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Questions tagged [flask]

Flask is a lightweight framework for developing web applications using Python.

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0 answers

Problems adding column to Superset User model (ab_user, Flask, Flask-Migrate)

I am trying to extend the user model in Apache/Superset and add that change to the migration folder. I want to add a new column called "solution_uuid" to the model. I made my own fork of ...
0 votes
0 answers

Website User Management for a python flask application hosted on a VPS

I'm 16 years old and building my first website, but I just encountered a problem that I have not been able to solve: I have a python flask app as well as several HTML files that make up my website, ...
0 votes
0 answers

Flask swagger is not loading - flasgger

I have used flasgger to create Swagger UI for my flask application. On local it is working fine & swagger is loading properly but when I am running it on the server I am getting below error: **...
0 votes
0 answers

Stuck in handling incorrect input data on web app for model training

I am trying to add an exception feature in an ML project I am working on, I create a web app which accepts student performance data as a CSV file and then performs different machine learning ...
0 votes
1 answer

Telegram ChatID passing as client reference ID in Stripe webhooks

I am working on a telegram bot that uses stripe API for subscription. I am currently facing an issue with passing the telegram chat ID as client ID in stripe webhooks so that when I get the data from ...
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0 answers

Graphql or rest in RT chat in a spa running on flask and react?

I have a react app using flask backend. I have changed from rest to grapgql now for user reg, login, auto. Also posting services and for the feed to GET the posts. I am going to implement a one-to-one ...
3 votes
2 answers

Pymssql Error 20017 after upgrading to Python 3.6 and SQL Server 2016

We've had a Flask application using pymssql running for 1.5 years under Python 2.7 and SQL Server 2012. We moved the application to a new set of servers and upgraded the Flask app to Python 3.6 and a ...
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0 answers

How can I implement jwt in my next js app using next auth with google provider as the first step to connect to a flask api?

I'm creating a web application that needs to consume a flask API. Authentication is initially done using next auth, but I would like the web application to consume a service from a route from my flask ...
1 vote
1 answer

Flask + gevent: possible sockets leaks (in the CLOSE_WAIT state)

I have a possible connections leak, when doing streaming with flask and gevent. Many connections on the server side are staying (after they are closed on the client side) in the CLOSE_WAIT state. It ...
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0 answers

Flask html templates aren't working with HTMX

So I'm working on a web application in which I need a basic switcher between types of "posts". Now I have an html file with some templating in order to generate the basic structure, but when ...
26 votes
5 answers

Create gitignore for flask application

What the files I need add to .gitignore in Flask application? - I'm usually here to look at examples. But now I found no examples. Why? Is it a feature of Flask? Django has a ...
2 votes
2 answers

Best way to sort table based on headers using Flask

I have my table that gets generated based on what's in the database and would like to add the ability to sort the table based on particular columns. I tried looking online but since the table isn't ...
0 votes
0 answers

Deployment Failed with error "ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'urllib3.packages'" error?

I've been using AWS CodePipeline to execute a CI/CD pipeline. The 'build' stage performs correctly, which uses both the 'Dockerfile' and 'requirements.txt' files, whereas the 'deploy stage' utilizes ...
1 vote
2 answers

Long running celery worker task doesn't return result even after success

I am running remote celery worker which takes around 2 hours to complete one task. Broker I have used is rabbitmq and for backend it is rpc. After completion of task, the celery worker doesn't return ...
239 votes
8 answers

Python Flask, how to set content type

I am using Flask and I return an XML file from a get request. How do I set the content type to xml ? e.g. @app.route('/ajax_ddl') def ajax_ddl(): xml = 'foo' header("Content-type: text/xml") ...

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