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IOS 13 VOIP Push Notifications not received when app is KILLED

We have a Cordova App which is using WebRTC for Video Chat. We are using this plugin to achieve VOIP Push Notifications Along with that, we are ...
alext's user avatar
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IOS how to remove notification from notification center while app is terminated by user

I was wondering how does WhatsApp remove notifications from notification center(when read from web as example) while app is terminated by user I am using silent notification but it's not starting app ...
saad agoujil's user avatar
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tap on notification in ios 13 containg appdelgate and scenedelegate not working

I have tried this in ios 13 project this is not working.I have to move from appdelegate to another controller in storyboard func userNotificationCenter(_ center: UNUserNotificationCenter,didReceive ...
prachit's user avatar
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Firebase silent notification is not working with iOS13

I'm trying to send a silent notification through firebase services. But the process is not working (but normal notification is working fine) I've tried various of payload for the script. This is one ...
Satheez's user avatar
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Issues in Neolane SDK integration in iOS

I am implementing Adobe Campaign's Neolane SDK version 1.0.26 for my iOS application. While I am able to register my device successfully in the server. There are the following issues: ...
Amit Gupta's user avatar
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didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken not called for iOS 13 (Objective C)

I am using below code to register for push notification alert. UNUserNotificationCenter *center = [UNUserNotificationCenter currentNotificationCenter]; center.delegate = self; NSLog(@"fapa=1"); [...
Fahim Parkar's user avatar
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Apple APNS Silent/Background Notification with Alert Content - How to make both works

Hi I'm curious to know if anybody has send a APNS push to your phone with payload like: { "aps" : { "alert" : "New Content.", "badge" : 9, "content-available" : 1 }, "acme1" : "bar", "...
Khem's user avatar
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iOS 13 Xcode 11: PKPushKit and APNS in one App

After 30th April 2020, Apple is not accepting build from Xcode 10. It asks to upload the build for iOS 13 SDK. I tried same and now I am getting crashes that with following error. [PKPushRegistry ...
Sanchit Paurush's user avatar
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How to disconnect the video/voice call when the application is in foreground/background/kill states iOS 13. Same as WhatsApp application

I have feature of disconnect the video/voice call when the application is in foreground/background/kill states. Same as Voice Call in WhatsApp application I used Callkit to display default incoming ...
Chaitanya Dwarapudi's user avatar
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How to disconnect the call before Twilio Video Room connect + CallKit iOS 13

I need to disconnect a call before Twilio room connected. For that, we have implemented push notification we achieve but now DidReceiveRemoteNotification method is not calling when app is in ...
Chaitanya Dwarapudi's user avatar
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iOS 13 reason: 'Killing app because it never posted an incoming call to the system after receiving a PushKit VoIP push callback.'

From many days I am stuck at this problem... AnyHashable("aps"): { alert = { action = test; body = "{\"action\":\"connect\",\"meetingId\":\"mdkdkkydjgedjhd\",\"from\":\"...
ki1234's user avatar
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APNS Push notification Background non working anymore

Sorry to repost this question as it was asked a few times, but no answer was ok for me. My app don't wake up anymore on background notification. So I updated my php script and added HEADERs field as ...
Vassily's user avatar
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launchOptions always nil when launching from a push notification

I'm sending push notifications from a Django app (using django-push-notifications) to an iOS app. The app targets iOS 13 and I'm running it on an iPhone 7 running iOS 13.3.1. I'm debugging in Xcode 11....
Spielo's user avatar
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iOS13: Alternative to VOIP push notifications (enterprise) to silently communicate with an app in background now that iOS13 killed it

So for about 4 years in our enterprise environment we were happily using VOIP push notifications to remotely access user's tablets for maintenance and remote data repair purposes. Unlike regular APNS, ...
Nostradamus's user avatar
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didReceiveRemoteNotification not called in iOS 13.3 when app is in background

I am banging my head. I am implementing push notification. Everything is working fine (push is received, badge is updated) but under iOS 13.3 the method application(_:didReceiveRemoteNotification:...
MartinW1985's user avatar

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