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ui-sref is generating wrong url

I'm working with Angularjs with Nodejs on a project. I'm using UI-router in my project for routing. Here are configurations of the states in my app module file: app.config(function ($stateProvider, $...
user979879's user avatar
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How to set a base URL for NodeJs applications using ExpressJs server and AngularJs for frontend?

I want to add a base URL to my application when I load it on my browser. My expressJs config is: App.js app.use(bodyParser.json()); app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: true })); app.use(...
Adarsh Singh's user avatar
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How does webpack do code splitting for vendor file in this sample app

I am new to Webpack. I understand basic concepts of bundeling, code-splitting and chunks, etc. Now I am trying to sprinkle "Webpack magic" into a legacy angularjs app that uses ui-router. So I ...
WebMatrix's user avatar
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how to access variable of controller in the run method

In my project when user is coming from any url then first i check in the controller that what was the last status of the user if they coming on the page which was not accessible yet then i am set a $...
user979879's user avatar
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how to manage multiple state using ui-router in angularjs

I'm working on a project using angularjs with nodejs as backend, i'm building a single page application(spa) in angularjs for that. so, I need your help at one point which is that there are two state ...
user979879's user avatar
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Handling successful node/angularjs login without reloading page

I'm trying to build a single page node/angular ( v 1.56 ) application that leverages angular's ui-router to change pages inside the application without having any browser reloads. My main obstacle is ...
twowheelsgood's user avatar
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Redirect to angular ui route from nodejs

I want to access angulars ui route from nodejs directly for which I have setup in ui router with following state app.js .state('video', { url: '/video/:patientId', templateUrl: 'app/...
Shubham's user avatar
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Not Found 404 Error when i try to access an express route

Im running an angular cli generated app with an express js and mongdb server.After running npm start i can access http://localhost:3000 which routes to my homepage,the other links at the navbar works ...
joomo's user avatar
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How i can dynamic my flash message in angular. message must be coming through API response

My flash message code is below <div class="flash-message" ng-if="flash"> <div class="{{'alert alert-' + flash.type}}" ng-bind="flash.message"> </div> Right now i am using ...
vidur punj's user avatar
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Express routing serves angularjs content but not api

I am using nodejs / express as the server side to my web application. Another developer no longer working with me merged the angularjs dist bundle with the server application so that running "node ...
Lismore's user avatar
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"Cannot GET" nested state with AngularJS ui-router, html5Mode, and Express

Currently I'm trying to get $locationProvider.html5Mode(true) working with AngularJS, ui-router, and ExpressJS. Given an abstract state parent with URL /parent and a nested state parent.child with URL ...
Harrison's user avatar
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Preventing loading data every time the same state is visited

I have an angularjs app with two states :- function routeConfig($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider) { $urlRouterProvider.when('/main','/main/list'); $stateProvider .state('main', { ...
Shubham Gupta's user avatar
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how can i avoid including repeatedly or abstract header & footer angular ui-router

var headerView = { templateUrl: 'views/header/header.html', controller: 'HeaderCtrl' }; var footerView = { templateUrl: 'views/footer/footer.html' }; var myApp = angular.module('myApp', ['ui....
D V Yogesh's user avatar
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it just keep loading the same page with angular ngRoute?

I am learning angular by building a simple bookstore web app using nodejs as a restful api server. I built the server and it works fine, but once it comes to the front end I face an issue. I built the ...
AbdallahRizk's user avatar
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Angular Route not working - some thing wrong with template url

I'm starting with AngularJS, but Router not working on my site. This is some config relate to my route: Firstly, app.js: // Declare app level module which depends on views, and components angular....
Nguyen Quoc Dat's user avatar

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