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479 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Cannot select years BC

I'm working on a project that need to handle dates BC (eg 100BC, or 2000BC) as well as 2014AC etc.. In the API documentation of Datepicker, it is stated that minDate and maxDate can be set using ...
Odys's user avatar
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jQuery UI Datepicker not working on iOS

I have a search form with a couple of date fields that I'm happily using jQuery UI's datepicker on: <input class="formFields datepicker" id="arrival" name="arrival" required="" placeholder="...
Luke Twomey's user avatar
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How to make a jquery datePicker button image unclickable

I have a jquery UI datePicker in my page. I have a text box on which the date is displayed. The code is: $("#cal").datepicker({ minDate: new Date(), defaultDate: new Date(), buttonImage: ...
Farzana's user avatar
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jQuery UI Datepicker - color dates after the selected date

I'm using the jQuery UI datepicker to allow the user to select a date. I need to color 7 days after the selected date. For example, if the user has selected 1.1.2015, the days 2.1.2015 to 8.1.2015 ...
Alex's user avatar
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jQueryUI Datepicker refresh after initialization

On site I have default datepicker initializated globally for all inputs with class input-date. $('body').on('focus', '.input-date', function () { $(this).datepicker({ changeMonth: true, ...
s7anley's user avatar
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jQuery UI datepicker not selecting the correct month in 1.12.1

When loading jQuery 3.1.1 and jQuery UI 1.12.1 (both production versions) the datepicker forward and back arrows do not take you to the proper months when numberOfMonths is greater than 1 and ...
Steve Cersosimo's user avatar
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jQueryUI datepicker formatted date range clearing its partner on new date

I have two input fields, displaying a from and a to month/year. No date should be selected, only the month and year are actually relevant, so first day in the month is used. They also have an alt ...
Zifle's user avatar
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jquery ui datepicker force non-inline (popup) mode on span or div

I am attaching datepicker to a span but I want the popup style and functionality that you get from attaching to an input. I can change the css to position:absolute, but the datepicker does not close ...
Benjamin's user avatar
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Fire function after jQuery UI datepicker has rendered

I want to add a hover to all .ui-state-default elements (cells) of a datepicker. The hover uses class information added by the beforeShowDay function. I need a way to be able to rebind the hover ...
Phillip Whisenhunt's user avatar
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MVC3 Cultures vs jQuery UI Date Formats

I am having a problem with an MVC3 application using a jQuery UI DatePicker object. Within the MVC application, I ask the user to pick their required culture, i.e en-GB, which then formats all dates ...
Gavin Coates's user avatar
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Jquery datepicker throwing too much recursion error

Im trying to modify the jquery datepicker with done button as clear button. but it is throwing too much recursion error... my code is, function datePickerToCompareTwoFields(){ var dformat = ...
user685115's user avatar
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Silent Error in jQuery UI datepicker

I have encountered a very strange problem. I am building a reporting package and part of it uses the daterangepicker library to, well, pick a date range. However, during the function that creates ...
Aatch's user avatar
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Angular 5: jQuery UI datepicker not working

I want to use the jQuery UI datepicker with Angular 5, but it doesn't work... First I wrote a simple html file without Angular: <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"&...
Volker's user avatar
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jQuery UI datepicker classes Option not overwriting default classes

As per the classes option guide here, I tried to overwrite the default classes used by jQuery ui datepicker. The datepicker doesn't have a .prototype, like the other widgets, so $.ui.datepicker....
lehel's user avatar
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Get Weeks in a Month in Jquery DateTimePicker Week

Current I am using Jquery DatePicker as my Calender picker in one of my project. My Requirement is to get the week number also added in each month's Calender display. Also for every month, week should ...
Itsme's user avatar
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jQuery-ui datepicker gets cut off when scroll bar exists

Here is a screenshot of what I'm experiencing. The dark teal band at the bottom of the picture is a footer that spans across the whole screen, and what is inside the white area with the portion of the ...
Joshua Terrill's user avatar
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.datepicker improper position on mobile?

On my computer .datepicker shows correctly beneath the form: But on my phone .datepicker overlaps the form: <%= f.text_field :deadline, id: "six", class: 'form-control', placeholder: 'Enter ...'s user avatar
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datePicker : get the TD element object of a DAY

I want to be able to find the parent "td" of a day on a datepicker calendar, but can't find a way to do this. Example of the outpout of a datepicker : <td class=" " data-year="2013" data-month="6"...
Owow's user avatar
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how to change the jquery ui theme dynamically

I have three text box with jquery ui date picker Now what i need is i need to add the theme dynamically for each date picker i need separate theme is it possible to do ? Please check my Fiddle here ...
Question User's user avatar
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How to retrieve values from datepicker in a datepicker input field (using PHP MySQL)?

I have this form to update a record using PHP MySQL. I want to retrieve the value of the date column in a datepicker field. Is that possible? I try using $_REQUEST['date'], but the result is empty. ...
thenoirlatte's user avatar
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Multiple date inputs for jquery UI datepicker

I have a datepicker, and I need to be able to enter a date manually in multiple different formats. For example, for May 7, 2015, I need to be able to enter: 05/07/2015 05072015 050715 5715 I ...
Brandon's user avatar
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jQuery UI datepicker doesn't close on the iPad

The datepicker usually works on the PC, but not in iPad's browser. In beforeShow, I add the button to close: var headerPane = $("#ui-datepicker-div"); headerPane.append("<a href='javascript:void(0)...
Rafael Alves's user avatar
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Multiple datepicker selected dates want to be highlighted

Already this question is there jquery multiple datepicker selected dates not highlighted well But im not getting the result for ex : if i selected the date 1 to 10 it want to highlight dates between ...
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Focus an inline jQuery UI Datepicker for the keyboard shortcuts?

I've been searching the net for an answer or sample of this but have come up short so far. jQuery UI gives some great "out of the box" keyboard shortcuts for the Datepicker widget, but they only seem ...
M.Bush's user avatar
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Cannot configure jQuery datepicker to select default date

I am using the following plugin for a datepicker: This is a very nice plugin however I am finding it difficult to set a default date when loading the box. ...
CR41G14's user avatar
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beforeShowDay call a day twice

how can i prevent that the function beforeShowDay called a day to times? The jquery datepicker has two months. 30.01.2013 -> month side jan 31.01.2013 -> month side jan 01.02.2013 -> month ...
poldixd's user avatar
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How to Calculate Number of days between two calender dates which are in text format in Javascript?

I'm having a form which is having two input fields with date picker(with the help of jquery ui).One asking a check in date & the other asking check out date.I want to calculate the Number of Days ...
user1820858's user avatar
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jQuery UI datepicker input class

I'm quite fresh on jQuery, and I've just implemented jQuery + jQuery UI, but on the datepicker widget it seems like the classes added on the inputs from before are removed, and datepicker classes are ...
olemarius's user avatar
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Jquery UI Datepicker does not work

I tried everything but the Jquery ui datepicker does not shows up. Here is my code HEAD <link type="text/css" href="css/ui-lightness/jquery-ui-1.8.20.custom.css" rel="Stylesheet" /> <...
Roberto de Nobrega's user avatar
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Flatpickr doesn't show after html code is rendered

I am using Flatpicker to show a datetime picker, and the following code works fine, if i click on the input field, the calender opens and the user is able to pick a datetime. <input id="...
Lesley Peters's user avatar
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How to use datepicker() in JS code ? (not a function)

I'm trying to use the datepicker function but I'm getting a error. There is a lot of topic about this problem but every time i try a different method, it doesn't work (with .noconflict() -> maybe i'...
dyd's user avatar
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Selecting a date in datepicker

If you select 06.05.2021 in the first datepicker, then the second date picker should not select anything before 06.05.2021. The script works with the yy-mm-dd format. The format does not work....
Nikita's user avatar
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Datepicker not appearing when using javascript file

I am trying to make the Datepicker widget appear by using a javascript file and it won't appear when I load the html file in a browser. I am also very new to coding in html/javascript. The Datepicker ...
Madeline Bellanger's user avatar
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JQuery UI Datepicker Extension Function

I would like the ability to add a custom function to an existing jquery class, similar to an extension method in C# (specifically datepicker). I am able to get a static version of this working by ...
IanSoc's user avatar
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jquery ui datepicker option dateformat does not respond properly

I want to use the jquery ui datepicker in order to pick months and years. After searching in sites i have created this function: $(".datepickerSchedule").datepicker({ showOn: "both", ...
kyrpav's user avatar
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jQuery UI DatePicker: Exclude days + dates

After browsing a lot of topics over here and trying different approches I still have problems with disabling days and dates in the jQuery UI DatePicker. I tried creating 2 arrays which I check in the ...
Mark Boots's user avatar
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Undefined page opening on clicking jquery datepicker next event

I am making a webpage and have used jquery-3.2.1.min.js , jquery-ui.min.js and animsition.min.js. I am using datepicker for capturing date using following code :- $(document).ready(function() { $("#...
Naveen Jain's user avatar
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JQUERY UI Datepicker won't close when selecting selected date

I have a datepicker in js (using Jquery UI), that works just fine. When i click on a date, the datepicker closes. But, when I click the date that is already selected, the datepicker won t close. (...
john doe's user avatar
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dynamically pass min date to jQuery datepicker from bootstrap datetimepicker

I am working on a project, Actually there are two datepickers in my page. One is bootstrap datepicker and another is jQuery datepicker. There are three date fields, one is for start event date and ...
Neeraj Sharma's user avatar
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jQuery Datepick plugin (Keith Wood) julian dates incorrect with daylight savings

I am having an issue with Datepick by Keith Wood. I want to display the selected date in julian format in the text box and the calendar pop-up. However, during day-light savings, the calendar pop-up ...
Alex1018's user avatar
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jQuery UI datepicker inside multiple dynamic modal forms

I have dynamic modals in every id_pkt that I input the package and it will do looping. But the datepicker in id=tanggal only appears at first form. How do I loop the datepicker? $(document).ready(...
ghilang wishanggeni's user avatar
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jQuery datepicker function: datepicker not a function

I am trying to add jQuery datepicker function here. But I am getting an error like 'Datepicker is not a function'. please let me know what went wrong. I went through other questions and tried ...
Aneez's user avatar
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minDate() and maxDate() property of jquery datepicker plugin not working

I have tried so many means I've seen on how to use the minDate() and maxDate() property of jquery datepicker plugin to restrict a user from picking a range of date values but none ever worked. Even ...
Wisdom's user avatar
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Convert datePicker UI to jalali in Odoo 8 (formerly openerp)

i'm using odoo 8 for our team and we need to implement Jalali(Persian) calendar for our customers, we've added one module that converts picked gregorian date to jalali, but in the UI we see Gregorian ...
Mort's user avatar
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How to overwrite jquery ui-datepicker style?

We are using ui-datepicker on an old system. It is setting the component style by adding to the div a style , for example <div id="ui-datepicker-div" class="ui-corner-all ui-datepicker ui-helper-...
shasho's user avatar
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How to add dynamic text on date cell in jquery datepicker

I want to know how to add dynamic text to specific date in inline jquery datepicker, Here is what I tried but this is not for inline datepicker $(function () { $("#datepicker")....
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Error: Object doesn't support property or method datepicker - Jquery datepicker - IE11

Jquery DatePicker works perfectly in Chrome, but throws 'Object doesn't support property or method datepicker' in IE11. Tried various things but in vain. This doesn't seem to work in IE at all. Any ...
Abhilash V's user avatar
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jQuery UI Datepicker is not installing

I am trying to install datepicker on my webpage. But it doesn't appear in browser. I have several script files, is there any problem with other files ? Here is my datepicker div <body> <!-- ...
prokawsar's user avatar
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jQuery UI datepicker not working?

I have the jQuery ui datepicker showing up in my web app, but when I go to choose a date, it doesn't do anything. And the default Html5 datepicker is still showing up. My datepicker image How can I ...
Afton's user avatar
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jQuery Datepicker toggle between range selection and single date selection

I'm using Datepicker to toggle between date selection for oneway and round bus trips. Function datecalendar is for round and initiated from round div, while datecalendar1 is for oneway and is ...
Avi Sangray's user avatar

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