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Testing events with RequireJs + Karma + Jasmine

i'm trying to find a way to test events. Like in topic title my stack is RequireJs + Karma + Jasmine. I dont want to use jQuery or any not essential external libraries. There's icon-utils code i use ...
Marcin Rubach's user avatar
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Karma is not seeing test files [duplicate]

I used to use my SpecRunner.html to run Jasmine tests but I'd like to change it for Karma testrunner. However, I have problems with configuration of Karma + requirejs. This is my working tree: This ...
Hubert Kubiak's user avatar
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Karma test run with Jasmine cannot find TypeScript module

I want to test my TypeScript code with Jasmine executed by Karma. Unfortunately the Karma is unable to find my module and exists with "Module name has not been loaded yet for context". My ...
Benny Code's user avatar
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Karma test run throwing error on requirejs

I have the below configuration in the karma config file. frameworks: [ 'jasmine', 'requirejs' ], files: [ //App Bower components {pattern: 'public/...
Priyabrat Nanda's user avatar
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Writing Unit Testing With Jasmine , Require JS in Karma for Angular JS?

I have Done a Library Management App with Angular JS and Mongo Lab will Act as a DB Part, I am facing issuse with Require JS Dependency While Crating Unit test Case Error: [$injector:modulerr] Failed ...
Siva G's user avatar
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angular js dynamically loading modules + requirejs

controller.js define([ 'angular', 'app', 'underscore', 'jquery' ], function (angular, app, _, $) { 'use strict'; var module = angular.module('kibana....
Biga Gaber's user avatar
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Karma+Jasmine+RequireJS not running specs

I've been trying to get Karma working practically the entire day. For some reason, I cannot get Karma to actually run the tests. Instead, it just seems to idle indefinitely, giving no indication of ...
Chris's user avatar
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KarmaJS, Jasmine, RequireJS, etc: How to Use Require for Testing Modules

Running Karma + Jasmine Tests with RequireJS -- Getting off the ground Help! . . . _ _ _ . . . SOS! Currently, I have an exercise project up for getting comfortable with KarmaJS -- and Unit Testing, ...
Cody's user avatar
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angularjs with requirejs and karma testing - inject undefined

I have a project that is using angularjs with requirejs and testing with karma. I am having trying with testing a service in the project. These are my files that I have configured with angularjs, ...
professor_robot's user avatar
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AngularJS, RequireJS, Karma - Test File not loading

I'm currently attempting to run tests using Karma, however I can't seem to load the Test file... this is my file structure: app controllers .. directives .. .. test ...
Gonçalo Vieira's user avatar
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RequireJS not loading modules properly using karma and typescript

I am trying to set up unit testing for a SPA using karma/jasmine First of all, the following test runs just fine in karma: /// <reference path="../../definitions/jasmine/jasmine.d.ts" /> /// &...
havardhu's user avatar
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How to use request.js in karma using RequireJS?

I'm trying to write unit tests using Karma + Jasmine + RequireJS. When in my spec I use request.js I get below error: Chrome 36.0.1985 (Linux) ERROR Uncaught Error: Module name "lib/optional" has ...
Uriel González's user avatar
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AngularJS, RequireJS and Karma issue

Apologies in advance for the long post. I have been stuck with this for the last couple of days. Basically, I have an AngularJS project with RequireJS setup which works fine. I am trying to write unit ...
trishulpani's user avatar
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angular - requireJs - karma

I've created a simple test application that write hello. The application is: boot.js require.config({ appDir: '', baseUrl: '', paths: { angular: 'app/bower_components/angular/angular', ...
d.zurico's user avatar
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Uncaught object error with Karma

I am pretty new to jasmine and karma, but I have a rails app set up using requirejs and jasmine and I'm trying to get karma up and running. I have it running, but when I run the unit.js config file, ...
geoff swartz's user avatar
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