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java error connecting two devices with socket (public ip)

i'm almost a new java programmer (started at 5 month ago) and i want to connect two program over internet but i get some error that's i can't fix. i've tried alot. i told to my friend to ping my ...
MASEH's user avatar
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Forward with Spring ResponseEntity

Using Spring Boot (2.3.1) Rest Controller. And I have to forward to external URL. I've found some solution here:Spring ResponseEntity and forward. And trying this: @GetMapping public ...
kostepanych's user avatar
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Is it possible to forward WebSocket streams inside Java Servlet?

I have a Java Servlet that is a web application firewall. It forwards all legitimate traffic to the backend application it protects in a very simple way: for (int length = 0; (length =
Audrius Meškauskas's user avatar
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How to forward session through two servlets to jsp?

I am trying to to forward data typed by user and inserted on Database from the servlet responsable to insert data to database to the servlet that displays the database results to finally display it ...
Lokman Boukhoulda's user avatar
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Port forwarding not working in android emulator

I am trying to send data to server using socket programming. The server is in android and the client is in my host machine. The program works fine and the app runs perfectly. But when I try to forward ...
Sesha's user avatar
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Socket programming - Java; Port forwarding does not work, it worked before though. Could it be an ISP thing?

I'm trying to open a ServerSocket from behind a router. Forwarded the port correctly. It worked perfectly before but now the port isn't opening (canyouseeme). I checked the firewall and nothing is ...
priyank's user avatar
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How to handle x-forwarded-proto with Tomcat and apache

I went through a lot of posts related to this issue but I could not find a proper answer. Here is my problem: I'm trying to enable request logging in Tomcat using AccessLogValve & RemoteIpValve ...
Bruce's user avatar
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JAX-RS forward post request

I have a need where one api receives a form-data post request and after some processing I need forward the request to another api. My first api is : @Path("/integrator/api") public class ...
Kleyson Rios's user avatar
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Enable compression with JSch

My problem is simple, I tried to enable compression over a local port forwarding connection I do though jsch. My localport forwarding works fine but I can not make compression. I see no defference in ...
Amirali Amirale's user avatar
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Connect via TCP and public IP without forwarding

I'm trying to write a simple chat program using TCP in java. To connect to a server I need to know its IP address. I'm connected to a router in my network, that connects me to the Internet. When I ...
zupazt3's user avatar
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My response.sendRedirect isn't working

I have a SmartGWT app and in it a Filter in which I'm trying to figure out (on login) if the request should be forwarded (e.g. desktop to mobile). The code executes and the browser makes a get request ...
Andrija's user avatar
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Google App Engine: Only local server creates infinite loop when forwarding to JSP

my Google App Engine project has all requests being handled by a servlet, which at the end forwards to the appropriate JSP: RequestDispatcher rd = mServletContext.getRequestDispatcher("/views/" + ...
Usul's user avatar
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Java- Servlet - redirecting request with a new body

I'm writing a Servlet in Java, that basically, gets a request with a XML in the Requests body, and then changes a few things in the XML and redirect/foreword the request with The new XML to a ...
DasDas's user avatar
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Java, gaming, and port forwarding

I created a Battleship game in Java to work with Sockets and ServerSockets. The game works fine on LAN, but I would like to be able to play against someone on a completely different network. I ...
rstumbaugh's user avatar
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Read the first line of the email message and forward with attachment - java.mail

I have a requirement where I need to process the first line in the email message and, possibly, forward it. But the problem happens when this message has attachments. And I need to forward them as ...
elector's user avatar
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