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ASP.NET MVC 3 is the third major version of Model-View-Controller extension for developing web applications in a .NET framework.

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When I host my site on my PC In IIS server the email send correctly when i host on my Production server the email does not send

I'm experiencing an issue with sending emails using System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient in an ASP.NET Web API project. The emails are supposed to be sent automatically using Hangfire, but I'm encountering an ...
Daniel Zain's user avatar
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Sending Emails from Gmail to Exchange Mail in ASP.NET Core MVC: How Can I Achieve This?

I've encountered a perplexing issue with my ASP.NET Core MVC project. Within my application, I've integrated a contact form feature to facilitate user inquiries and feedback submissions. The objective ...
Screames's user avatar
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Running Task.Factory.StartNew() results in System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1[System.Web.Mvc.ActionResult] showing up on the returned view (ASP.NET MVC3)

Our goal is to get Google Recaptcha V3 working on a single form on an MVC3 .NET4.5 project. However, I'm struggling to make this work due to the async request to Google for the Recaptcha score. FE is ...
DayByDay's user avatar
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Insert new user AspNetUser from another controller in .NET 7

I'm using .NET 7 and I saw some posts about the questions I look for, but no one similar my error and my way to insert the new user inside the AspNetUser table. I have my company controller and I try ...
Pe Zar's user avatar
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Error HRESULT E_FAIL has been returned from a call to a COM component in MVC

I have a problem while creating the Asp.Net MVC project on visual studio 2022. Project is created with an error message. Error HRESULT E_FAIL has been returned from a call to a COM component. ...
Muhammad Ali's user avatar
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ASP.NET MVC 3/4 Razor - public action method not found - how to debug

I'm just working on an existing C# ASP.NET MVC 3/4 application and I am getting an error when trying to call a method. The call is @url.Action("Bob", "BobController") The ...
AndyW's user avatar
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get data by linq but have Error when doit this

I have this Error use casting ('t => ((Derived)t).MyProperty') or the 'as' operator ('t => (t as Derived).MyProperty'). Collection navigation access can be filtered by composing Where, OrderBy(...
ATA's user avatar
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ASP.NET issue facing exception issue

I'm facing 404 error. It is throwing the exception error how tp resolve the exception error. I'm running Login page but it is taking to the error.aspx page in that its showing the exception what steps ...
Sameer Kulkarni 's user avatar
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How to Implement a View Count Feature for a Blog Website in MVC Using a Database?

I have developed a blog website using the MVC pattern in, and I'm looking to implement a view count feature for my blogs using a database. Specifically, I want to display the number of users ...
Abhishek Deshmukh's user avatar
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Unable to install ASP.NET MVC 3 using chocolatey

In the past, I have used the following command to install MVC 3 using chocolaty in the dockerfile without issue. For some reason, I started getting the 404 not found message. I think the package ...
Alvin's user avatar
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Display data from DB to ajaxToolkit LINE CHART (Ajax control Toolkit v20.1) Using ASP.NET Webform C# (Dissertation Question)

So, I have some data in my database and I want to display them in a Line chart. I am getting 2 errors when using 2 different approaches. Please refer below. Am stuck, please help. In my database I ...
danny's user avatar
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Why ModelState Isvalid false when working on images

public ActionResult Signup(UserTable u) { string fileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(u.ImageFile.FileName); string extension = Path.GetExtension(u.ImageFile.FileName); fileName ...
Ahsan Shafique's user avatar
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How to create an ASP.NET MVC 3.2.7 page with 3 view models

I'm building an ASP.NET MVC 3.2.7 web site. I have the following Entity Framework 6.4.4 database model: [Table("Report")] public class Report { [Key] public class ReportId { get; set;...
Tony Vitabile's user avatar
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How to make correct test project

Good day. I create test project by url But after launching the program, the page display ...
Sergey Ivanov's user avatar
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MVC Increase max number of concurrent simultaneous request per user [duplicate]

I am working on a MVC .NET 4.7 web application. There is a use case when users start a time consuming process via an ajax call. Once this time consuming task has started, they might give up on it and ...
A.D.'s user avatar
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