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Questions tagged [grequests]

GRequests allows you to use Requests with Gevent to make asyncronous HTTP Requests easily.

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Can processing of request/grequest responses be run concurrently in Python2?

I'm writing a Python2 program that pulls a large amount of JSON data from a remote CouchDB database. The data is indexed by timestamp: I pass a startkey and an endkey, and the database returns all ...
lucs100's user avatar
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How i can send TOO MANY requests to DEFFERENT sites and get responses?

How can I send a lot of requests to DIFFERENT sites, I have a database of sites (1kk) and need to check whether they are alive or not, conditionally if you just do it through grequests(python) chunks ...
Anton's user avatar
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Django grequests batch call fail

I have 100 API to pin in Django, I tried to use grequests to do batch call, the batch call code looks like this: class BatchCall: def __init__(self, urls, BO_urls): self.urls = urls ...
xlxdxf's user avatar
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Conflict between grequests / gevent and sshtunnel

I'm working on a web scraper that makes use of grequests, and then sshtunnel to store the data in a database. However importing grequests and sshtunnel causes Error reading SSH protocol banner cannot ...
David's user avatar
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How to send thousands of HTTP Requests using grerequests?

I need to request all the review pages for a company on Glassdoor, and in certain cases, there can be thousands of pages. I am trying to use grequests to do this, but I found that when I sent more ...
Dunc's user avatar
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How to get JSON data from a post in grequests library (async-requests) python

so im trying to make an async-requests thingy and i cant get the json data from a post import grequests as requests headers = {SOME HEADERS} data = { SOME DATA... } r = "...
MrCatNerd's user avatar
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part of the requests delay the whole process in grequests

I have 600 urls to request, when I use grequests, I found that sometimes it finishes so fast within 10 secs, but sometimes just stuck there(can't reach the statement of printing 'done'). Here is my ...
ZhaiShang's user avatar
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why do I can't extract data from response using grequests?

import grequests import time start_time = time.time() sites = ['' for x in range(5)] data = {'a': 'b'} responses = [grequests.get(u, data=data) for u in sites] for response in ...
middleStackoverflower's user avatar
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How to avoid 429 error when using grequests?

I want to make a parser using "grequests", but as expected, due to many requests, i get an error 429. import grequests sites = [f"{i}" for i in range(1, 10)]...
Mop's user avatar
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Enabling gevent debugging in Google Colab

I want to used the grequests library in a Google Colab notebook, however upon importing it (and patching it using gevent.monkey), the program spits out a random amount of the following warning: It ...
Mikkel Jensen's user avatar
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How to block requests while analyzing 1000 links?

How i can block "grequests" when i found "target file"? I need to analyze like 1000 links, but just one is that good. If I have found that link after e.g. 10 URLs, I need to block ...
Luna G.P.'s user avatar
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MODUL grequests, How GET simple print URL and Response?

anyone can please explain me how i can split results for get just simple url and response? I have try so many time but nothing, for now i can print just like: 50 0.4110674999999999 ........, [<...
Montauro s.r.o's user avatar
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How to Scrape Product Pages using Python grequests and BeautifulSoup

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import grequests import pandas as pd # STEP 1: Create List of URLs from main archive page def get_urls(): urls = [] for x in range(1,3): urls.append(...
MarkWP's user avatar
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Asynchronous API Requests

I am trying to send multiple requests to an API using grequests, but I am getting no response, when I map the list. The API has a limit of about 1000 requests so it cannot be that I am getting denied. ...
Emil 's user avatar
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How to parse the response from Grequests faster?

I want to webscraping multiple urls and parse quick as possible but the for loop is not too faster for me, have a way to do this maybe with asynchronous or multiprocessing or multithreading? import ...
JONH's user avatar
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