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tensorflowjs_converter utility adds suffixes to variable names that cause errors

I am trying to use tensorflowjs_converter to convert a model that I am training in python (using tensorflow) to a JSON layers format so that I can run it on the web. I installed the latest version, ...
Moonflower's user avatar
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styled-components no longer works with react-native: "0.72.2"

{ "name": "teste", "version": "1.0.0", "main": "index.js", "scripts": { "start": "expo start --dev-client", &...
Murilo Barranco's user avatar
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2 answers

Banner is not displaying at the top and css is not working

I have html like following, in my Django project <!DOCTYPE html> {% load static %} <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name=&...
Karan's user avatar
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Uncaught runtime errors: ERROR dispatcher is null

Trying to use chart.js, but everytime i try fetch the data it throws me 'Uncaught runtime errors: ERROR dispatcher is null' this error. The page doesn't render at all, everything on there is gone, ...
stan 's user avatar
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FastAPI: How to handle Plotly graph click events in a web application?

I am using FastAPI to create a simple web app where I want to render a Plotly graph and record the (x, y) values when the graph is clicked. I am exporting the graph and then trying to set up an event ...
Vaibhav Agrawal's user avatar
-8 votes
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im trying to make a python post request but i end up getting a java scrip error from the site can anyone help me please [closed]

im trying to make a post request and the web site give me this error : Requires JavaScript to sign in. This web browser either does not support JavaScript, or scripts are being blocked. how can i fix ...
gianni1845's user avatar
-2 votes
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Get local variables from scope

Just need to read remotely local vars from Scope, using Chrome Dev Tools. That Scope of variables we can see when debug using Google Chrome F12 Tab. I need to automate it, using Python, when I pause ...
user26406664's user avatar
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How do fetch the real time latitude and longitude in Django and display that as a tracking map in the template? [closed]

I want to fetch the real time latitude and longitude from the Kotlin. I just want to display the real time latitude and longitude as a map in a template by using a Django frame work how do I do this? ...
bithor son's user avatar
-4 votes
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How can I start my project on Algorithm Visualiser? [closed]

I need a bit of help from you all coders. I want to build a web application that visualizes algorithm like stack, queue, etc and I want to know the stuffs (skills), I need to get ready for it. Can ...
Prathamesh Patil's user avatar
-6 votes
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Sending Lists values in a post request from HTML/JS to bckend(python) [closed]

English is not my first language , so escuse my grammer mistakes :) its my first time workung with JS , i will start by showing the tables in the database and then explain the problem so hopefully any ...
ayal khier's user avatar
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Backend audio chunks aren't playing correctly when I pass them to client

First, I apologize if anything is spelled incorrectly or if I don't explain myself clearly enough as english is not my first languale. Now to the problem. I am both starting to work with OpenAI API ...
Alhelí Cabrera's user avatar
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Problems with changing the status from pending to rejected/approved

I do not know much about js, but I tried to submit the data by clicking on the button. The project is about approve or reject orders in the panel of the owner of the shop. Things in Django admin went ...
Aetoox's user avatar
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django Add a button that creates a new entry field each time it's clicked

I am creating a Recipe app- currently for my form I have Title, Ingredients and Description as text inputs. However I want the user to be able to individually input the ingredients so I can manipulate ...
C0untV's user avatar
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Unable to type texts to chatbot user input

Description I am trying to add a chatbot for the backtesting platform built with Flask and there is a button on the right side that toggles the sidebar. If the user clicks the button, it shows the ...
loupdaniel's user avatar
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Link device's gyroscopic orientation with that of 3d model on web

I am trying to build a model rocket that uses an old phone for reading gyroscopic data using a webapp (Flask and flask-socketIO). the "rocket phone" goes to /rocket and sends gyroscope data ...
SH3LDR0ID's user avatar
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Set cookies, how do httponly and secure function

I am trying to understand what the cookie settings httponly and secure actually do. The top answer on Google says: Secure - This flag ensures that cookies can only be transmitted over HTTPS ...
tdammon's user avatar
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How do I download CSV files with URLs starting with "blob"? [closed]

I am trying to automate the download of the csv files located on this page (column: Historical Values). When looking at the url ...
user2177166's user avatar
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How to exclude div classes 'modal-content' and 'modal-body' from pyppeteer web scraper?

I'm building a scraper that gets text data from a list of articles. A common specimen in the text content I'm scraping at the minute is that at the bottom there is this message: "As a subscriber, ...
Shehzadi Aziz's user avatar
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How to keep ag grid filter after selecting all filtered?

I have an ag grid table that I am filtering, and upon a button click it is set to select all the rows that are currently filtered using selectAllFiltered(), and after clicking the button the filtered ...
Cameron Kranz's user avatar
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PyQT5 WebEngineView no import of js files. Live Server with the same files works

The WebEngineView of pyQT5 does not import needed js modules. Here is a minimal example that runs normally in the Live Server of Visual Studio Code: cube.html (works with Live Server, Demo from three....
Roman's user avatar
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How to send authentication session id to django backend using fetch api?

saveBtn.addEventListener('click', function() { const csrftoken = getCookie('csrftoken'); fetch('http://localhost:8000/card/{{ auction.slug }}/add/', { method: 'GET', ...
Minecraft PC's user avatar
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How can I pass a ZIP file download from a backend Python app to a frontend React app?

I am currently designing a web app and part of it is supposed to download a ZIP file from an external API and pass it onto the end user. I've reviewed a ton of code surrounding how to download the ...
alinkbetweencodes's user avatar
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Trying to show shapefile in folium through javascript

I have a shapefile with postal codes in Belgium. In addition I have a distance-matrix from store-locations of one brand to all postal-codes. I managed to add markers to my map in PyQt5 QMainWindow ...
Johannes Van der Pol's user avatar
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push reload or invoke javascript function from server

I have Django + React + uwsgi application. Uwsgi access to the database. Now I want to reload Django(React) web applicataion triggered by Database is changed. For example User open the web ...
whitebear's user avatar
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Inconsistent IPC Buffer Serialization Between Python and JavaScript

I'm experiencing an issue with IPC buffer serialization in my C++ application. The buffer serialized in C++ is deserialized correctly in Python but fails in JavaScript with a metadata byte mismatch ...
user26260915's user avatar
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Need to call scrollIntoView() from brython

It does not seem to work. self.scrollIntoView() -> this is OK, element is on top and scroll is done self.scrollIntoView(False) -> same behaviour as previous, but should be displayed downwards ...
Jeremie's user avatar
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Extracting the text between span tags in a Javascript-rendered page using Selenium in Python

I am trying to scrape all instances of text between tags with a particular class on a web page that dynamically updates. I am using selenium with a chrome WebDriver in Python. In a normal browser, ...
zicari's user avatar
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scraping table from web page

I'm trying to scrape a table from a webpage using Selenium and BeautifulSoup but I'm not sure how to get to the actual data using BeautifulSoup. webpage:
Horde Bob's user avatar
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Extract all data inside g tag of JS chart using Selenium

I am currently trying to scrape a local web page, generated by my EV charger. I access it through it's IP address, which requires me to sign in. After signing in, I want to retrieve the data from the ...
DvdV's user avatar
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How to create another field in mongoDB document that filters the specified item from existing document array field

I am trying to filter items from a mongoDB document array field that are not equal to the provided value and create a new field with the filtered items using aggregation with $filter method but it is ...
Yoftahe Abraham's user avatar

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