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Questions tagged [identityserver4]

OpenID Connect Provider and OAuth 2.0 Authorization Server Framework based on ASP.NET Core

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Why should I use OAuth,SAML,Identity Server

We have many web applications and want to integrate SSO.What is the benefit of using OAuth,SAML,Identity Server. What is different from making a custom webapi that produce token and authenticate user.
Numan KIZILIRMAK's user avatar
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How do I get the user claims after I have logged in with IdentityServer 4?

I have used this sample to setup IdentityServer4 with angular and WebApi (ASP.NET Core): Everything is working, I can login and ...
n3tx's user avatar
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Surfacing large image tags that require api authentication

I'm working with a system that is currently switching from using cookie authentication to identity server. The front end of the application is a SPA using KnockoutJS. The SPA has access to a WebAPI ...
Manatherin's user avatar
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40 votes
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Identity Server 4 Authorization Code Flow example

I'm trying to implement Identity Server 4 with AspNet Core using Authorization Code Flow. The thing is, the IdentityServer4 repository on github have several samples, but none with Authorization Code ...
Rafael Miceli's user avatar
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IdentityServer 4 using IIS

I'm trying to work with IdentityServer 4. For now I'm using this link as example. My problem is that using http://localhost:22530/ ...
Vladimir Rodchenko's user avatar
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Generating a valid JWT

I've been getting into using Identity Server 4 this weekend, and I've mostly been impressed with the ease and it feels like I've gotten a good grip for the procedure for creating an access_token. Been ...
bialad's user avatar
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Using database instead of in memory store Identity server 4

Please guide me how we can customize identityserver 4 to use database instead of in memory store. List of class that need to be overridden and how they are to be configured
harmeet's user avatar
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The User.IsInRole("Administrators") with IClaimsTransformer always false

I add the role administrators to user claims after authentication with an IClaimsTransformer impelimentation like this: (principal.Identity as ClaimsIdentity).AddClaim(new Claim(ClaimTypes.Role, "...
Mike Anderson's user avatar
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941 views 5 and IdentityServer4

I am working on a prototype for a site re-architecture using ASP.NET 5 and I am debating using IdentityServer4 for my Authentication and Authorization. I have reviewed a lot of samples and articles ...
user1041169's user avatar
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How to implement identity server 3 localization

I have an identityserver3 as a separate server for authenticating multiple client. I want to localize it and i used IdentityServer3.Contrib.Localization for that, now i know that this is it's usage: ...
Marzouk's user avatar
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14 votes
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How to make IdentityServer to add user identity to the access token?

Short: My client retrieves an access token from IdentityServer sample server, and then passes it to my WebApi. In my controller, this.HttpContext.User.GetUserId() returns null (User has other claims ...
LOST's user avatar
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Is the implicit client security is fragile or my concerns is not valid

I am using the implicit client in the identity server, in the other hand there is a native android app, My security concerns is: 1- App reverse engineering: if the attacker get access to the ...
HB MAAM's user avatar
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IdenityServer in an enterprise environment - Resolve user information across multiple databases

We use the IdentityServer3 as our central authentication provider. Now I have a general question about the IdenityServer in an enterprise environment. I try to explain it with the following example: ...
Martin Schagerl's user avatar
21 votes
4 answers

How would I generate the Identity Server signing certificate

In the identity server samples we find code like this in Startup.cs var certFile = env.ApplicationBasePath + "\\idsrv3test.pfx"; var signingCertificate = new X509Certificate2(certFile, "idsrv3test");...
sunil's user avatar
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OAuth 2.0 Single-use Access Token for unauthenticated user via IdentityServer4

I apologies in advance for incorrect use of oauth terms. I have 4 "parties" as follows (intentionally not using oauth terms where possible): End-user in a browser (javascript) Our website (aspnet) ...
Smudge202's user avatar
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