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iOS Frequently Asked Questions

The iOS-related questions that get asked repeatedly, gathered together in one place. What does a new developer always ask at some point? What are the most common questions when someone is exploring a ...
Berthold's user avatar
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17 votes

Android Frequently Asked Questions

The Android-related questions that get asked repeatedly, gathered together in one place. What does a new developer always ask at some point? What are the most common questions when someone is ...
Berthold's user avatar
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Programming hurdles---Building a logic

I need a piece of advice from any one expert in progrmming.. I have no background of computer science but I started learning android development in 2022. I have llearnt all the basics syntex of java ...
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.tolistasync() , is it available in .net8 maui android app?

enter image description herei am working on .net maui android app . i have big data like 8000 record . i save data once customer install the app in sqlite db one time , then retrive from database for ...
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ML kit camera text recognition not working when navigated from another screen

I asked a previous question here where the camera preview screen with ocr wouldn't work when navigated from another screen and I managed to get it to work but now the problem is the ocr function doesn'...
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Publishing private app to Managed Google Play

I'm trying to publish a private app to Managed Google Play. According to this documentation, I have to enable Managed Google Play on Release > Setup > Advanced settings > Managed Google Play. ...
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MAUI .NET 8 on Android -Unable to load DLL 'sqlite3'

I have created a new MAUI .NET 8 project and migrated the Xamarin forms project code. When I tried to run the project with the Android device in Visual Studio 2022 (windows), which threw the exception ...

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LazyVGrid and scrollTo issue in SwiftUI

I have encountered an issue while implementing the scrollTo mechanism for a lengthy list of products displayed using LazyVGrid in SwiftUI. Does anyone have a potential solution for this problem? Below ...
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How to Synchronize Animations of Multiple Rows in Jetpack Compose?

I'm working on a Jetpack Compose application where I have multiple rows of components that I want to animate simultaneously. The animation in the first row(scale) is different from the second row(...
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iOS Simulator Fails to Launch .app File Built with xcodebuild

I'm creating a build to use in UI automation with the following xcodebuild command: xcodebuild -scheme Test-QA \ -project $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/iosApp/Test.xcodeproj \ -sdk iphonesimulator ...
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1 answer

Clean Architecture Dependency Graph (Multi module)

When it comes to the Clean Architecture Dependency graph I see two version: The recommended one by Google: presentation -> domain -> data The other: presentation -> domain <- data What ...
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Problem Downloading and Generating Live Photo from Firebase Storage in SwiftUI

I am working on an iOS application using SwiftUI where I want to convert a JPG and a MOV file to a live photo. I am utilizing the LivePhoto Class for this. The JPG and MOV files are displayed ...

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Basics of Kotlin coroutines

Basics of Kotlin coroutines What is a coroutine? A coroutine is a concurrency design pattern that you can use on Android to simplify code that executes asynchronously. They are“lightweight threads”. ...
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How-to guide

Using SwiftData with SwiftUI

One thing we iOS developers should rejoice about is the development of SwiftData, at least if you are coding for a very new project and can forget about iOS versions below 17. We finally have an ...
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