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Questions tagged [iterm2]

`iterm2` is a GPL terminal emulator available on macOS.

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How does the iterm2 Python API determine which tab a script is running in?

I have a set of window tabs I use regularly, and when I start up iTerm2, I restore this using "Window->Restore Window Arrangement". In .bashrc, I'd like to use the Iterm Python API to set ...
Michael Wilson's user avatar
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How to remove iterm2 line focus on click?

I'm currently running into an issue with iterm2 on my new macbook that I didn't had on my previous macbook, I imported my old config but it appears a new thing happens when I click on a line, it ...
GregLtrnr's user avatar
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Paste multi lines in Rails console with pry

Problem: I cannot paste multi-line code as pry tries to execute every line. Expected behavior: [1] pry(main)> %w[a b c] .map(&:to_sym) => [:a, :b, :c] [2] pry(main)> Actual behavior: [1] ...
Alexey Zalyotov's user avatar
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Iterm2 disable highlighting of individual parts in terminal

After the update, a problem appeared. I can click on any part of the console, and it highlights that place and makes the rest of the place lighter. How to turn it off?
Alex Batashov's user avatar
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Disable click highlight command + output

I just updated iterm and I noticed that when I click on the window, an outline appears on the clicked command and output: I didn't change anything, so I'm guessin is update related, but I can't find ...
Chux's user avatar
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Trouble resolving this issue on iterm2: iconv

I'm trying to convert the encoding of a file using the iconv command on macOS, but I keep encountering the following error: iconv: iconv_open(, -t): Invalid argument Error converting string from to ...
Deepak Reddy's user avatar
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How to set iTerm2 color to darkmode with powerlevel10k

I'm setting up iTerm2 on a new macbook using brew and cannot figure out how to get darkmode set. I ran brew install iTerm2 and then brew install zsh, and then installed ohmyzsh using. sh -c "$(...
ashissl's user avatar
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Turn off command highlighting in May 20 2024 iTerm2 Release

This highlighting feature is driving me crazy. How do I turn it off?
willwrighteng's user avatar
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How did I get the git branch to appear in iTerm2?

My iTerm2 terminal tells me what git branch I'm on. I like this feature a lot, but it seems like this is not a default feature. I don't remember doing anything specific to get this. I've checked my ...
jshfgashdf's user avatar
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Can iTerm2 be configured to send keystrokes at random intervals for 'keepalive' functionality?

I have a serial console that times out if there is no input entered for 5 minutes, this setting is on the server side and I cannot change it. I need to monitor the output of a long running operation ...
Locane's user avatar
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iterm Actions Dropdown

I am using the iterm status bar with the Actions Menu to store common bash commands that I use, but my list is growing and it would be great to organize these in a hierarchy. Is there anything that ...
Joe's user avatar
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Is it possible to execute command in another split pane without leaving the current pane in iTerm2?

Using iTerm2 (Python API allowed), is it possible to execute command in another split pane without leaving the current pane? Example Use-case: I have two split panes. In the first pane, I edit Rust ...
ynn's user avatar
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Why does my terminal on OSX (iTerm2) not need me to reset the echo flag?

I'm trying to get a handle on terminal flags (to build up a terminal based UI) and so I'm following this guide Entering Raw Mode but with Zig. If I turn off echo with this snippet const std = @import(&...
Nick's user avatar
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How to enable word-wrap (line-wrap at word boundaries) in iTerm2

After updating macOS & iTerm2, word-wrap function in iTerm2 seems to work incorrectly. Long lines break within a word instead of soft-wrapping the whole word to the next line. Environment: macOS ...
lorna's user avatar
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iTerm2: is there a setting to favor new window rather than new tab when opening a new profile?

Basically, I want every new profile opened to be in a new window (and I will use some window-management tools like Spectacle in macOS, to manage the windows). Currently, it opens in a tab inside one ...
Roy's user avatar
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