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Questions tagged [hammer.js]

Hammer is an open-source library that can recognize gestures made by touch, mouse and pointerEvents. It has support for multiple instances the same time, so you can start creating multi-user touch interfaces.

11 votes
2 answers

Google Chrome Pinch-to-zoom prevention

I'm developing an app for Chrome on a Microsoft Surface Pro 2 running Windows 8.1. Recently, the Chromium team decided they wanted to add the pinch-to-zoom gesture in Chrome for Windows 8, which is ...
Piper's user avatar
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7 votes
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How to register touch move over events in Angular?

Summarize the problem Stackblitz - I'm trying register touch events and want to be able to touch my finger, drag and lift my finger resulting in ...
Andrew Allen's user avatar
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Multiple elements respond to touch event on mobile Webkit and Hammer JS

I'm working on a small side project using the Hammer JS library and I've ran into a problem on Chrome Dev Tools emulator and while debugging on two iOS 7 devices. It seems to work fine on desktop ...
user1958639's user avatar
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Prevent pinch/zoom in Safari for OSX

I have a html5 application with several viewports. I intend to use HammerJS for providing pinch/zoom gesture on individual viewports. Currently, whenever I pinch in Safari/OSX, the whole window is ...
Jaime's user avatar
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adding hammerjs to a react js component properly

I try to add hammer js to my reactjs component and my component looks as it follows import React from 'react'; import _ from 'underscore'; import Hammer from 'hammerjs'; class Slider extends React....
fefe's user avatar
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5 votes
4 answers

Event delegation with Hammer.js

How would I do jQuery-style event delegation with plain JavaScript in Hammer.js? E.g.: Hammer(document).on('tap', '.item', function () { console.log('tapped') }) Is this directly possible or do I ...
Sacha's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Recognize diagonal gestures(swipe) using Hammer.js

Is it possible to recognize diagonal swipe using Hammer.js? I have gone through their documentation but didn't find anything saying about diagonal swiping or pan etc...
vamsi's user avatar
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iframe conflicting with hammer.js gestures

I'm using hammer.js [the jQuery plugin version] to provide simple touch gestures – in this case, I'm just using swipeleft and swiperight – to navigate between pages. All works good, except... On some ...
RyanS's user avatar
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4 answers

Hammer.js : How to handle / set tap and doubletap on same elements

I'm using jquery.hammer.js, it works quite well and I am able to bind function to a doubletap event. That is working fine. What I want is to bind two different behaviors. One for the "tap", one for ...
Benoit Letourneau's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Using hammer.js on dynamically loaded content

I'm playing around with hammer.js for a web app. I can get it to work just fine, except on content loaded with ajax. I use the hammer.js special-events plugin for jquery. The following works fine: ...
afcdesign's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

vertical scrolling blocked by Hammer.js

i am trying to make an app with Intel XDK (build 2727) and right now my problem is that i can't scroll vertical when i have a list which exceeds the screen size. i tracked the problem down to Hammer....
Selçuk's user avatar
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How can I keep the browser pinch to zoom and use the hammer.js pinch events?

Here is my code... just a simple test as I have never used hammer.js before: var hammerTime = new Hammer($('#hammerTarget').get(0)); hammerTime.add(new Hammer.Pinch({event: 'pinch'})); // Add pinch ...
RISC OS's user avatar
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3 answers

Zooming SVG with Hammer.js

I am writing a cross platform web application that displays information using SVG. I need to have a multi-touch interface to pan and zoom the SVG graphic. From my research, it appears that Hammer.js ...
JSwartzen's user avatar
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Hammer.js is slow and jerky on pinchin/pinchout

I'm using hammer.js to implement some touchscreen functionality on a pet project. The desired product is a map that can be dragged around and zoomed in and out with a touchscreen. I got it working,...
CoolTapes's user avatar
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What's the scoop on Pinch to Zoom Gesture with Ionic3 and Hammer.JS?

I need to be able to do pinch to zoom to scale font sizes, on both Android and iOS. (Not just a regular image per numerous examples I've seen when Googling). Can someone let me know if theres an easy ...
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