging services in one place ". Infact it is like franz and it works ...
john_connor's user avatar
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CSS animation automatically goes to default When I run this code it sometimes works as expected and sometimes glitches and goes to 0deg See the gif Below ↓ I am using it for electron. I works most of the time in ...
Ɗααɳιടԋ Sყҽԃ's user avatar
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Can't open PDF files in Electron

I followed the suggestions in the answers of related questions, i.e. specifying webPreferences: { plugins: true } as part of the options when creating the BrowserWindow instance, but it is ...
user3700562's user avatar

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