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Questions tagged [hpc]

High Performance Computing (HPC) refers to the use of supercomputers and computer clusters to solve a wide range of computationally intensive problems.

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Gnu-Parallelization within a shell script

I am using GNU parallel to run 3 scripts simultaneously. This is my current shell script. #!/bin/bash #SBATCH --array=0-0 #SBATCH --nodes=1 #SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=3 #SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1 #...
WaterDrop's user avatar
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How to use multithreading to traverse a quadtree built from a point cloud model

The simplest description of this problem is how to traverse a quadtree using multiple threads. The following figure is the quadtree model of my problem: My algorithm does not need to traverse all ...
zymaster's user avatar
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Uploading and downloading files to and from a HPC

I am using Compute Canada's HPC cluster and want to download files from the cluster to a local directory. I referred to Uploading and downloading files to and from a HPC for instructions and entered ...
JakeB's user avatar
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Merge several rasters into one large raster file in R with 'terra'

I have several rasters (.tif) files and want to merge them into a final large raster. Each smaller raster file is also in relatively large size. I used the terra R package's vrt function to first ...
LittleXQ's user avatar
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Run one program with different arguments in parallel with SLURM

I have a program which doesn't support multi threading. And I want to run it multiple times with different arguments in parallel. Since i have 1000 CPUs available I want it to run on different nodes ...
Huan Sohn's user avatar
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How can I let higher priority Slurm jobs pass through while not sharing individual CPUs among tasks?

My IT department kindly set me up with a Linux VM with Slurm and I'm learning commands. I'm changing numbers a bit, but let's say there are 2 nodes each with 5 cores/CPUs (I think they're the same ...
Sure Not's user avatar
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mpfr_t in custom MPI structs

I am working on converting my program to use arbitrary precision and thus I started utilizing MPFR. I had a custom MPI struct containing my data in my original code. Now that I have converted my data ...
Lucian Chauvin's user avatar
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MLFLOW Artifacts stored in remote storage not showing on UI

Set up: tracking server openstack instance mlflow tracking database on second openstack instance traring on on-prem HPC node Tracking server start python3 -m mlflow server --dev --app-name oidc-auth ...
fabio.geraci's user avatar
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METIS fails to partition a 297 nodes graph into 64 parts : bisect a graph with 0 vertices

So like said in the title, I'm trying to partition a graph using METIS. More precisely, I have a mesh that has 297 elements, so those are the 297 nodes of the graph and I want to partition it into 64 ...
Thibault Cimic's user avatar
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Not able to connect to the remote server using 'simple-ssh' package of nodejs

I have a problem connecting to the remote server using the 'simple-ssh' package of nodejs There are two issues that I am getting: Either the error shows up as => "Error: Timed out while ...
Paritosh Biswas's user avatar
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Passing a string argument to bash causes syntax error

I am trying to run a bash script for rescaling fMRI data using AFNI's 3dcalc. One of the arguments for this function is "expr" which will "Apply the expression - within quotes - to the ...
Connor Johnson's user avatar
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MLflow Tracking Server on HPC

I am considering to use MLflow in the HPC cluster from my university. However, I am concerned about what to use as a tracking server. When using MLflow on my terminal, I use localhost. I heard there ...
pseudobulbose's user avatar
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Is there any way to get the MPE (MPI Parallel Envrionment) SDK?

I want to install the MPE SDK to help me debug my MPI project, but when I turn to this link: I find that all the version of MPE ...
iQuVeauXi's user avatar
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Running module commands in srun

I run into the same issue as where "module" commands are not accessible from within srun. SLURM "srun module load" command exits with error The answer there explains that the ...
Kvothe's user avatar
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Snakemake fails with executor SLURM with slurm_persist_conn_open_without_init

PROBLEM When I use snakemake with a cluster profile and leave it running overnight, trying both with a screen process or with a nohup snakemake ... & detachment, I will run into the following ...
Joshua Mincer's user avatar

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