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Questions tagged [f-string]

Literal string interpolation in Python

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need a way to update variable to include all input list items, formatted the same way

I'm running a program in python that sends graphql post requests. The query looks like this, : var = input("string here") query = f"""query{{item1(item2:"{var}"){{...
discord alt's user avatar
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Why print(f"{variable = }") in Python 3.12 also prints numpy type?

I noticed, that with Python 3.12 and a numpy.float64 when I simply do a x = numpy.sqrt(3) # type is <class 'numpy.float64'> now print(f"{x = }") # this is printed >>>x = np....
emefff's user avatar
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Using f formatting string to get numbers with 2 digital precision after decimal and adding ',' every thousand [duplicate]

I am trying to get the output like: ¥ 968.82 ¥ 7,070.94 ¥ 3,925.89 ¥ 11,958.42 ¥ 7,793.94 ¥ 2,320.83 ¥ 14,452.77 ¥ 325.35 ¥ 6,333.48 ¥ 10,845.00 Here is the code with very helpful ...
Molecular Alchemist's user avatar
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Regex does or does not give an error depending on which REPL is used

Consider the following Python code using the regex library re import re re.compile(rf"{''.join(['{c}\\s*' for c in 'qqqq'])}") I have run it in two different REPLs: https://www....
Mathew's user avatar
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Difference between format(**locals()) and f-string when using variable as key for dictionaries

I have a string templ with variable part that I have to convert with local variables. Variable part of string have a dictionary cur_cols_dct from which I want to get a single value. Key of a ...
Valiot's user avatar
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Why is format() throwing ValueError: Unknown format code 'f' for object of type 'str' when I'm not inputting a string?

I am using Python 2.7. (Switching to Python 3 for this particular code is not an option, please don't suggest it.) I am writing unit tests for some code. Here is the relevant piece of code: class ...
Réka's user avatar
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-6 votes
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Unterminated f-string literal [closed]

The following code message = ( f'Lembrete de que existe uma reserva para amanhã de *{dayAfter}* {dayAfterCellphone} para a carrinha que estás a usar.' ) is giving me ...
Duarte Almeida's user avatar
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Is there a Python f-string equivalent of C++’s std::quoted?

In C++, the std::quoted stream manipulator produces a quoted and escaped version of a string: std::string dirPath = "C:\\Documents\\Oval Office Recordings\\Launch Codes.txt"; std::cout <&...
templatetypedef's user avatar
-1 votes
3 answers

What is the rationale for specifying dynamic width and precision _after_ the argument in str.format?

In C programming language dynamic field width and precision is specified before the argument. printf("%.*s", 2, "ABCDEF") Yet when str.format was introduced in Python3.0 in 2008 ...
KamilCuk's user avatar
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What does '!a' do in python f-strings? [duplicate]

When messing around in python with the exclamation mark, it said that it has to be followed by either !a, !s, or !r. What does !a do? Like can you do this? f"{"txt"!a}" What will ...
Cycro the large planet's user avatar
-1 votes
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Return Output from Function on Multiple Lines

I've tried to figure this out on my own, but I'm coming to a dead end. I'm trying to return a string from a function that I created that references amounts derived from a pandas dataframe that was ...
MJP's user avatar
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Problem with Python f-string formatting of struct_time

I have the following code; oStat=os.stat(oFile) print(time.strftime('%H:%M:%S', time.localtime(oStat.st_mtime))) print(f"{time.localtime(oStat.st_mtime):%H:%M:%S}") The first print ...
Hipponax43's user avatar
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Nested quotes in f-string with Python 3.12 vs older versions [duplicate]

With Python 3.12 I can do the following without error: a = "abc" s = f"{a.replace("b", "x")}" Note the nested " characters. With Python 3.6 the same will ...
pktl2k's user avatar
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Python logging: check if a log will print before doing f-string?

Suppose I have code I want to be able to run in production or verbose mode. In verbose, I want to print debug information that will slow the program down: import logging import time import sys logging....
Kaia's user avatar
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Key Error when having spaces and "\n" in multiline f-string

Trying to format SPARQL queries in python using f-strings in order to build different queries from a template, but i'm getting KeyError when i try to format a multiline string: query = f'''SELECT ?age ...
m.rp's user avatar
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