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Questions tagged [karma-jasmine]

Karma-Jasmine is an adapter for the Jasmine testing framework, which is shipped with Karma by default.

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Failing the Angular tests

I am trying to run the basic angular test that angular makes when creating a component, but they keep on failing, and i cannot find why or how to fix it. These are the tests i am trying to run: it('...
Giel v Bussel's user avatar
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Karma Test Fails with Chrome For Testing Browser

I am trying to execute the karma-jasmine test case by using Chrome For Testing browser. If I execute the test with Installed Chrome browser then the test works fine, but if same test get executed with ...
Yogesh's user avatar
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HTML not rendered in Karma Jasmine

It seems that the page is not rendered in my unit test. This is why I am getting the null obj when doing the assert. I am using webpack, do you know if it can be related to it ? The angular webpack ...
guiz's user avatar
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Angular test how to mock an imported const

I have an angular service being tested, which import a const from another file import { environment } from "../environments/environment"; The environment.ts is like export const environment ...
Ricky Mo's user avatar
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Angular 17 AngularFireModule Not Provided in AppModule' When Executing FirestoreDataService Test Cases with Jasmine and Karma

jasmin-karma error image , import module image import { ErrorHandler } from '@angular/core'; import { TestBed } from '@angular/core/testing'; import { getFirestore, provideFirestore } from '@angular/...
vatsal's user avatar
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ng test --code-coverage-exclude not working

My use case is to generate coverage report for Angular project by excluding certain files, I've excluded those files in angular.json it's working as expected. However I'm looking to exclude them via ...
Yuvarani Kannan's user avatar
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For each selenium request Google Chrome Browser generates 4 MB Browser Metrics file

I am using "Chrome for Testing" browser to execute my Jasmine / Selenium Test cases. While executing the test case, when browser start creating BrowserMetrics-XXXXXXXX-XXXX.pma files. Due to ...
Yogesh's user avatar
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How can i write jasmine unit tests for document visibility changed event

I am subscribing for the document's visibilityChanged event.Below is the code. Document is injected using dependency injection. ngOnInit(){ fromEvent(document, 'visibilitychange') ....
Niranjan's user avatar
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TS2305: Module '@angular/core/testing' has no exported member async

I updated angular version from 17 to 18 and because of which some modules are no longer supporter especially in spec.ts files while importing them. Like async from @angular/core/testing and **...
Nixon Darius's user avatar
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Angular testing - subscribing to HTTP response observable triggers a new request

Context I have a service that is responsible for sending a POST request for form data to my backend. The method for sending the requests decides depending on the class instance of the form data which ...
Ynfiniti's user avatar
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Jasmine + Karma Error: Invalid configuration of route '...' One of the following must be provided: component, redirectTo, children or loadChildren

I have this component defined inside its own routing-module file, like this: { path: '', redirectTo: 'list', pathMatch: 'full' }, { path: 'list', component: ...
gigio123's user avatar
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Angular 17 testing mapbox

In my component I display a message after the map style was loaded: import * as mapboxgl from 'mapbox-gl'; ...'style.load', () => {, (err, img) => { ...
perotom's user avatar
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inject() must be called from an injection context in unit test

When I am trying to use the AlertsComponent in my test file at the beginning it require some services. After adding theses services the following error appear: inject() must be called from an ...
guiz's user avatar
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Nested ViewChilds in Angular component, unit testing

I have a parent component, where in my template i have button : <button actions data-cy="appointment-creation-calendar" *ngIf="tabIndex === 1" [...
Alan Dolan's user avatar
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Angular unit tests are failing with Error: NG0205: Injector has already been destroyed. in http://localhost:9876/_karma_webpack_/vendor.js (line 59623

We upgraded our Angular application from version 16 to 18. After upgrade our unit tests are started failing with below error. Error: NG0205: Injector has already been destroyed. in http://localhost:...
Nirbhay Singh's user avatar

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