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$(this) not set in the jQuery UI dialog "open" option

At the bottom of a word game there are 4 buttons, which open jQuery UI dialogs with certain words from the game dictionary: I am trying to simplify the game code by creating the following function: //...
Alexander Farber's user avatar
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JQUERY UI Dialog Box Success Function Is Not Working...Executing But Not Working

I am trying to convert the ugly dialog confirmation box to the JQUERY UI.....The confirmation box works.....when I convert it over to the's that I am getting a dialog box.....
Steve Smith's user avatar
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JavaScript doesn't apply on jQuery UI dialog

$("input, select, textarea") .addClass("ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-corner-all") .css({ padding: ".2rem .5rem" }); So, I use the ...
Ward Verduyn's user avatar
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jquery.ui dialog button with a icon

I am looking to have a button from a jquery.ui with a icon. My preferance is fontawsone, but I suppose bootstrap ones are ok. So, say this markup: <asp:Button ID="cmdTest" runat=&...
Albert D. Kallal's user avatar
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Why does the jquery-ui-dialog close-function doesnt work with this button call?

I have this following code where buttons with the value "Add" are added. Now i wanted that these buttons close the dialog window. So i made an onClick attribute and linked it with the hey-...
Tim's user avatar
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Why are the changes immediately reset when a dialog window is opened?

I want to open a dialog that loads the code of another page. This works so far. Now I want to set a select of the loaded dialog to one of its options and then disable (lock) it. But every change I ...
Tim's user avatar
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Unable to close jQuery UI Dialog when clicking outside

I want to set the dialog box to close when clicking outside of it but every approach I've tried doesn't work. I think that the problems occurs because the element that triggers the dialog doesn't ...
RedYoel's user avatar
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Pass dialog title variable in jQuery Dialog

I need to pass the title of the jQuery dialog variably. I am trying to use the "data" property like this: jQuery( "#dialog" ).data( 'the_title', 'John Doe Dialog' ).dialog( "...
karlosuccess's user avatar
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jQueryUI 1.13.0 Breaks dialog function in ASP.NET that works with jQueryUI 1.12.1

This uses jQuery 3.6.0. Wanting to upgrade from jQueryUI 1.12.1 to 1.13.0. This works as expected with jQueryUI 1.12.1. The LinkButton brings up a modal with information, no user input or interaction ...
McE's user avatar
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How can I close a JQuery dialog using a pre-defined function?

I want to make my dialog close after the following function: function decide(category, choice, price, bool) { data.push([category, choice, price, earn]); } I have tried playing around with JQuery's ...
LitFishie121's user avatar
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TinyMCE Editor not showing inside JQuery UI Dialog

The editor textarea is not showing inside the jQuery UI dialog modal. Instead, the status bar is showing right below the toolbar. I am using : jquery-3.5.1.min.js tinymce v5.7.1 bootstrap v4.5.3 ...
Ly Kun's user avatar
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JQueryUI dialog moving outside browser window

I am using JQueryUI with dialogextend on a boostrap template (Shards UI). I have the issue that the dialog can move outside the window and makes scrollbars to the webpage: Does anyone know what can ...
Marvin's user avatar
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Changing jquery UI dialogue titlebar HTML from span to H2

I am using a JQuery UI dialogue and it renders the below HTML. I want the span tag to be replaced with H2 tag, do we have any way to do this <div class="ui-dialog-titlebar ui-widget-header&...
akash prasad's user avatar
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jQuery UI dialog button positioned on the left

I have a dialog defined as follows: $('#dgReport').dialog({ modal: true, autoOpen: false, width: 450, title: '', resizable: false, ...
sarsnake's user avatar
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TinyMCE with AJAX content in cloned JQuery UI Dialog

When opening a cloned UI Dialog the first time, the TinyMCE inside the Dialog is loaded with content: setup: function(editor) { editor.on('init', function() { ...
IlludiumPu36's user avatar
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jQuery load() has 200 response code, but desired contents not loaded in selected element

In one JSP file I have an element: <div id="mydialog"></div> I have an anchor tag <a href='#' id="#newentry"> On the click of the anchor tag I have some jQuery ...
omri's user avatar
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How to show a JQuery dialog on successful return from a jquery ajax invocation

I am having a problem showing a jquery dialog on the return of an ajax call. Below is the dialog and supporting html: function ShowDeleteReturnStatusDialog(deletedId) { $("#...
Robertcode's user avatar
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How to remove apex.widget.waitPopup() when ui dialog opens

I need to remove waitPopup() when "value required" error is displayed. (Correct errors before saving.) Do you have any suggestions? I have DA Before Page Submit: $('body').append('<div class="...
Bulkst's user avatar
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Jquery dialog resize before opening but dialog opens with previous width-height

I'm using jquery dialog to open a screen when the buttons clicked on the sidebar. Basically, when clicked buton, following codes run: resizeDialog(); $("#dashboardContainer").dialog("open"); ...
lesstalkmorecode's user avatar
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Input fields of jquery dialog box freezes

I have a dialog box with a button and checkbox on it. On open function of dialog box i have following code: $('#dialog1').dialog({ modal: true, open: function (event, ui) { $('#...
Sweta Prajapati's user avatar
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Jquery Dialog not loading in aspnet MVC

i want to be to display child records when i click a button . The data is displayed as a table. I have created a partial view that will display the records. I have created a controller action method ...
user3079559's user avatar
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Multiple dialog function inside loop

i try to make a multiple dialog form from some data in the database but when i clicked the button, the dialog form not showed i use PHP increment numeric to differentiate the attribute id then i use ...
Iqbal's user avatar
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jqueryui dialog not hiding when destroy() is called

I'm having a problem with the jqueryui dialog box showing the div elements even after the dialog box has been destroyed. I'm using The latest jqueryui version 1.12.1 with the current version of ...
user516853's user avatar
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When the jQuery dialog is on I do not want the user to interact with the background

If the user clicks an external link, the jQuery UI dialog appears with "ok" and "cancel" buttons and when they hit "ok" it should take them to the external site. Everything is working as expected, ...
User's user avatar
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JQuery - How to target correct button in multiple JQuery cloned Dialogs?

I am cloning multiple instances of a JQuery Dialog: $('#button').click(function() { $('.dialog').clone().appendTo('body').removeClass('dialog').dialog({ width: '300', height: '200'...
IlludiumPu36's user avatar
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Why doesn't my jQuery-UI dialog work even though all script references are included?

I have a jQuery-UI which is supposed to act as a filter on a table column header. It worked perfectly fine when I wrote the implementation as a seperate html file. This is the file which does work ...
GameFromScratch's user avatar
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dialog is not displaying with proper height in jquery

I'm appending the jquery dialog to body. I'm setting the height to the dialog. // Create timeout warning dialog $('body').append('<div id="sessionTimeout-dialog" title="' ...
user2636874's user avatar
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How to improve cancel button behavior and make the close to work the same as cancel?

I'm setting a small window for set and update parameters of different modules in a web app, for this, I'm using a jQueryUI dialog that loads the settings from each module at the time. My problem is ...
jpotterh's user avatar
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jQuery-UI .dialog("moveToTop") is throwing an error even though it worked successfully

I'm having trouble calling dialog("moveToTop") on my Jquery dialog after I've opened it. The reason I'm calling it is because my modal dialogs are appearing under the overlay (They need to be appended ...
AllGoogledOut's user avatar
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Dialog is always blank on first click

I am pulling data from WebAPI and trying to display in a table format in a dialog. WebAPI is called on a btton click. On the first click, the dialog always is blank. From the second click onwards, i ...
user2147447's user avatar

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