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Questions tagged [gunicorn]

a Python WSGI HTTP Server

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What exactly happens when I spawn 5 workers using Gunicorn in PROD for Fast API? [duplicate]

So my understanding is that workers should usually be 2 * cores + 1. Lets suppose I have a 2 core machine and spawned 5 workers in a PROD instance. How does it work under the hood ? Does Fast API ...
Paras Gupta's user avatar
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A Gunicorn + Flask + Nginx Application including Apscheduler blocks a new worker pid in Python application once in a while

While apscheduler scheduler service is running in parent PID meanwhile a new "Worker is booting up" after which, requests from nginx lands on this new pid (worker) and gets blocked it does ...
jamyla's user avatar
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Can Gunicorn allow error http status codes through from Flask app?

I have a Flask API app that returns some JSON with http status code set to 422. Example def post(self, current_user, data): return { "success": False, "message": "...
shawnim's user avatar
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If I update the dependencies to the latest, I cannot see the traces

I am having a FastAPI (0.95.9) application. Using gunicorn with uvicorn.workers.UvicornWorker workers. I am trying to auto-instrument it and pass data to a self-hosted Signoz platform. When the ...
user2465039's user avatar
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AWS Gunicorn configuration Amazon Linux Work not properly

enter image description here This image is show problem. When i run gunicorn service with this configuration. GNU nano 5.8 pair....
Momin Ali's user avatar
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gunicorn issues with ModuleNotFoundError when deploying DRF project to Render due to

DRF project is running in development environment, expects to deploy to Render through yaml. The error message is as follows: ==> Running 'gunicorn core.wsgi:application' Traceback (most recent ...
Laurie Crean's user avatar
-1 votes
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How I Can Fix Django Deployment Error With Media Files and WhiteNoise

I set up my Django project with nginx, gunicorn, and whitenoise, using a Ubuntu environment. When I upload an image to my server, everything turns out excellent, but when making the request, it gives ...
Alberto Cordero's user avatar
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When deploying Django to prod, Gunicorn lives in the virtual environment, but we deactivate the virtual environment when we go live with Nginx

I've been following a few tutorials online on how to setup Django, Postgres, Gunicorn and Nginx in production. I noticed that it is always recommended to install all Python dependencies inside the ...
japonix's user avatar
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Flask Gunicorn Open AI chatgpt proxy api timeout

I have a flask project, with gunicorn gevent setup to have async workers. I have a Open AI chat-gpt proxy route which times out on large datasets api calls, more often than if I use same data directly ...
Anshul Khatri's user avatar
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werkzeug Local got unexpected value

I may have a misunderstood with werkzeug.local Here is my simplified test code: from flask import Flask, request from werkzeug.local import Local import threading app = Flask(__name__) local_data = ...
william's user avatar
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ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'photo_app.wsgi'

I'm trying to deploy my Django application using Gunicorn and systemd on an Ubuntu server. However, the Gunicorn service fails to start with the following error. **ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ...
Gopi Kumar Kaushik's user avatar
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gunicorn: command not found when hosting on Railway

I am new to Django and hosting web applications, and I am trying to host my first one using Railway. The application successfully builds and deploys for about 5 seconds before crashing and giving me ...
3g0ra's user avatar
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SocketIO Port not exposed in AWS Elastic Beanstalk

I have implemented a flask Application, that hosts a socket server. But I am not able to connect to socket when deployed on Elastic Beanstalk. from flask_socketio import SocketIO, emit, join_room, ...
Umar Farooq's user avatar
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Gunicorn: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'server'

I am trying to deploy my Flask app (to My project structure looks like this: myproject/server ├── Procfile ├── ├── ├── requirements.txt ├── sources │   ├── ...
Marco's user avatar
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Gunicorn on aws ec2

Hello I'm trying to stop my gunicorn server on Debian and I can't do it I tried to kill the process but the service restarts on its own, do you have any ideas thank you I tried several commands but it ...
Florian virginie's user avatar

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