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Questions tagged [graph-theory]

A graph is a mathematical structure that contains a collection of vertices or 'nodes' and a collection of edges that connect pairs of vertices. Graphs can be undirected or directed, where edges are directed, indicating from which vertex they start and to which they lead ( be it other or the same ).

4 votes
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creating hexagonal lattice graph in networkx

I need to create a hexagonal lattice network based on another researcher's work. The researcher describes describes the structure of their network in the yellow highlighted section of text here. Here'...
J.Q's user avatar
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why isnt my bridge finding DFS implementation working? [closed]

def find_bridges(self,n,low_link,visited=list(),back=list(),bridges=list()): def get_low_link(x): return low_link[visited.index(x)] if n[0] not in visited: ...
ProgrammingLover's user avatar
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Find number of redundant edges in components of a graph

I'm trying to solve problem 1319 on Leetcode, which is as follows: There are n computers numbered from 0 to n - 1 connected by ethernet cables connections forming a network where connections[i] = [ai,...
Arnav Borborah's user avatar
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Rewiring strategies to obtain networks with desired clustering coefficient and average path length

There have been a few questions (and subsequent answers) regarding the generation of connected networks (graphs) with a fixed edge density (see e.g., here and here), and these are mostly based on the ...
Johannes Nauta's user avatar
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Minimal path on weighted tree query

Given a weighted tree with n vertices. there are q queries and for each query, you are given integers (u,k). find number of vertices v such that the smallest edge on the route from u to v is equal to ...
turtle silver's user avatar
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What is the complexity of the following code? Is it O(n^3log(n))?

What is the complexity of the following code? Is it O(n^3log(n))? #G is an undirected dense graph, which has N vertices. import networkx as nx def cal_minimax_path_matrix(G): MST = nx....
Mike Mathcook's user avatar
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Get the most optimal combination of places from a list of places through graph algorithm

We are having a networking situation where he have four nodes - say A, B, C and D. The problem - A, B, C and D are not fixed, but have a bunch of possibilities. Say A can have values A1, A2 upto An. ...
NedStarkOfWinterfell's user avatar
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Minimum edges to form path with length L

I came across this problem. Given a weighted tree T, find the minimum number of edges to form a simple path (no duplicate vertices or edges) of weight (sum of weights of edges) exactly L. More ...
user25680598's user avatar
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Linear time algorithm for computing radius of membership hyper-sphere

We are given a Graph, G(V, E), where V is the node set and E is the edge set consisting of ordered tuples (u, v). The graph is undirected, as such, if (u,v) is in E, then (v, u) is in E. Alongside the ...
moe asal's user avatar
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How to find all simple paths of no more than k lengths starting at a vertex in a directed graph?

I am trying to find all simple paths up to a given length, and working on using BFS to solve this problem. However, I am not sure about the specific algorithm to use. It seems that BFS cannot easily ...
ivygrowing's user avatar
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Delete from child table on update of parent row with composite foreign key

For reasons outside of my control I am trying to build a graph-like data structure in PostgreSQL. The business requirement is that everytime a node changes, its edges need to be re-computed. Also, ...
Yasammez's user avatar
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Maximum Sum of Vertices in DAG Excluding Directly Connected Vertices

How can I calculate the maximum possible sum of vertices in a weighted DAG excluding vertices directly connected by an edge? This is a vertex selection problem where each vertex has a weight. In this ...
Asher Ross's user avatar
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Spanning disjoint trees in directed bipartite graphs

Assume we have a directed bipartite graph G with two partitions, A and B. All the edges are assumed to start from A and end in B . Assume that every vertex has at least one adjacent edge. I want to ...
Abc's user avatar
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How to calculate the length of cycles in a graph using parallel algorithms in C?

I am getting desprite, because I can't solve this problem. I hope this is the right place to ask for help in this context. The Problem is, that I have a graph that is the union of disjoint directed ...
TJTvoid's user avatar
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How do I run the Bipartite Matching and Min Vertex Cover Algorithms on this graph?

Hi, so I am supposed to run the Bipartite Matching and Min. vertex cover Algorithms on this graph (with s = 0 and t = 6) using Ford-Fulkerson and DFS/BFS, "breaking ties in favor of the smaller ...
papayaaa's user avatar

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