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Questions tagged [react-apexcharts]

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Customizing the exported data in react-apexcharts

I have series of over 40 elements in apexcharts of type horizontal bar, and I slice 10 of this items to show it. The problem is when I export it as csv file that is an option built in the apexcharts ...
Abdullah Buhlaq's user avatar
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ApexCharts React: All Charts Displaying Same Data After State Update

I am using ApexCharts with React in a Next.js project to create multiple area plot sparklines. When the statsData states changes, all charts should update with new data. However, all charts end up ...
Ajit Kumar's user avatar
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TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'toString') in NextJS

I'm doing an app using NextJS and NextUI. I wanna add Chart from ApexCharts.js. I did it and works nice but nextjs raise an error: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'toString'). ...
Lucas Leone's user avatar
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Apex chart custom text on selection start and end points on line chart if brush:true

As I've integrated apex-chart in react project. I've added feature of drag and select section on graph on line chart, now I want to add selected min and max value at the boxes of selection box line as ...
Riddhi's user avatar
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React ApexCharts: Adding Emojis to Data Points with Goals

I am on React project using ApexCharts to display data, and I'm trying to add emojis to specific data points that have associated goals. I have tried adding emojis using the markers ,annotations ...
Hamza Saleem's user avatar
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How to add Tooltip when hovering over the Total of an Apexcharts chart?

I am using ApexChart and would like to add a Tooltip when the user hovers the mouse over the Total. I have read the documentation and forums but have not been able to do it. My code is as follows: ...
Francisco.js's user avatar
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How to change the style of radial bars

I would like to improve the visual aspect of my radial graphic. I am using fake data to simulate the arrival of data from the backend of 12 or more series/labels, my code is as follows: const ...
Francisco.js's user avatar
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Can't modify react-apex-chart radial bar thickness

I'm trying to reduce the thickness of my radial bar chart but I can't find any way to do this enter image description here and here is my chart options : const chartOptions = { series: [40], ...
Jin Nine's user avatar
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How can i add clickable copy button in react-apexchart tooltip?

I am using react-apexchart to show data in chart, there in tooltip i wanted to keep clickable copy button to copy plot data, so i added custom tooltip in that added copy button but this copy button is ...
md arifmanihar's user avatar
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Is there any way/solution to disable xcrosshairs of missing values in apex chart?

Basically, I'm using sync chart of apex chart in that, i used null values where data is null in that time xcrosshair open, but i want that the crosshair open only when data is not null. Please see ...
Gaurav Sonar's user avatar
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ApexCharts display only first and last x-axis labels

I'm using an ApexCharts bar chart. I want to display only the first and last x-axis labels, as the text is overlapping when I display all the values. For example, in the screenshot below I want to ...
Sunil Mathari's user avatar
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How to completely remove Grid horizontal bar lines in apexcharts

Here I have marked bar lines in the line graph in red color. Any suggestions on how to remove them or make them transparent so that they match the background color? I tried setting the background &...
sam's user avatar
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Error with Apexcharts-React, Property 'options' doesn not exist on type 'Readonly<{}>'

I'm currently working with Next.js, utilizing Typescript and Tailwind CSS for my project. In this endeavor, I am striving to integrate an ApexChart component. However, during the implementation ...
Stiller's user avatar
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How to increase bubble size in bubble chart in apex chart

I am using apexcharts 3.48.0 and react apexcharts 1.4.1 version . I am drawing a bubble chart but the largest bubble size is very small. I am trying to increase bubble size by the following code ...
supriya singh's user avatar
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419 Unknown Status on sending POST request

I encountered an error while sending a POST request using Axios in my React application to retrieve data from a remote server. The browser console displays the following error message: xhr.js:258 POST ...
Emirlan's user avatar
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