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Questions tagged [font-awesome]

Font Awesome is an iconic standalone vector font, initially developed for use with the Twitter Bootstrap front-end framework.

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2 answers

Fontawesome svg-icons in openlayers

I know similar questions have been asked before but their answers don't help me. I'm trying to use Fontawesome-Icons as markers in an Openlayers map like this: const svg = ` <svg ...
wubbe's user avatar
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Font Awesome Icons Showing as Squares After Optimization

I wrote a scripts to detect all the fontawesome icons I use in my project. It detected these icons. ➜ python3 Font Awesome classes used in your project: fa-angle-double-right fa-baby fa-...
code-8's user avatar
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How can I get horizontal lines to appear surrounding Font Awesome icon? [duplicate]

Problem I'm trying to create a portfolio website and I want to place a Font Awesome icon between two horizontal lines (as detailed below), but it's not working. I've looked around Stack Overflow and ...
atlaska826's user avatar
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How can we use SVG icons with Prime?

We need to use FontAwesome Pro SVG's (and other SVG icons). However, some of the UI elements are constructed in the code, rather than the template. Our developers tell me that it isn't possible to use ...
JAK's user avatar
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How do I create a transition between 2 different font awesome icons?

I have this button in HTML: <button id="sidebar-toggle-button" class="btn btn-primary header-btn" type="button" data-bs-toggle="offcanvas" data-bs-...
Firebug2309's user avatar
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Content Security Policy errors when using Font Awesome icons and use-client

I am using the Font Awesome SVG pack via npm within a NextJS application using the App router. I have added a middleware to generate a nonce value as detailed in the Next docs. The cspHeader itself ...
Dan's user avatar
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Use custom fonts Rails 7 with jsbundling (esbuild)

How to properly use custom fonts in Rails 7 with jsbundling? I'm trying to use Fontawesome-Free and Font Lora, but I'm getting a loader error. 13:46:30 web.1 | ActionController::RoutingError (No ...
Dmitry Tolstosheev's user avatar
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Angular 16 using FontAwesome icons in TinyMCE v7

I've been through a lot of TinyMCE documentation, previous questions and various other online resources but I just can't figure out how to get FontAwesome icons to show in a TinyMCE editor without ...
Ben Thomson's user avatar
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NextJS React production ready with fontawesome icons

How should I decreate the size of the bundles? We added fortawesome/fontawesome, but only some icons are used, about 20. Is it true that the bundle contains all the icons from the fontawesome icon ...
Zoltan Hernyak's user avatar
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FontAwesome size attribute does not change the size

I have the following code in my layout: // Fontawesome import { config, library } from '@fortawesome/fontawesome-svg-core'; import { fas } from '@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons' import { far } from '...
Harsha M V's user avatar
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Icon inside dash dbc.Button not displaying

I am writing a dash form to obtain the password from a user. I want to have an icon that allows the user to view their input in plain text rather than hidden. To do this I have created an InputGroup ...
RedPen's user avatar
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Borders of jscolor button not working after first click

When I click the green portion of this button, only the first click works. Every subsequent click after that doesn't work. I'll show you the hitbox below. (blue portion always works) My js code ...
doodlebob's user avatar
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Change icon, color and marker color based on data in leaflet

I'd like to plot some data on a map wherein the icon shape, iconColor and markerColor are all based on the data itself. Sample Code library(data.table) library(leaflet) library(webshot2) library(...
Gautam's user avatar
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Using FontAwesome 6 with Angular 18, "Can't bind to 'spin' since it isn't a known property of 'fa-icon'"

FINAL EDIT: Not a bug, it was deprecated. EDIT - It appears (to me) to be a bug. The version of FA on the ...
Todd Davis's user avatar
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font-awesome load event listener

I'm trying to create a onload event listener for a Font Awsome icon <nav class="key-icon"> <i class="fa-solid fa-key fa-lg"></i> </nav> document....
João Pimentel Ferreira's user avatar

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