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Questions tagged [future]

A placeholder for the result of a calculation before the calculation has completed. Used in concurrent programming. Questions about future events are off-topic on Stack Overflow.

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Scala Future strange behavior

What's wrong with this code? Why I can see only one output? What returns futureUserByName function? onComplete doesn't work for it as well. It must be just simple Future, but it doesn't work. import ...
Dmitriy Kolesnik's user avatar
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%dofuture% foreach file not found warning

Trying to get %dofuture% to work, but getting an error using the following code. Not sure why. library(foreach) library(doParallel) library(doFuture) plan(multisession,workers=availableCores()) # ...
Maize Blue's user avatar
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Intuition for parallel memory use in R

There are a lot of questions about parallel computing in R but I couldn't find one that seems similar to my problem. In my case, I'm using the searchk() function in R's stm package on a very large stm ...
beddotcom's user avatar
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Is there a way to cancel future in Dart?

Is there a way to cancel future in Dart? Is there an alternative to Future for this case? We compute something but discard the result if a new request is made: class A extend ChangeNotifier{ int ...
Fractale's user avatar
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List of Future is not executed in parallel

I don't understand why this code is not executed in parallel. implicit val ec: ExecutionContext = system.dispatchers.lookup("db-non-blocking") println(s"Cores ${Runtime.getRuntime()....
xSmorpheusSx's user avatar
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"Process finished with exit code -1073740791 (0xC0000409)" when use vector of future

Background As a freshmen to binance-websocket api and std::future using. I write a program to test the time difference between localhost and the binance server, and to get the net delay. I push my ...
Monhde Sau Hung's user avatar
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how to structure my code to have retries in a function that return a Promises

so i have not really worked too much with C++ promise and future and i am unable to understand how i can add retries to a method that returns a promise but i have a method like below promise<void&...
bourne's user avatar
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Flutter Future<List<Image>> convert to List<Image>

List<Image> convertToImgList(Future<List<Image>> listimg) { var li = listimg.asStream(); Future<int> future = listimg.asStream().length; return images; } Hi, I want to ...
ADR's user avatar
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dask pybind11 how to get the correct value from client.submit()

I have a question about the return object value from python. use pybind11 to interface C++ function from python3 use Dask to do distributed computing The following are the progeam snippet. // ---------...
user1273456's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Understanding Java concurrency [closed]

I'm learning java concurrency under the hood and I've read some java article and videos regarding multi threading and concurrency and just can't seem to put them all together Here is the gist of what ...
javanoob's user avatar
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3 answers

showModelBottomSheet is not opening after Future.delay

I have two showModalBottomSheet(). In the First modalSheet there is a IconButton(). When the IconButton tapped, The First sheet should be closed and after 2 seconds the second modalSheet should be ...
Senthur Kumaran's user avatar
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Multiple streamed response combined in a single iterator in Scala

I have multiple replicas of a service from which I am receiving a stream of response: // RPC call to server that returns a stream of response. def getResult(input: Request): Iterator[ResultItem] On ...
Kyuubi's user avatar
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C++ multiple promises for one task

My use-case is rather common. I have a class that performs some asynchronous operation: e.g. get some data asynchronously from a service; I can have multiple requests (get_data calls) for that ...
andreig1978's user avatar
-1 votes
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Blocking wait on future OUTSIDE of async functions

I'm starting to get pretty frustrated with Dart's async ... All I want is lazily load some value and assign it to a property in my class: Future<String> getMeSomeBar() async => "bar"...
User1291's user avatar
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how to avoid while loop while waiting for future complete?

I have a problem with a java future and an handler function. code example: public HealthCheckResponse call() { String redisHost = this.configuration.getRedisHost();"connect to ...
Jan Kück's user avatar
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