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How to toggle between Light & Dark Mode in Xamarin.iOS?

Most of the information I've found online is dealing with Xamarin Forms, Is it possible to toggle between Light & Dark Mode using only Xamarin.iOS? I've added this piece of code to my ViewDidLoad ...
Nantourakis's user avatar
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UIBGTaskScheduler will work if app is killed?

I am working on app in which I want to schedule an alarm like in Android Alarm service. I know there is UIBGTaskScheduler in iOS 13 but I am unable to identify if this can work when app is killed? I ...
Manthan's user avatar
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Window.MakeKeyAndVisible() is not showing new window in iOS 13 and above OS

My requirement is to open new UIWindow instead story board. Used below code to do this, UIWindow window = new UIWindow(UIScreen.MainScreen.Bounds); UIApplication.SharedApplication....
Naveenraj's user avatar
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iOS viewWillAppear not being called when returning from background, even with UIModalPresentationStyle.FullScreen, in iOS 13+

Why isn't iOS calling viewWillAppear when our application is returning from the background, even when I've set UIModalPresentationStyle.FullScreen?
Le-roy Staines's user avatar
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Change iOS status bar text color while dark mode is activated

With iOS 13 new dark mode feature, it now seems impossible for me to control the status bar text color in Xamarin Forms. Most of the solutions I find seem to be from before dark mode was introduced to ...
William Dumont's user avatar
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Can we control when the Bluetooth access prompt is shown programmatically (like location)?

I asked a question recently on how to access the callback from the new Bluetooth access prompt in iOS 13 regarding the new description - NSBluetoothAlwaysUsageDescription. I'm not sure I even saw a ...
jtth's user avatar
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iOS 13 background location updates permission clarification

I'm struggling to get my app to get background location updates with the 'when in use' permission setting on iOS 13. It works perfectly fine with the always permission, but i want 'When in use'. I ...
Jhardy's user avatar
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Xamarin.Forms ListView does not highlight selected item?

Trying to ramp up a new project on Xamarin.Forms, and on iOS 13 no highlight is being shown on my ListViews. Using Visual Studio for Mac's out-of-the-box "Blank Forms App" solution, I changed the ...
J. Perkins's user avatar
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Xamarin.Forms App crash on iOS after updating to 13.1

I was using Visual Studio 2017 with Visual Studio 2017 on mac. Mono version was 5.18.1 and Xamarin.iOS version was 12.4 (I think). The app worked fine without any problem. Recently I have updated ...
Tharindu's user avatar
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Getting SSID of the connected wifi network in Xamarin.iOS, iOS 13

After passing from iOS 12 to 13 I am no more able to get the SSID of the connected wifi network. I tried the solution for iOS 13 proposed in this question but with no result. My previous successful ...
AndreaGobs's user avatar
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Xamarin iOS App crashing after users upgrade to iOS 13

After users upgrade their devices to iOS 13 our Xamarin iOS app opens and immediately crashes, but if the users then completely uninstall and then install the app it works perfectly fine. We use ...
Adam Bowler's user avatar
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CBCentralManager's retrievePeripherals(withIdentifiers:) not yielding CBPeripherals under iOS13?

I was wondering if anyone ran into the same problem under iOS 13 that the call to CBCentralManager retrievePeripherals(withIdentifiers:) returns 'null' although there is a ble device paired with the ...
awyss91's user avatar
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Xamarin iOS Push Notification stopped working in iOS 13

When I updated my iOS into version 13 suddenly the override method RegisteredForRemoteNotifications is not being called so no device token is being received for my phone.
Mark John Alcantara's user avatar
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Xamarin Essential Share in iOS 13

I wanted to implement share feature in my app with xamarin forms '' and xamarin essential 1.3.1 Everything works fine except Reminder feature in iOS 13.0. It does not get my title or URI ...
TTT's user avatar
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Access (File.Copy) to a shared file fails in iOS 13

I am using the method File.Copy(url.Path, localAppDataPathWithFile) in the method OpenUrl in the class AppDelegate.cs (I use Xamarin for development). This was working in iOS 12 and below ...
MichaD's user avatar
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