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Questions tagged [keras]

Keras is a neural network library providing a high-level API in Python and R. Use this tag for questions relating to how to use this API. Please also include the tag for the language/backend ([python], [r], [tensorflow], [theano], [cntk]) that you are using. If you are using tensorflow's built-in keras, use the [tf.keras] tag.

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How to preprocess image for INT8 post training quantization?

I am working on a binary classification problem using DenseNet121 on Keras. The original model yields an accuracy of ~93% and when float16 quantized (PTQ), accuracy acceptably drops to ~90%. I was ...
peacer's user avatar
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Model.evaluate() returning a float, not a list

I have a multi-task neural network. I want to make sure that when I call Model.evaluate() on my model, that the score I see is the sum of the losses. However, it is returning a scalar rather than a ...
BigBossRob's user avatar
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Cast error while training a keras model constructed using featurespace

I am new to machine learning and using tf/keras to build a simple model to train on Adult database which I downloaded from UCI. The data has 14 features. I am using keras FeatureSpace API to contruct ...
Zin Master's user avatar
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Can you put target value in input x in keras lstm model?

In keras documentation: Arguments x: A Should return a tuple of either (inputs, targets) or (inputs, targets, sample_weights). A keras.utils.PyDataset returning (inputs, targets) or (...
tipsywacky's user avatar
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Custom Parametric Activation Function Leading to NaN Loss and Weights

I am trying to create a custom non-linear activation function, and use a 3 3 hidden layer neural network to do MNIST classification. When I use 'Relu' the network trains fine, but when I use my custom ...
Anish Mondal's user avatar
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Error converting Tensorflow model to CoreML model

NotImplementedError Traceback (most recent call last) Cell In[19], line 1 ----> 1 mlmodel = ct.convert(model, convert_to="mlmodel", source="tensorflow") ...
Aakash Kothari's user avatar
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Error while exporting Tensorflow model to CoreML

'Sequential' object has no attribute '_get_save_spec' import tensorflow as tf import coremltools as ct print(tf.__version__) # Load your existing Keras model model_path = "/Users/name/Desktop/...
Aakash Kothari's user avatar
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Error when implementing SHAP on CNN model

So I am trying to implement SHAP to a CNN model I trained on an image dataset on Kaggle. But I keep getting the following Attribute Error: --------------------------------------------------------------...
B.RATH's user avatar
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AttributeError: module 'keras.src.activations' has no attribute 'get'

I am running the following error when I try to optimize a LSTM using keras tuner in Python: AttributeError: module 'keras.src.activations' has no attribute 'get'. I am using the following versions: | ...
george1994's user avatar
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Using Sparse Categorical CrossEntropy, the loss becomes negative (tensorflow/keras)

I am doing the Tensorflow TF tutorial ( but with my own data. My data is not related to text, but it is sequences of tokens anyway, with a start ...
Dr Sokoban's user avatar
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Image Classification Model halting at epoch 1/25, tensorflow keras model

I have been following a tutorial of a deep learning neural network model project and for some reason my model halts at the first epoch when trying to train on a dataset of images. I am not sure if ...
akam's user avatar
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Expects Inputs Error when loading working model

I've trained a CNN using a pre trained model (EfficientNetB0) and refining it with my data. (Don't get confused, I did it using a TPU VM, same error everything when not using it) This is how I did it: ...
Robert's user avatar
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I get an keras.Layer error when ever i use my code

import numpy as np import pandas as pd import PIL import streamlit as st import tensorflow as tf import tensorflow_hub as hub from geopy.geocoders import Nominatim import tf_keras model_url = 'https:/...
shiras ahamed's user avatar
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OperatorNotAllowedInGraphError when trying to set discriminator.trainable property

I'm training a GAN based on the pix2pix architecture, and my training code works in Eager mode. Putting it in graph mode returns the following error: OperatorNotAllowedInGraphError: Using a ...
ericssonl07's user avatar
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LSTM Model doesn't train

I am trying to find the chemical state of a particle with deep learning. As inputs I have the position of the particle according to time in X_train with shape (num_train,sequence_length). (My sequence ...
ravendel's user avatar

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