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Unable to install app in iOS 13.X devices which pushed via Test flight

Unable to install the app in iOS 13.X devices only when it is pushed via Test flight. Getting the below error. iTunesMetadata.plist content supplied to install command specified bundleVersion (9) that ...
Sankarann's user avatar
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cutted bottom of UITableViewCell iOS 13

There is a problem with UITableView height - the bottom UILabel is cutted in iOS13.8 i have set row height like below, but it doesnt work WindowsTableView.RowHeight = UITableView.AutomaticDimension; ...
Tat Leb's user avatar
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Not able to change the Light shade of iOS UINavigationBar in Xamarin Forms 4.5

I am trying to remove the light shade of Navigationbar in ios. Below is the code I tried. Also tried different scenarios, still the shade is not removed. I am using XF Is there anything to ...
ayana sudhi's user avatar
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How to toggle between Light & Dark Mode in Xamarin.iOS?

Most of the information I've found online is dealing with Xamarin Forms, Is it possible to toggle between Light & Dark Mode using only Xamarin.iOS? I've added this piece of code to my ViewDidLoad ...
Nantourakis's user avatar
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Window.MakeKeyAndVisible() is not showing new window in iOS 13 and above OS

My requirement is to open new UIWindow instead story board. Used below code to do this, UIWindow window = new UIWindow(UIScreen.MainScreen.Bounds); UIApplication.SharedApplication....
Naveenraj's user avatar
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How to disconnect the call before Twilio Video Room connect + CallKit iOS 13

I need to disconnect a call before Twilio room connected. For that, we have implemented push notification we achieve but now DidReceiveRemoteNotification method is not calling when app is in ...
Chaitanya Dwarapudi's user avatar
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Vision.VNRecognizeTextRequest in Xamarin iOS 13

Does anyone know if Xamarin iOS has support for Vision.VNRecognizeTextRequest. I came across a old post which says it is not available in Xamarin ...
User382's user avatar
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AVPlayer Pan Gesture not Working on iOS 13

I am working on Xamarin Forms Project where users can navigate to list of playlists and then preview them. During preview, users can swipe between the videos. On iOS 12 everything is working fine but ...
deanwin3390's user avatar
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Swipe right on Xamarin.iOS with IOS 13 doesn't animate the effect

I have Xamarin Native (iOS/Droid) app. In older iOS versions, navigating back to previous viewControllers can be done by swiping right with one animation that drags the current view for the screen. ...
Adria Alabau's user avatar
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Change iOS status bar text color while dark mode is activated

With iOS 13 new dark mode feature, it now seems impossible for me to control the status bar text color in Xamarin Forms. Most of the solutions I find seem to be from before dark mode was introduced to ...
William Dumont's user avatar
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Can we control when the Bluetooth access prompt is shown programmatically (like location)?

I asked a question recently on how to access the callback from the new Bluetooth access prompt in iOS 13 regarding the new description - NSBluetoothAlwaysUsageDescription. I'm not sure I even saw a ...
jtth's user avatar
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Xamarin iOS Refreshing And Maintaining App Using BackgroundTasks

This is an attempt to use BGTaskScheduler in Xamarin.iOS. I have tried to run the sample Application from
Don Chakkappan's user avatar
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How to send silent push notification IOS13? Doesn't work since update (Xamarin.ios)

Our app has to receive silent notification from a service to work properly. Like check-in now with location info...etc. It worked perfectly before IOS13. However it stopped working since the update. ...
fra's user avatar
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Xamarion.iOS statusBar BackgroundColor won‘t change

Since iOS13‘s darkmode i‘m working on supporting it in my Xamarin.Forms application. Everything works fine beside the StatusBar color when a NavigationBar is displayed. The usual behaviour of the Bar ...
Elias Johannes's user avatar
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Xamarin.Forms App crash on iOS after updating to 13.1

I was using Visual Studio 2017 with Visual Studio 2017 on mac. Mono version was 5.18.1 and Xamarin.iOS version was 12.4 (I think). The app worked fine without any problem. Recently I have updated ...
Tharindu's user avatar
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