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Questions tagged [gallery]

Gallery is a collection of photos in a software system

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React native create a custom folder and save photos using react-native-crop-picker android

I'm using react-native-image-crop-picker. I want to save the photos to the gallery or to a custom folder taken from the camera using react-native-image-crop-picker. Normally the photos taken from the ...
Shanuka's user avatar
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how get images from gallery in my phone and show in page with flutter?

I want to create a page like this with flutter How to access the gallery in my phone and get the image to show?
ff .n's user avatar
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Gallery filter plugin 'Filterizr" - mix filter mode

i am trying to impliment Filterizr plugin ( on my project, and i need exactly mix filter as presented on this tutorial page
fedot deon's user avatar
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GLightbox video gallery with local video

I'm using GLightbox on, is there a way to make gallery for videos on my server, with m3u8 type. And the link is get it after gallery is opened "HTML5 ...
eSchool Apps's user avatar
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Saving image to gallery

I am building an application in which I want to capture an image using intent (MediaStore.ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE) and want to save it to gallery. Every thing is working fine but image is not being saved ...
Kartik Thakur's user avatar
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How to add external image in magento2 pdp

How can we add an external image for magento2 product detail page(not from the magento2 backend). I tried some stuff in the galley.phtml but not succeed. Is there anybody who can fix this, help me ...
Ajith's user avatar
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Gallery activity from specific directory

I am working on an Android gallery activity where all the images come from a directory specific to that application. I would like all the images in the directory to be loaded in a manner similar to ...
Muiruri's user avatar
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3 answers

ACTION_GET_CONTENT to get image returns null URI

I have an published app that uses an ACTION_GET_CONTENT intent to let the user select one of his/her pictures. Here's the code that launches the intent: Intent intent = new Intent(); intent.setType(&...
Josemafuen's user avatar
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ActivityResultLauncher not working with fragment?

I'm writing an app using Kotlin. I'am using ActivityResultLauncher for get permission. I can use ActivityResultLauncher on Activity clearly but when I try to get permission on fragment with ...
Mert DEMIRKIRAN's user avatar
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Android, pick element from gallery and copy locally

For my Android native application, I need to pick an image from the gallery and save it local app folder. I run the intent to open the image picker and select the image without any problem. After this ...
TheFedex87's user avatar
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Add image, replace, crop, delete section

I have an image gallery containing Add image, Add video, and description fields. After adding the image, I have a button on the top right with these functions: Replace the image, Adjust/crop, Delete, ...
Designer16's user avatar
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Can somebody help get the same zoom in effect as the given example?

I have the following image gallery code on every page on my website. Instead of the opacity effect I want the same zoom in effect, preferably with a different coding style, since I don't want to ...
Till Noah's user avatar
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Save photo to a folder in Gallery using Swift

I am working on an iOS Swift 5 project and want to download image from my Project App to a folder in gallery. Folder name would be same as my App name and if doesn't exist in gallery, then code should ...
Anam Shafique's user avatar
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Odd behavior of input="file" tab not allowing multiple image selection on Android

I have an HTML form page that includes the following lines: <form action="/action_page.php"> <input type="file" name="files[]" id="files" accept="image/*" multiple directory="" ...
user3319732's user avatar
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React Native - Opening Android Image Gallery Directly

As the title states, I am wondering how to open the Android image gallery directly from my app. Every single package that is out there, including react-native-image-picker, react-native-image-crop-...
fullStackChris's user avatar
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CSS photo gallery with zoom on click, simple

I want to do a simple photo gallery that when you click on a photo it is displayed bigger. I want it to be pure CSS and also no complications in the HTML code, just a div wrapping the images. Up to ...
user171780's user avatar
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Display the images from drawable folder as a gallery view in order to choose from

I am creating an android app which contains two activities: The first activity display a default image. Clicking on the default image goto the second activity. The second activity is an image gallery ...
user avatar
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let user select an image from the drawable folder

I want to select image from my android studio drawable folder, which now I have 2 images in it named example.jpg and sue.PNG. and I define an array as int image[] = {R.drawable.example, R.drawable.sue}...
chen abien's user avatar
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open gallery from android studio folder rather than the phone photo gallery

I have a activity that select image on the android photo gallery Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.Action_PICK, MediaStore.Images.Media.INTERNAL_OCNTENT_URI); but I want to choose images from my ...
chen abien's user avatar
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new images does not show up after clicking

I have my ProfileActivity: public class ProfileActivity extends AppCompatActivity { @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); ...
chen abien's user avatar
-1 votes
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Issue swapping image

I have a ProfileActivity: public class ProfileActivity extends AppCompatActivity { @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); ...
chen abien's user avatar
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add image to photo gallery on the android emulator

How should I add image to photo gallery on the android emulator? now I have a android code that opens the gallery and ask the user to choose a photo from the gallery. I tried to drag and drop some ...
user avatar
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Android studio: fill the gallery with some photos for user to choose from

I have the below code to have the user clicked on the original pic, he can then select a photo from gallery to replace the original pic. public class ProfileActivity extends AppCompatActivity { ...
user avatar
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WP Grid Builder populate grid from custom field (ACF gallery)

I would like to populate WPGRIDBUILDER grid from ACF Gallery field. Support told me: Grids only work with WOrdPress content type: (custom) post types, (custom) taxonomy terms and WordPress users. So, ...
raroDev's user avatar
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Why are images from newly created folder not showing my custom gallery

If I create a folder programmatically and store some images in that folder then my custom gallery shows only previous folders until I rename this folder. once I rename or edit this folder from File ...
Sachin Rale's user avatar
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Custom gallery layout with flexbox [duplicate]

I'm trying to create this style of gallery layout with flexbox, but running into some trouble. So far my code is putting two small ones and the large one in the top row, and then the second small ...
John White's user avatar
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angular 12 UI for profile image gallery drag and drop

I want to build a web UI using angular 12 for a profile page in a social site. The requirement is that the user can drag and drop multiple images to this page with drag and drop capability to form a ...
Tao Feng's user avatar
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recursive search for php video gallery

Could someone possibly help me with some code for a video gallery? Unfortunately, I am way out of my depth here, I'm passable at python, but html and the associated stuff is a mystery to me. I have ...
PaulalSmith's user avatar
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Add options to wordpress gallery function

Is it possible to add custom options (checkboxes and selectfields) to the default gallery settings in wordpress and then query them as parameters in the code? Examples or links to corresponding ...
Viewer's user avatar
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Woocommerce product page image and thumnbails image

Is possibile set same size of every image in woocommerce products catalog? If i upload image 500x900? or 1250x1000 etc.. there is about 3000 images with diferent size. I see several option on ...
alorange's user avatar
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Downloaded images not showing in phone's gallery, flutter

My flutter app is successfully downloading media to 'android/media/com.example.testapp/testapp/images/'. I can see them via file explorer but for some reason I am not able to see them in gallery. ...
Narayana's user avatar
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Gallery Filtering using Jquery in Angular not working

I am unable to call the jquery function from my angular html file. Basically, trying to apply filter on the gallery. When the cursor moves hovers over the another button it should display photos of ...
Learner's user avatar
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Youtube Video Gallery not working properly - html css

I am making a portfolio website, and when the user clicks on the video tab it should have two embedded, responsive, youtube videos in the form of a gallery. I have tried achieving this, but for some ...
krmogi's user avatar
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Add Image or Video to Gallery in api29 and above

This code only works for api29 and lower, But it does not work for api 29 above Of course, there is also a problem with saving video in the code below Video time is displayed in the gallery at 00:00 ...
mahmoud mahmoudi's user avatar
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How to add a photo to android built-in Gallery in kotlin?

In my application I take a photo (in a Fragment) and then I am trying to save it into the Gallery. When I go to the Gallery it is not there. It only stays in the app folder. I was following the ...
Tbijo54's user avatar
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Can this be achieved without js?

I have this image gallery which I want to do without the javascript. Can this be done without using the javascript ?? Just need the big picture to change when mouseover or something similar. ...
Noob Coder's user avatar
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GWT Bootstrap 3 Gallery

I am trying to run the demo function of gwt bootstrap 3 - gallery. When I open a picture on the GWTBootstrap3 demo it is opened as popover. When I open it in my application. It follows the link to the ...
RG01's user avatar
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how can i solve elevatezoom doesnt work correctly

i'm new on laravel, i use elevatezoom in my gallery image. when i change photo, the photo change but elevatezoom show first image. how can i sove this problem. my html code is here <div class=&...
mohammad bagri's user avatar
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Lazyload image in Vue/Nuxt gallery component

I'm trying to create a simple gallery component where if you click on some image a Light-Box will appear where you can see full size photo and have options like next and previous photo or close the ...
mart cube's user avatar
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4 answers

Popup gallery plugin with video support for Vue 3?

I've done some serious internet searching to find a popup gallery plugin for Vue 3 which supports both images and video files. Most of the plugins are written for Vue 2. Anybody can recommend a good ...
mirta's user avatar
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gallery filter with several pics per category

i have the following problem; I made a gallery with a filter, but if I click on Mobile, for example, then only one picture shows, although there are many pictures in Categories mobile. So when I click ...
M K's user avatar
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Connect Gallery next and previous sibling

I tried to create a gallery, if you click on the picture, then a new model box is shown, in this window there is next and back button but it doesn't work console.log("jdkf"); var expandImg = ...
M K's user avatar
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video not playing in popup box in lightbox

I have 18 images lightbox gallery, Popup image is working fine after click on particular image but I have embeded video in some images click to popup but after popup video is not appearing or working, ...
SandyS's user avatar
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problem with swiper inside modal react js

In a modal window, I have two swipers. one is the main swiper and the second is the thumbs swiper, Everything is working fine except when I click on a slider from the thumbs swiper it should change ...
Monaf Daod's user avatar
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Automatic and manual slideshow with a play and stop button

Hello I was looking to Automatic and Manual slideshow topic here in stackoverflow. (Automatic and manual slideshow) And I found a great answer for it which modifies the scrip from w3schools (https://...
john Dilinller's user avatar
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pictures expand inside the class without being distorted

How do I make the pictures expand inside the class without being distorted and without edges or spaces between each other? is there any other way to do this with Flexbox? there does not have to be a ...
M K's user avatar
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How to make the Product Page Gallery STICKY on a WooCommerce site with AVADA?

I have a WooCommerce site built with the Avada Theme. I've attempted to make the image gallery 'sticky' on product pages. The idea is to make the Image Gallery scroll down alongside the short product ...
MalevichG's user avatar
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When i select image from recent then image is broken in android | Multiple images from recent

This error occurs mostly times when select images from recent folder class com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.GlideException: Received null model
Abhishek's user avatar
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align images left and right automatically in css

I've been working on a page and there's some sort of gallery that needs to be done. I have to align the images alternately. For example: the first image is aligned left and the second is aligned right,...
okok1's user avatar
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I can't delete image from gallery with android

I have a project in android and I want to select multiple image from the gallery and then delete file or rename file. But both of them are not working and I dont know why! public void fileRename(Uri ...
Sobhan's user avatar
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