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Questions tagged [linear-algebra]

Linear Algebra is a core body of mathematics studying vector spaces and linear mappings between these spaces. Key topics include: matrices, vectors, simultaneous systems of linear equations, diagonal form, eigenvalues, eigenvectors, projections, points, lines, planes, hyperplanes, rotations and reflections.

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Find in a 1000x20 matrix which columns are squares of linear combinations of other columns using Python (Numpy, Pandas)

I have a matrix of a shape (1000, 20) in csv file. Using this matrix, I need to answer the following questions: Which columns are squares of linear combinations of other columns? Which columns are ...
Ai One's user avatar
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Why does using `extern` allow for runtime linking?

I have this code snippet: extern crate blas; extern crate openblas_src; pub fn eigen_decompose_symmetric_tri_diagonal( main_diag: &Vec<f64>, sub_diag: &Vec<...
Makogan's user avatar
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C++ Eigen svd.singularValues() returns only the nonzero ones. How do I get the zero ones as well?

I'm trying to compute the nullspace of a matrix (in this case, a matrix with one row, i.e. a vector). To do so I compute its SVD using the Eigen::JacobiSvd class (Edit: passing ComputeFullV as a ...
Ron  Tubman's user avatar
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Transform xy in a 2d plane to increase distance

I have N points in a 2d plane bounded region (0,1). I want to transform them such that distance between two points is increased proportional to how close they are to center horizontal line, (similar ...
Vishal Pathak's user avatar
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Matrix multiplication on Python to find a polynomial

I wish to find a method to multiply matrices (with other matrices and vectors) whose elements contain polynomial expressions and to obtain the final results in polynomial format. I have a 10 by 10 ...
Soumyadeep sarma's user avatar
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Is there a way to find the unitary diagonalization of a sparse normal matrix in SciPy?

A normal matrix A can be diagonalized as A = U D UH where U is unitary and D is diagonal. Is there a way to actually find this diagonalization in SciPy? I've tried using eigsh/eigs, but that doesn't ...
quantumpenguin's user avatar
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Creating a pseudorandom matrix with a specific determinant and specific entropy

I was sampling several markov matrices for a project, for that: I want to create a random matrix, which is markovian(simply it's rows sum to one) and all its elements are between 0 and 1 it has a ...
Popat Patel's user avatar
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Implementation of the lanczos algorithm to cross reference

I am trying to implement my own version of the lanczos algorithm. I would like to verify the output I am getting by checking against an easy to run and trustworthy implementation. All I can find ...
Makogan's user avatar
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Algorithm that finds roots of nilpotent matrices (when they exist)?

I'm curious about automatically calculating roots B=ⁿ⎷A, where n is an integer larger than 1, and A is a square nilpotent matrix. I.e. find at least one square matrix B such that Bⁿ=A, or report that ...
MRule's user avatar
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Properly rasterize a triangles edges using barycentric algorithm

In an attempt to add a z-buffer to a custom 3D rendering engine, I need to use a barycentric algorithm to interpolate the depth of each point inside a triangle. While this approach works, the ...
Nitaki's user avatar
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How to setup rust LAPACK wrappers?

This has been asked before with no good answer. As an MVE one can try this: use lapack::*; fn main() { let n = 3; let mut a = vec![3.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 3.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 3.0]; let mut w =...
Makogan's user avatar
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Optimize this Python code that involves matrix inversion

I have this line of code that involves a matrix inversion: X = A @ B @ np.linalg.pinv(S) A is an n by n matrix, B is an n by m matrix, and S is an m by m matrix. m is smaller than n but usually not ...
Taylor Fang's user avatar
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LU decomposition on a sparse rectangular matrix in R

MATLAB is able to perform LU decomposition on a sparse rectangular matrix using [L, U, P, Q] = lu(A) but there is no R package to do so yet. Trying to use Matrix::lu() on a sparse matrix in R returns ...
kmf's user avatar
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Rotating a vector field in an efficient way in python

I need to rotate a 3D vector field by 90 degrees. I do that by first using the NumPy function rot90 (see the docs here). Then I rotate each component at each position in a very inefficient way: using ...
Alf's user avatar
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how do I find the dimension of the span of the intersection/union of two null spaces of different sizes of matrices using numpy/scipy?

I need to find $dim(span(H\cap G))$ and $dim(span(H\cup G))$ where H and G are defined the following way: I have no idea how to find the intersection/union of their null spaces and after that, I don'...
Nate3384's user avatar

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