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Questions tagged [npm]

npm is the package manager shipped with Node.js. It can be used to install and publish CommonJS and ECMAScript modules, jQuery plugins, reusable JavaScript code (libraries), JavaScript-based CLI programs, and more.

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Why do I get Error: spawn /Users/{user name}/Library/Android/sdk/platform-tools/adb ENOENT when trying to run npx expo start --tunnel

The normal npx expo start doesnt work for me for some reason, so I saw that you need to write npx expo start --tunnel. The first time it went well and it started, but when I did it the second time I ...
Артур Заппаров's user avatar
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Node gives me as version: v23.0.0-nightly2024071586415e4688

I am trying to update node on UBUNTU (version 22.04.4 LTS) and have followed the official procedure on their site: # installs nvm (Node Version Manager) curl -o-
Luca's user avatar
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How to submit anything through npx command [closed]

I have made some projects in TypeScript so now I have to submit it with GitHub link and npx command, the problem is that I don't know how to how to put npx command on the form. For example I have made ...
Muhammad Ibrahim's user avatar
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Npm vs Yarn on Expo [closed]

On Expo, I heard that PlugnPlay is not supported by Yarn. So there is no reason to use Yarn Berry and hench I don't see any benefits of using Yarn V1 over using npm. Also, I have faced multiple ...
seans's user avatar
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Change run location of a github project using npm run dev

I am using this github project: and it defaults to running locally on localhost:3000. I am running this in a webserver, not on my local machine, so I want it to run on the ...
Mr. Man's user avatar
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New Vite Project not installing node modules after "npm i"

I am in the process of creating a new react project with vite and whenever I run "npm i" inside the project the node modules and package lock are not created. I have vite and node installed ...
Ethan Gula's user avatar
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why doesn't npm install work properly in NestJS/ubuntu

I was working on a NestJS project, I recently moved from windows to Ubuntu and once I cloned the project from github on my linux, the npm install command doesn't work with the following error: ...
ikianm's user avatar
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Cannot install codemod?

I tried to run codemod through npx codemod react/findDOMNode --target src, however this gave an error. The same as the error I got when I tried to install the codemod package: (npm i g codemod) npm ...
paul23's user avatar
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Unexpected token (254:15) while parsing..\node_modules\marked\library\marked.umd.js while parsing file

Trying to upgrade for marked version 13.0.2 and getting following error in debug console when run npm run watch:client. Unexpected token (254:15) while parsing .. node_modules\marked\lib\marked.umd.js....
Test123's user avatar
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Npm google.maps - AdvancedMarkerElement does not have all the functions as of Legacy Marker element

I needed to use AdvancedMarkerElement in my Project so have installed Npm package google.maps "@types/google.maps": "^3.55.11" But when i tried replacing marker with ...
Priya Ganesan's user avatar
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npm build is failing due to lodash

Using Node: 16.20.2 Angular: CLI 11.2.5 Typescript: 4.1.5 @types/lodash: 4.14.177 npm build started failing with below exception Error: node modules/@types/lodash/common/object.d.ts:1026:46 error ...
atal anand's user avatar
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How to avoid installing nested dependency for specific package which is vulnerable [closed]

I have a dependency for package. @loopback/booter-lb3app : "^6.0.4 This install : booter-lb3app and this package has loopback-swagger In booter-lb3app -> package.json dependencies : {"...
Alnoor Khan's user avatar
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Why does my npx plop function can't find my plopfile?

I'm building a npx package to generate React apps boilerplates. For this I'm using Plop.js. The CLI works when I'm in inside the package's folder, but if I run the npx command outside it returns this ...
JulSeb42's user avatar
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npm packages express and https installation error [closed]

PS C:\openssl\node_express_http> pip install npm i express https Collecting npm Using cached npm-0.1.1.tar.gz (2.5 kB) Installing build dependencies ... done Getting requirements to build ...
indra sena's user avatar
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I have been using React for a while but today I came across an err which i dont understand..Whenevr I use npm start or npm run start I keep getin err [closed]

PS C:\Users\pc_user\Desktop\mern> npm start npm ERR! Missing script: "start" npm ERR! npm ERR! Did you mean one of these? npm ERR! npm star # Mark your favorite packages npm ERR! ...
Derek's user avatar
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