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Questions tagged [pytest-selenium]

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2 answers

Selector for a button with no unique ID

I was writing test selectors for selenium in python for a website like For one example I had to automate selecting a button from a list of buttons. The format for the button is as under: &...
Dark Geek's user avatar
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Not able to connect my feature file to steps?

I am using pytest-bdd I have created features file and written steps for it. Code is also performing, But when I try to run code from feature file. It says Nothing Here. Please Help ! Stuck in this ...
Siddhant Prakash's user avatar
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Passing different Xpaths every test session, using same tests with different apps on Android mobile

i have a problem with switching file with xpaths and test data for appPackage that is currently under tests: @pytest.fixture(params=brand_list) def driver(request): desired_caps = { ...
art rtr's user avatar
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1 answer

pytest-selenium installed but not available as plugin for pytest. What have I done wrong?

I've installed pytest-selenium, but I cannot use it with pytest. def test_sanity(selenium): E fixture 'selenium' not found > available fixtures: cache, capfd, capfdbinary, caplog, ...
Daniel Paczuski Bak's user avatar
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pytest-xdist: How to execute a method (where I initialize DB mocks for all the tests in that file) before the test methods are executed

I have a test suite that used to be executed with pytest and I used the method before_all_tests(request) in each test file to initialize the db mockups for those tests. I wanted to use pytest-xdist to ...
Сабрина's user avatar
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3 answers

Pytest test discovery in subfolders

Hi I have the following project architecture, I am using selenium with pytest From the terminal, when I am at the root folder, I can not run one the tests inside the folder "\tests" As far ...
user avatar
2 votes
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Pytest Selenium elem.send_keys() causing TypeError: object of type 'NoneType' has no len()

I am trying to send data to a login textbox but when I use 'send_keys' I get an error.. def wait_for_element(selenium, selenium_locator, search_pattern, wait_seconds=10): elem = None wait = ...
Austin's user avatar
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5 votes
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how to pass firefox/chrome headless mode via command line to pytest

I need to run my selenium test cases remotely in headless mode. Currently, I am running below py.test command py.test --driver remote --host --port 4444 --capability browserName ...
Anurag Choudhary's user avatar
-1 votes
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Is there any way to get all the "inner html text" of a website and its corresponding coordinates using python selenium?

I'm able to get the div elements by using this code: divs = driver.find_elements_by_xpath("//div") and by looping through the divs and using .text attribute I'm able to get the text as well code: ...
Ashish Johnson's user avatar
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How to run pytest-selenium with xdist and use cli arg driver?

I am trying to run multiple tests in parallel using xdist and determine the webdriver based on the user's command line argument such as --driver Remote/Chrome/etc Ultimately, I am trying throw this ...
Austin's user avatar
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2 answers

How to pass arguments to Selenium test functions in Pytest?

I wamt to make my tests more flexible. For example I have a _test_login_ that could be reused with multiple different login credentials. How do I pass them as arguments instead of hard-coding them? ...
CrispJam's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

Testing a Flask app with pytest-flask + pytest-selenium (docker)

I am trying to test a Flask web app within a docker container, which is new for me. My stack is the following: firefox selenium pytest-selenium pytest-flask Here is my Flask app file: from flask ...
erup's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

remote selenium grid over https is not working

The company I work for requires / impresses that all our selenium test traffic be conducted through https when using the remote selenium grid server that we have hosted in AWS inside a docker instance....
Roochiedoor's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Storing global configuration data in a pytest/xdist framework

I'm building a test framework using python + pytest + xdist + selenium grid. This framework needs to talk to a pre-existing custom logging system. As part of this logging process, I need to submit API ...
sprad's user avatar
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Using pytest-variables in a module outside a function

I am using Pytest and Pytest-variables with parametrized test functions to try and reduce duplication of code across test cases. I have this working with hard-coded strings within the test module: ...
Muck's user avatar
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