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Excel compute of time duration based on criteria

I want to fill a formula in Column D that computes the status duration based on the agent on Column B. Example: I need a formula that computes On Call duration on Cell D2 for Agent John from 8AM until ...
Harvey's user avatar
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-6 votes
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Formula assistance

I am trying to create a formula and cant get it to work. So - IF x is >=1000 - 100 however IF x is <999 *80% So the equation if I entered 1000 would equal 900, but if I entered 800 it would ...
Terri Griffiths's user avatar
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Trying to get names from a box on the right to automatically appear in another box when a different box has a value in it

hope the title wasn't too confusing. this is my project: I'm trying to figure out how to get the names on the right (NICK-GL) to stack on top of each other at the bottom, when one of the mon-fri ...
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excel formula to find the first row that contains specific text

I am trying to find the cell address of the first row that contains the letters "H" "A" "B" "C" "T" separately. at the moment I have formulas to find ...
Seb358's user avatar
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Excel formula to compare date/time and report if it is less than 24 hours

I'm trying to create an excel formula to check the difference between cells C2 (opening time) and O2 (closing time) and add value within 24 hours or over 24 hours INC6531515 4/03/2024 20:56 5/03/2024 ...
Kermitneedshelp's user avatar
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Automatically change cell reference in formulas, based off of cell updating

I have a couple of formulas that are currently being manually updated every time someone wants to change the row that the formula is referencing. The current formula is: ="Call raised for a "...
Midge431's user avatar
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Averaging Multiple Ranges to ignore 0's and N/As

I am trying to make an excel formula that averages across multiple ranges. I've tried 2 different methods but neither have worked 100%. The first formula I tried is: =IFERROR(AVERAGE(IFERROR(VLOOKUP(...
josh694512's user avatar
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Calculating percent error of each element of a list given a list of ratios

On Excel/Google Sheets, I have a set of measurements (U to Z for this example) that need to match a set of target ratios (for this example, U to Z must follow a ratio of 2:1:14:7:1:1, so ideally W ...
pwnator's user avatar
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VBA Formula Instead of FormulaR1C1

Following code works as intended. However I am trying to avoid copying the formulas in each cell inside my FormulaArray using FormulaR1C1. It slows down my data collection in my other array. Because ...
mjac's user avatar
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EXCEL- Trying to count specific dates between two but also in specicif Years. Excluding the days before or after the dates asked

I've been looking and searching for this for way too long. I made some dates and added some for tests which I will share. I'm trying to count days between two dates, leaving it blank if a cell is ...
NancyTigress's user avatar
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Can I Translate a Pasted Time Value in an Excel Cell So That It Is Stored and Displayed Correctly?

Whenever I input a time in the Excel cell it is not recognized. Given the custom format for the cell(s) that I am using, a recognized value inputted into the formula bar will be displayed correctly as ...
LaserBoss's user avatar
-2 votes
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Excel nested IF function [closed]

I'm having trouble with a nested IF function. I want to assign a "T" value to a cell based on its number value between a Max and Min number. The number resides in cells within Column H. ...
MJobbson's user avatar
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moved an excel file between two computers and curly brackets was added to formulas

Moved a file from my laptop to desktop. Laptop has Office 2021, Desktop has 2019. Formulas like this: =IFNA(INDEX(Earning!$A$1:$N$1000,MATCH(CONCATENATE(ROW()-ROW(G$2),"_",VALUE(E$1)),...
Saar Zar's user avatar
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Excel: Is this possible: Extract last line from within file linked in excel?

I am trying to figure out if there is an easy way within excel to extract a line of text from a linked file in a cell? Example: we are trying to track down the last user who used a computer, we have ...
IT4Gov's user avatar
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How can I avoid or change the Error Format via VBA?

I have to export regularly from an external program an Excel table. In this table, there are phone numbers in a list. Those exported numbers give me a kind of format error that can´t be fixed changing ...
Jorge Nitales's user avatar

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