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Questions tagged [electron-vue]

The aim of electron-vue is to remove the need of manually setting up electron apps using vue. electron-vue takes advantage of vue-cli for scaffolding, webpack with vue-loader, electron-packager or electron-builder, and some of the most used plugins like vue-router, vuex, and so much more.

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Quit Electron from VueJs

I am using vue-cli-electron-builder. So how I can quit the application from a button in vue. Thanks.
Anupam Krishna's user avatar
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How to integrate monaco editor with electron-vue?

I tried the monaco samples in I had some success, but when I use the electron-vue, I receive the following error: Uncaught ...
w m's user avatar
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electronBuilder can't bundle my resource at all

It's my vue.config.js: module.exports = { pluginOptions: { electronBuilder: { preload: './src/preload.js', extraResources: ['resources/myengine'], ...
A1Gard's user avatar
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electronjs camera not found on raspiberry pi

So I created an electron app that will open a camera ang scan a QR code, this is the plugin that I'm using The html files was done using Vue and tested the output ...
Juliver Galleto's user avatar
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Electron build failed

Electron build failed. Error: Cannot find module 'fs/promises' Require stack: /Users/abhimatta/Documents/abhishek/accura-electron-dev/node_modules/builder-util/out/fs.js /Users/abhimatta/Documents/...
Abhishek Matta's user avatar
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My window in Electron doesn't appear no matter what I do, there is something wrong with my code?

Firstly I'm using Vuejs and Electron, the package.json will be in the end of this post. I'm trying to use this listener to show my window as the Electron's documentation recommend. win.once("...
Lucas Guimaraes's user avatar
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How to set application icon in eletron-vue js

I am working with electron-vue js for building cross platform desktop app. I want to set custom icon when i make build file and want to add product name on app. But when i set custom icon, it work ...
Ahsan farooq's user avatar
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How to bring window into foreground in electron-vue

I want to bring the main BrowserWindow into the foreground after a countdown finished. When calling electron.BrowserWindow.getFocusedWindow().show() in App.vue, i am getting the error Uncaught ...
eli2003's user avatar
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Window doesn't receive message from IpcRenderer

I'm using Electron + Vue to build my application. I send a message to the main process to create a new window. Inside the main's method I'm trying to pass a message to the newly created window but it ...
Carolina de Moraes's user avatar
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Preload not working/compiled correctly in production (Electron-vue SimulatedGREG)

I have a preload script that is working well in development. I've seen here that I either need to use a static file or webpack. I went with the static approach because my knowledge is zero with the ...
Jaeger's user avatar
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Electron NativeTheme: Cannot set property 'themeSource' of undefined

currently I am trying to setup a system/light/dark mode switcher in my electron app. For the electron app, I have used the electron-vue library and upgraded then the electron version to 7.3.2. So now ...
Julian's user avatar
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npm run build: ValidationError: Invalid options object. Copy Plugin

I'm trying to package an electron app but I'm getting this error: ValidationError: Invalid options object. Copy Plugin has been initialized using an options object that does not match the API schema. ...
SRR's user avatar
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__dirname is not defined importing electron remote

I have a problem. I want to set up the minimize, maximize and close buttons on a frameless window but I can't due to this problem importing the electron remote. Thanks. import { remote } from "...
Juan Morelle's user avatar
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fs.writeFile does not resolve

I'm trying to save an image from a canvas to a file on disk with fs in an Electron app. I'm using async/await but as soon as the function gets called, I see the file gets created but no data is ...
SRR's user avatar
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vue-material mdAutocomplete inside electron-vue app - setup problems

I am experimenting with electron-vue seed app and have upgraded electron to 8 and vue to the latest versions. I am installing vue-material components in my src/renderer/router/index.js: import Vue ...
notbrain's user avatar
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