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Questions tagged [vite]

For questions about using Vite, a two-part build tool (dev server + build command) that aims to provide a faster and leaner development experience for modern web projects.

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External REST API calls in Electron Vite

How can i possible access an REST api call from my backend to Electron-Vite without any security issues? Im trying to do this but its not working. import { contextBridge } from 'electron' import { ...
Vanz's user avatar
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Running Vite dev mode on Symfony 7 application with DDEV webserver

I've been looking to run Vite in development mode (watch JS and CSS files) for my Symfony 7 app which is served with a DDEV webserver. // package.json { // ... "scripts": { &...
Nathalie's user avatar
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useEffect() fuction doesn't run [closed]

I am trying to run an API call with a useEffect() function in Vite, but it doesn't seem to run (debugged with console.log()). I tried running: useEffect(() => { const fetchPosts = async () => {...
greenCode_TM's user avatar
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My vite web app not opening on linkendIn and instagram mobile browser

I have a vite app, and i'm trying to promote it on instagram and have attached my link to it. But the link is not opening in the instagram app inbuilt browser and same for linkendIn only in ios ...
Sparsh Gahlot's user avatar
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TomSelect with laravel and npm vite

my app.js file: import './bootstrap'; import jQuery from 'jquery'; window.$ = jQuery; import './tom-select.complete'; app.css: @import 'tom-select.bootstrap4.css'; @tailwind base; @tailwind ...
m.Sarto's user avatar
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MIME type errors while importing SimpleLightbox inside module type script

I use Vite bundler. I have a script that imports SimpleLightbox (installed with 'npm i simplelightbox') and its CSS, and at this point I get an invalid MIME type error. When I run the server through '...
Yuump42's user avatar
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1 answer

Tailwindcss not working for Vite + Vue3 + Primevue

I'm sry if I have a duplicate question. I went through the questions already in the forum, but still couldn't find a solution I haven't tried yet. Problem explanation I'm working on a test project ...
Lyra Neska's user avatar
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Node mssql failed to connect to localhost:1433 null is not an object

I'm trying to use SQL Server, but keep getting the same error. I installed SQL Server Express following the Microsoft Docs and when using sqlcmd -S localhost -U sa -P '<YourPassword>' I got the ...
Carlos Valdivia's user avatar
-3 votes
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How to load host component from remote app using module federation?

I'm new to the module federation and having some issue while loading host app, when using Host(React+vite) and Remote(angular18+custom-webpack). Remote : custome-webpack.config.js const ...
uday214125's user avatar
-2 votes
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Text styling during loading React Vite [closed]

An example of what I want to do: Before: enter image description here After: enter image description here On my site, instead of the number that is obtained from the API, first there is 0, but I would ...
kh0dan's user avatar
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What is a good way to prevent file getting renamed when running npm run build

I am running npm run build for production and this is my script code. "scripts": { "dev": "vite", "build": "vite build", "preview": "vite preview", "lint": "eslint . --ext .vue,.js,...
Shinzie's user avatar
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How can I correctly resolve environment variables in Playwright tests for a React project built with Vite?

I'm encountering an issue with environment variable access in my tests for a project using Vite as a build tool alongside a React app. In the React app, environment variables are accessed via import....
username's user avatar
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How can I pass AWS construct information to a container build with CDK?

I'm building the IaC for my containerised Vite/React project to deployed to AWS but the issue I've run into is that I can't pass info to my buildargs for the container, which I need to overwrite ...
parislyons's user avatar
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React- vite deploying to netlify

I just purchased and made some examples for myself. I want to deploy it to Netlify. I have created an account, installed netlify-cli, ran npm run build, and deployed. However, nothing shows up on the ...
gamerdev's user avatar
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Vite application produces different localhost url on different systems

I'm QA and building pipeline script to run some UI tests against a web application. App is made with react & vite. My task is to write script which launches the app & tests. I got commands ...
tunomatic's user avatar

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