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Questions tagged [haskell]

Haskell is a purely functional programming language featuring strong static typing, lazy evaluation, extensive parallelism and concurrency support, and unique abstraction capabilities.

2 votes
1 answer

What's the difference between placing a parser in its "box" vs using it without it?

So this is my parser, and two functions to run a parser: data Parser a = MkParser (String -> Maybe (String, a)) unParser :: Parser a -> String -> Maybe (String, a) unParser (MkParser a) inp =...
user20102550's user avatar
-1 votes
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Why is quick sort in Haskell so good? [closed]

I'm going through Learn you a Haskell and it claims that quick sort can be easily implemented in Haskell like this: quicksort :: (Ord a) => [a] -> [a] quicksort [] = [] quicksort (x:xs) = ...
baddog's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Is read inverse of show in Haskell?

I just tried writing read (show 42) in ghci. It responds with '*** Exception: no parse'. My assumption was that it should return 42. My reading of various manuals and tutorials suggests ...
Penguino's user avatar
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How to combine two Maybes

I'm curious of different ways of combining Maybes. There's a small example of what I am able to achieve with a do (I reckon using the fact Maybe is a monad), however for this particular example I'm ...
toni057's user avatar
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VS Powershell wont let me compile, but using it externally will

I'm currently using two different languages and having a similar issue on both. With Java the powershell within VS code isn't allowing me to compile using Javac, and I can't use GHCI for Haskell. ...
Joe Corps's user avatar
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How to load custom dependencies in interactive Haskell-mode?

When using haskell-mode, I use C-c C-l to load the current file into repl/ghci and normally it works like magic. However, if I want to load a file from the test directory, ghci fails to load the ...
user2506946's user avatar
0 votes
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How to use answers of parsers when nesting parsers (sequentially)

This is my Parser data Parser a = MkParser (String -> Maybe (String, a)) This is a parser that parses if a particular predicate holds true. satisfy :: (Char -> Bool) -> Parser Char -- takes a ...
user20102550's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

`type <nameOfType> = Typeclass` compiles, but `type <nameOfType> = (Typeclass, Typeclass)` doesn't

I've been reading about the renaming of pre-existing types using the haskell's type and, as much as I could understand, the type is only used for renaming concrete types, like Int, Integer, Char, ...
HaveMercy's user avatar
2 votes
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How do I solve this infinitely recursive type problem I've created in Haskell with Church Numerals [duplicate]

data ChurchN a = ChurchN { numeral :: (a -> a) -> a -> a , litRep :: String } next :: ChurchN a -> ChurchN a next x = ChurchN { numeral = \f y -> f (numeral x f ...
Raykiru Shiroyshi's user avatar
0 votes
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Cabal run unable to see packages that interactive haskell mode can

I am having trouble using cabal. I am looking to use the Data.Finite package from hackage. I ran cabal install finite-typelits- which I believe went successfully. I now see the directory .cabal/...
IsAdisplayName's user avatar
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Compiling project errors within a docker container targeting linux/amd64

I've been developing a side project (a small web app). I'm developing on a Macbook M1 Pro, however, I need to compile it to test against a linux/amd64 environment. I'm trying to use docker for that. I ...
bitmaybewise's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Understanding bracket use in Haskell - Parser that depends on previous parser gives error when using brackets

Ok so I'm trying to learn Haskell. This is my Parser. import Data.Char data Parser a = MkParser (String -> Maybe (String, a)) This is a parser which parses a string once, and depending on what it ...
user20102550's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

Scan that splits accumulator and yielded value

Edit: the function I was asking for was mapAccumL Problem: split a list of ints such that the sums of the sublists are bounded (by 10) Here's how I would solve it in python using a scan to do the ...
Tom Huntington's user avatar
3 votes
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Primes using setjmp

I wrote a simple Haskell function, that gives a list of primes. primes' :: [Int] -> [Int] primes' (p : xs) = p : primes' (filter (\x -> x `rem` p /= 0) xs) primes :: [Int] primes = primes' [2 .....
Andrey's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

How does <$ = (fmap . const) in Functor even work in Haskell?

I know that the dot (.) operator takes two functions which both take an argument respectively, and the third argument for the second argument. Its type is (.) :: (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -...
Akari's user avatar
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