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K Means taking a long time to run

I have a dataset that has 3 million records with 15 columns that I'm using for customer segmentation. I've used KMeans and MiniBatchKMeans but it's running even after 45 hours (did not run them ...
Ayushman Mishra's user avatar
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Turn off Azure Telemetry when param debug==True

Question of code quality: Is there a better way to implement a separate debug flow/turn off opentelemetry for a FastAPI endpoint in Python rather than separating the functionality (separate function) ...
Tim J's user avatar
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Quickly computing primes with python [duplicate]

I was solving this problem in Project Euler which asks for finding the 10,001st prime. Here's what I did: def is_prime(x): local_list = [i for i in range(1, x+1) if x % i == 0] if len(...
user26346636's user avatar
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How can I efficiently filter and aggregate data in a Pandas DataFrame with multiple conditions?

I have a large Pandas DataFrame with multiple columns, including Category, SubCategory, Value, and Date. I need to filter this DataFrame based on multiple conditions and then aggregate the filtered ...
Harold's user avatar
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Why is the last digit incorrect in my timing attack password cracker using Python?

I'm working on a timing attack to crack a password using Python. My goal is to measure the time it takes to check each digit of the password and use this information to deduce the correct digits. The ...
r0tten_appl3's user avatar
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How to Retrieve Full Text from Another Open Window Using Python Without OCR?

I'm working on a Python project where I need to programmatically retrieve the full text content of another open window on my Windows machine. I need to avoid using screen capture followed by OCR ...
Echov's user avatar
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Making Python code faster for large data sets

I am solving a problem on HackerEarth (full text can be found here): Bob has a playlist of songs, each song has a singer associated with it (denoted by an integer) Favourite singer of Bob is the one ...
user26346636's user avatar
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Optimizing Python Code faster that 4 seconds

I have written some code to solve an online problem, Here. mustConstraint = set() notConstraint = set() violated = 0 satisfied = 0 for i in range(0, int(input(''))): constraint = input('') ...
F-22 Destroyer's user avatar
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Efficiency of Redis compared to relational DBs in Python

My data contains of 6mln rows with such columns: 'primary_key', 'timestamp', 'temperature_value','sensor_id', 'sensor_status' e.g. 1, 2023-01-01 00:00:00.0, 20.28, 1, GOOD The data was written to ...
Mateusz G's user avatar
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General Suggestions for improving my python programm [closed]

I recently started going through the problems over at ProjectEuler, and I wrote some code for one of the problems-9- that I think is decent? def mainline(): for a in range(0,999+1): for b ...
Qmrl's user avatar
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Why is my IDF Python code running much slower than pyspark

I am creating IDF values and my python code runs much slower compared to the pyspark implementation (2+ hours for mine versus seconds) and I am interested why that is so. I know pyspark is Java based, ...
Caden's user avatar
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When using `matplotlib.animation` and 'LineCollection`, how to reduce the size of the colors list

I am continuously plotting data using matplotlib.animation with multiple subplots that use a lot of segments. The issue I am running into is that size of the colors list is quite large ['Blue','Blue',....
1 vote
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Is Decimal a lot slower in MacOS Swift than Decimal in Python?

[update]fyi: I did try running the same test below with GMP lib in Swift and it is about 10x faster than Swift Decimal which I imagine the upper bound would be. Still confused why Python Decimal would ...
nilgirian's user avatar
7 votes
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Do Python coders have a bias towards list over tuple? [closed]

Basic Facts Lists are mutable (supporting inserts, appending etc.), Tuples are not Tuples are more memory efficient, and faster to iterate over So it would seem their use-cases are clear. ...
Della's user avatar
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Keras training speed with PyTorch backend is a lot slower than with TensorFlow

I am on native Windows and I used old Keras with TensorFlow 2.10 (GPU accelerated) before. I wanted to try Keras 3 with PyTorch backend. Can someone please help me why this model trains 10x slower ...
aabyssx's user avatar
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