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Questions tagged [jbuilder]

JBuilder is a IDE for Java developed by Embarcadero Technologies. It is also the name of a Ruby library for producing JSON.

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JBuilder and Rails 6.1

I am working on a POC for switching from active-model-serializer to jbuilder. I am very sad to see AMS being relegated to unsupported status. It's going to take forever to convert our 200+ serializers ...
Dan's user avatar
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Can't filter in a join table

I am creating an API in ruby on rails and I have 3 tables Invoice, Package and Additional_charge. Invoice has many Packages and Packages has many Additional_charges I have this query: invoices = ...
NaguiHW's user avatar
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jbuilder with Condition if .present?

if presenter.present? @presenter = presenter end json.extract!, :id, :name json.schedule @presenter.formated_schedule and i have this error NameError: # undefined local ...
Anna Bozio's user avatar
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Why the json.partial! line in jbuiler template is not executed when passing locals using new hash syntax?

I have this line in my jbuilder template using the new hash syntax. It seems this line is not executed at all. json.partial! 'comments', post:, comments: If I modify the line back to the old syntax ...
Wen's user avatar
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How do I render an easypost address by id from a user?

I am trying to find the address by the "address_id" column in the user model to then render that address. Note: Since this is easypost I did not make the address model itself and there is no ...
HazemS24's user avatar
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Use jBuilder template to make a Hash

Is there a way to get jBuilder to generate a Hash from a template instead of a string? render(template: "foo", formats: :json) will return stringified JSON. I can of course parse the ...
hrdwdmrbl's user avatar
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Rails jbuilder error: ActionView::Template::Error (undefined method

I have a Rails 6 app and we're using jbuilder to define the shape of JSON responses. Recently, I started getting the following error: ActionView::Template::Error (undefined method `empty?' for #<...
emersonthis's user avatar
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How do i put entities into props after fetching it from componetDidMount?

inside componentDidMount Im calling the dispatched fetchReviews. but once mounted how does the fetched reviews get set in props? business show component: import React from "react"; import { ...
vstoic's user avatar
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JSON response with nested calculated key in ROR

I have a model and I need to group some of relations and make json response. For example i have Models: users: { orders ... } orders: { order_group items ... } items: { ... } order_groups:...
exvayn's user avatar
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How can I change an array into an object in jbuilder when it is the value of a key?

I'm using rails and I'm formatting the response with jbuilder and associations. Here is the code that I have json.comments @post.comments.each do |comment| json.set! do json....
lj_tang's user avatar
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Rails not able to find partial

I have a folder structure like project/app/views/api/users/_user.json.jbuilder The error is Searched in: * "/Users/name/Desktop/etc/etc/project/app/views" ActionView::MissingTemplate - ...
TedTran2019's user avatar
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How should i test controller with jbuilder views?

this is my controller class NewsController < ApplicationController def show @news = News.find_by id: params[:id] end end this is views json.extract! @news ,:id, :title , :...
mitjay98's user avatar
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Adding an attribute to json from joined table

I am trying to provide a json that would contain information coming from two tables:MenuItem, and Partner. In the json below "partner_number" would actually come from the partner table. { ...
Blaise's user avatar
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Assigning jBuilder output to a variable

I have a Ruby on Rails App that uses jbuilder. I am using jbuilder to help render json responses. Is there a way assign the jbuilder partial to a variable without rendering the result? I have been ...
lukechambers91's user avatar
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Json JBuilder array from key value pairs

In my current JSON output I have key value pair like this "genres":[{"id":3,"name":"Biography"},{"id":1,"name":"Drama"},{"id&...
Mw1337's user avatar
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