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Questions tagged [electron-vue]

The aim of electron-vue is to remove the need of manually setting up electron apps using vue. electron-vue takes advantage of vue-cli for scaffolding, webpack with vue-loader, electron-packager or electron-builder, and some of the most used plugins like vue-router, vuex, and so much more.

50 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
5 votes
1 answer

Mac application asking for accessibility permission repeatedly

I have created a Mac application written in electron-vue. It requires keyboard access and screen recording access. Ideally, when I give permission it should start working immediately. But my app ...
Pramod's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Error: ERR_FAILED (-2) loading electronjs when closing and opening new window

I'm trying to open a app loader like window that will open first upon running the app just to cover some async scripts running and upon completion, the loader window will close and open the main ...
Juliver Galleto's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

how to use vuetify with vue-electron?

I'm using electron-vue to build a vue electron app. I am also using Vuetify which I am following the manual installation process, In dev, initially everything works fine and I can run my app and ...
Brad's user avatar
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Vue.js-Electron application with an Apollo client does not receive cookies from a remote API server

I try to build an application with a GraphQL backend (based on Node.js and graphql-yoga). The server is hosted on a Linux machine with nginx as a reverse proxy. The proxy configuration is listed below....
MichaelT's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

How to integrate monaco editor with electron-vue?

I tried the monaco samples in I had some success, but when I use the electron-vue, I receive the following error: Uncaught ...
w m's user avatar
  • 21
2 votes
0 answers

Including executable file to be called in Electron Vue app

I'm creating an Electron GUI that needs to calls an executable file that takes command line arguments. I've included the executable in public/libs/internalTool.exe of the project folder structure. ...
Mike R's user avatar
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1 vote
0 answers

My electron app was recognized by the windows system as a virus and directly deleted,how can i fix it

I used electron to develop a windows app, it was recognized as a virus by the windows system and deleted directly, but because the app we only use for a small number of people within the company, it's ...
famousmai's user avatar
1 vote
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If there any methods to disabled Window key in electron js?

I've been working on developing an Online Examination System where it use to prevent students from cheating during the exam. I want to disable window key and other combination key like win + PrtSc.....
Chey Sreylin's user avatar
1 vote
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electronjs camera not found on raspiberry pi

So I created an electron app that will open a camera ang scan a QR code, this is the plugin that I'm using The html files was done using Vue and tested the output ...
Juliver Galleto's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

__dirname is not defined importing electron remote

I have a problem. I want to set up the minimize, maximize and close buttons on a frameless window but I can't due to this problem importing the electron remote. Thanks. import { remote } from "...
Juan Morelle's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Nightmarejs with Electron Proxies

I've been trying to use nightmarejs in my electron-vue project. In dev everything worked fine, but after building, I would always get an error message. Luckily, I found this package which is a replica ...
Tom Lamensia's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Mutation payload changes value by itself in vuex store mutation

I'm trying to build an Electron app with VueJS using the electron-vue boilerplate. I have a mutation which updates parts of the state based on the payload it receives. However, somewhere between the ...
user2307798's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

can't set host to node net.socket connect

I'm using electron-vue build an APP. I need create a tcp connection, and I use net.Socket().But i get a no response when I set HOST. I need use the socket global, so I create a class like this: ...
starhu's user avatar
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Cannot set property of undefined when import promise in vue component

"vue-electron": "^1.0.6" "electron": "4.2.4" "webpack": "^4.15.1" "vue": "^2.5.16" In a vue component, I import a js file <template> ... </template> <script> import something from ...
Piel Silbad's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How do I get result by 'return' from NeDB in vue.js

I am trying to get a data from NeDB in a method in a .vue file using electron-vue. I know I can get that by putting that to a variable, but I want to get that by 'return' because I want to use the ...
user4565857's user avatar

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