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Questions tagged [jquery]

jQuery is a JavaScript library. jQuery is a popular cross-browser JavaScript library that facilitates Document Object Model (DOM) traversal, event handling, animations, and AJAX interactions by minimizing the discrepancies across browsers. A question tagged jQuery should be related to jQuery, so jQuery should be used by the code in question, and at least jQuery usage-related elements must be in the question. Consider also adding the JavaScript tag.

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ScrollY issue in Datatable

I am using Datatable to give style to my table in HTML and I had to enable the ScrollY. Although It worked, it has a style problem that I am trying to solve. When you resize the window, for some ...
PROX's user avatar
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Jquery ajax await return more XHR + value

Jquery version: 3.6.2 When writing an ajax request I want to avoid callback functions like .done() due to readability. I wish to only use var result = await $.ajax({}); . Creating a complete promise ...
Roe's user avatar
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Show N/A for all the null columns in laravel yajra datatable?

I want to show default value like "N/A" or dash "-" if the column value is null. Currently it displays empty column as below: I dont want to add default value for each column ...
Huzaifa Qayyum's user avatar
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Ajax Response Html with html download links not working and other issue

I'm absolutely not expert on js and html, following the answers and samples of stackoverflow I found a way to publish on my website a external html source. In the external source there are present ...
Val's user avatar
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Close the select2 dropdown only when clicking on a specific button [duplicate]

I am using the Select2 jQuery plugin to create a dropdown. I have multiple dropdowns on my page. I want the dropdown to close only when licking on 'Apply', 'Cancel' or 'Reset' buttons. I don't want ...
sd_30's user avatar
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Add additional field issue

I'm working on this page where I have some custom JS/jQuery to add a search feature for a list. I need to be able to "add" a field if required. I had it working before implementing the ...
homsAU's user avatar
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Rails UJS Remote Form Only Evaluates JS for 2XX Responses but Not 4XX Responses

Was there a change in how JQuery 3 and Jquery 1 handled remote form errors on Rails? In the past, (Rails 6, Zurb Foundation, Jquery 1), the code below would work. A user would submit a form, they'd ...
Patrick Jones's user avatar
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Click to activate only working in half the window

I'm trying out Trumbowyg, and while it's working very well, there's an issue when it comes to clicking inside it to 'activate' it (i.e. show the cursor) to be able to start typing. It only activates ...
Andreas BB's user avatar
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WordPress AJAX POST Request Not Working: Page Refreshes Instead of Displaying Result in Modal

I've created an AJAX function in WordPress to send a POST request and display the result in a modal upon successful completion, without refreshing the page. However, the AJAX code isn't working. When ...
iyed ghodhbane's user avatar
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How can I fixColumn and adjust the content of fixedColumn columns?

Currently I am using a 3rd party datatable library. Here is my configuration when re-rendering the mesh to start loading the input data. _columns: is the list of columns I declared earlier Code: tbl....
Thới Lê Châu's user avatar
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How to Validate Select box through Jquery Validator [duplicate]

I have to validate select box through jquery validator. <label class="form-label" for="inputState">Status</label> <select id="inputState" name="status&...
Tejas Pawar's user avatar
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Toggle b/w two jquery datatables

I am new to jquery and want to implement jquery datatables for my project. $(document).ready(function () { function destroyDataTable(table) { if ($.fn.DataTable.isDataTable(table)...
Muhammad Ahmed's user avatar
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FileContentResult return - 2 different controller methods, different result

I am using ASP.NET Core and ClosedXML to generate an Excel export. Export Method 1 Here is the controller method that DOES return an .xlsx file to the browser. The method gets called from a .cshtml ...
Ryan's user avatar
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Server Side DataTables warning: table id=DataTables_Table_0 - Ajax error

I'm getting an error when trying to setup a datatables with my project. DataTables warning: table id=DataTables_Table_0 - Invalid JSON response. For more information about this error, please see http:/...
Bintang Satya's user avatar
-3 votes
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Best Way To Scrape/Extract Data From Wesbite - Find url via Chrome Network tools?

Below is the link to a webpage and a screenshot of the network tools that shows what occurs when clicking download csv -- what is the best way to write a script in python to return the data that shows ...
0004's user avatar
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How To Cancel / Delete a Function (when changing screen size) - Jquery

How do you cancel / delete a function, dependant on the screen size? Currently, my functions carry over from portrait to landscape (and vice versa) . So is it possible to delete/cancel a function? And ...
Justin's user avatar
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Can't get data with URL in Postman, but can with passing by key-value

I'm not very familiar with Postman but why GET request returns data when checkbox is marked and without url parameter, like this: and when I try to put url parameter and unmark checkbox, then doesn't ...
NJR11's user avatar
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BlockUI not defined error issue with ajax

I'm trying to implement blockUI and unBlockUI to update my page accordingly. Almost randomly, it will work without flaw and randomly spit out blockUI not defined in the console. The code works with a ...
acfive's user avatar
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File upload results in an error - net::ERR_FAILED while uploading word file

This is my code: var formData = new FormData(); var f = $("#myFile")[0].files[0]; var form = $('#__AjaxAntiForgeryForm'); var token = $('input[name="__RequestVerificationToken"]', ...
Sanket R. Patil's user avatar
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Cors issue with ajax call [duplicate]

How to resolve cors issue with below code. tried all the methods. any help would be appreciated. <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <script src="
Ganesh Putta's user avatar
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edit key clones with each click on the input filter

Hi all I have a problem with the table generated with datatable. I created this example table where I would like to have 3 things: search for each column generic search in the top right corner ...
bastiag5's user avatar
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jQuery Ajax call returns the whole php file raw code

Now I am asking this question after a huge efforts searching for the solution, I know that are a lot of questions that are the same but none of them worked for me, I have three main files, index.html ,...
Ahmed's user avatar
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Reload after click on button again in JQUERY

this is my script in JQUERY step onStepChanged: function (event, currentIndex, priorIndex) { if (currentIndex === 3) { $.ajax({ url: '/UserPanel/Home/...
Maryam12 forex's user avatar
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jQuery index returns -1 when dragging multiple items

I have two tables and I am able to drag and drop multiple elements using sortable. My problem is that when I drag items from table2 sometimes in table1, ui.item.index() returns -1. After some tests I ...
David's user avatar
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select2 date custom option is not opening if clicked again

$(document).ready(function() { ///dateee picker $("#date-range-options").select2({ placeholder: "Select", minimumResultsForSearch: -1, closeOnSelect: false, allowClear: false })...
sd_30's user avatar
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Button with slider confirmation

I need to have slider confirmation button which will look like below Initially look of the button will be: After user completes the slide it must look like: I currently have the code below. How to ...
user3732294's user avatar
2 votes
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Ajax call is not taking full path without including Project Name

My project is running on an IP where there are other projects too. If I add the full URL in my ajax call then it works fine. Like:- $.ajax({ headers: { 'X-...
Kashish Agarwal's user avatar
-1 votes
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How do I style a form select field, depending on selection with css or jquery? [duplicate]

I want to style the text color in the select field as gray (#b8b8b8), and when a selection (either Yes or NO) is made, the select field text should be styled as white (#fff). <form> <select&...
Meelperd's user avatar
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There is a strange error while using the fullpage script wheel event

There is a strange error while using the fullpage script wheel event. When using the wheel event in the source, when section3 and section4 are reached, there is a problem that the contents shown in ...
sh park's user avatar
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Append cloned row to latest child where the button is clicked

I have a table with a button that when clicked, I save it in the DB via AJAX. If successful, it should clone the current row where the button is in, and then append it to the latest child. Saving it ...
elimariaaa's user avatar
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how can load the dynamic form after one click again in JQUERY? [duplicate]

this is my script to load a partial form for adding new address: function handleLocationChange() { var selectedLocationId = $(this).val(); var subLocationSelect = $(this).closest("form&...
Maryam12 forex's user avatar
0 votes
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jQuery ajax issue with multiple forms on same page - always picks first form

I've been struggling with this (most likely simple) issue for a few days. Any help would be appreciated. I have a page with multiple form buttons on it for people to sign up for events. The list of ...
David G's user avatar
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Laravel jQuery AJAX call results in error status 403 SOMETIMES

I'm making a query to a web service using jQuery AJAX. In my local environment, it works well, but in production, env has that error. The function it does is simply to update an order. The error is ...
0 votes
1 answer

Custom function to check blank inputs

Trying to build a custom function that checks for errors and then shows the error. As of right now, the whole process looks like this: $("#addRecordSubmit").on("click", function(e) ...
John Beasley's user avatar
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How to detect whether user has clicked on “open link on new window” in jQuery

Irrespective of the browser or HTML tag, if a user clicks on “open link in new window” then the user should get redirected to the login page. I've tried window.opener, but it is not working. In my ...
Neeraj Bhardwaj's user avatar
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RowCallBack function for Jquery datatable coloring text and background with ajax returned value from mysql

Need some light on this issue in the attached screenshot. If I entered fixed color value (ie #ffffff for both font and row background) it worked nicely. However, I want to use the value returned from ...
Danny's user avatar
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Jquery: replace text but skip html tag

I need to replace just the text 'Yes, I want to receive News, Discounts and Promotions' to my custom text. From this: <p id="woo_ml_subscribe_field"> <label class="...
JPashs's user avatar
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Remove all rows of table using jQuery

I have a javascript function that insert new rows in Table using jquery. This is the code: $.each(data,function(i,item){ $('#tb-articoli').dataTable().fnAddData( [ ...
bircastri's user avatar
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3 answers

How to make bootstrap datepicker be always visible/open? [closed]

Explaination I am successfully using an 'input type=date' as a datepicker in bootstrap 5.3, to select the date for data viewing. The problem that i have is: i have to click on it to be visible. For my ...
Fillo's user avatar
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How to Redirect Based on Form Input and Record Lead in Unbounce

I'm working on an Unbounce landing page and need some help with a form submission script. The goal is to redirect the user to a specific URL based on their input for the company_size field and ensure ...
Sue11's user avatar
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How can update the step form view with Ajax in ASP.NET

this is my method to Get Cart: [HttpGet("/UserPanel/CheckOut")] public async Task<IActionResult> CheckOut() { var text = await _siteService.GetSiteSettingForEdit(); ...
Maryam12 forex's user avatar
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Store result of json request in a variable [duplicate]

I need to store a value of json response to use in another function. I have this code: const url_moodle = "https://xxxxx/xxxxx/app/appmoodlejson.php"; var moodleEmail = function (email){ $...
Dixander Carballo Buque's user avatar
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Telerik kendo ui jquery grid

In the latest release of Telerik Kendo UI for jquery it has been written about the possibility to re-render particular row when using the grid widget. I know that when googling it is possible to find ...
w4rcT's user avatar
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Jquery Multi-select ComboTree plugin: how to insert selected count label

I'm using the Jquery Multi-select comboTree plugin and i would like to insert a selected elements count label inside combobox, but i'm not find a correct way to do this. I'm follow up the plugin ...
Michel's user avatar
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How To Disable Scroll During a Loading Animation?

I’m currently developing my company’s website and I’ve been following a tutorial to implement a loading animation. However, I’m facing an issue with disabling scrolling during the animation. I’ve ...
Jake Ciruela's user avatar
-1 votes
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Clicking on jQuery

When I define a code to click and change that element again, I want the element to return to the first state with another click I wrote another click but it didn't work The toggle didn't work properly ...
soroush's user avatar
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How to prevent a clear data upon clicking new add address using button in ASP.Net Core

@model Registration @{ ViewData["Title"] = "Register Page - Step Two"; } <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary" onclick="addAddress()"&...
John Erick Cuizon's user avatar
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Can somebody help me out for the following multiple drop-down binding problem?

I want to bind the second drop-down based on first drop-down's selected option. Also when add second dropdown first selected system should be disabled. Html for drop-down is as below: <div ...
Janavi Nagar's user avatar
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WooCommerce custom add to cart with quantity buttons [duplicate]

I need to set up a custom add to cart button with the product ID added. This is the code I have and it works perfectly. function custom_add_to_cart_button_with_quantity_shortcode($atts) { $...
Imago's user avatar
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Sortable multiple selected items

I have two tables and I want to be able to drag and drop several items at once. The user selects the items through checbox and then can drag and drop them into the same or another table. I know it is ...
David's user avatar
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