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Questions tagged [rxdb]

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8 votes
2 answers

RxDB - Use the existing local DB

Case How to open an existing database? Issue I already create one database with RxDB.create(), and created some collections, put some documents in it So, in another script, i want to open that ...
Andon Mitev's user avatar
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How to handle JWT authentication with RxDB?

I have a local RxDB database and I want to connect it with CouchDB. Everything seems to works fine except for authentication. I have no idea how to add it differently then inserting credentials in ...
Alan Wołejko's user avatar
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How Do I Properly Initialize RxDB in a Vue App with global

I'm trying out RxDB for the first time in a Vue 3 app, and getting started is a bit more tricky than I expected (and it's probably my fault). I installed RxDB with NPM in my project ("rxdb": ...
Clifton Labrum's user avatar
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RxDB check if a local database exists

How can I find out whether the local db (indexedDB) with a given name already exists? const db = await createRxDatabase({ name: 'heroesdb', storage: getRxStoragePouch('idb'), }); This approach, ...
Ilya Loskutov's user avatar
3 votes
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RxDB - Document update conflict (error 409)

I use RxDB and want to update the document in it. This is how the db is created: const _create = async function() { const db = await RxDB.create({ name: 'myName', adapter: process.env....
max's user avatar
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RxDb, cannot sort on field(s) XXX when using the default index

I just discovered RxDb, which as far as I understand is running PouchDB underneath, in any case, I have defined a fairly simple schema for an entity: let nodeSchema: RxJsonSchema<NodeDocType> = ...
Oscar Franco's user avatar
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Rxdb sync not update db

There are 3 bases (front, node, remote). Front <=> node, node <=> remote. When the front base is updated, the data goes to the remote base, but the node is not updated. In theory, the node ...
Denis Makarov's user avatar
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Rxdb: Purge deleted items and old revisions by manually replicating (copying) rxdb database?

I'm looking for a way to replicate an rxdb instance locally, in the browser (local storage to local storage). I read somewhere that this is the only way to purge deleted items (can't find the link now)...
yen's user avatar
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possible to generate RxDB schema from existing graphql schema?

Curious if this is possible, I see graphQLSchemaFromRxSchema for working in the other direction, but we already have a graphQL schema we want to use.
Chris Drackett's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How to list all documents in an RxDB collection?

In RxDB, to list all documents in a collection on a remote db that has documents, I've tried: myCollection.dump() .then(json => console.dir(json)); and myCollection.find().exec() // <- ...
Kevin's user avatar
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How to sync an RxDB instance with the actual IndexedDB when switching tabs? ( multitab )

I have a web application that uses RxDB ( ) to store data in indexedDB. I encountered an issue where when I clear the data in indexedDB using the clearTODOS method in one tab, the ...
DevOverflow's user avatar
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Rxdb infinitely pulling in replicateRxCollection

I'm working with rxdb and I have pull and push handlers for the backend I have used supabase I have setup the code for replication as follows: replication.ts import { RxDatabase } from "rxdb"...
Rohan Keskar18's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How to update local data from rxdb to server database postgrasql through graphql in react

we are trying rxdb as local database and postgresql as a server database and through graphql end point we are able to push and pull data from local to server and vice-versa but how to update and ...
Sheethal Patil's user avatar
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Uncaught (in promise) ReferenceError: process is not defined when calling createRxDatabase in aurelia app

I am trying to use rxdb as a store for my aurelia app. I have not found a plugin that implements this aleady, so start writing my own solution. I am using aurelia-cli 2.0.3, aurelia-loader-nodejs 1.1....
harfel's user avatar
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package.json entry points with rollup and @rollup/plugin-node-resolve

I'm looking for some help with package.json entry points (i.e. with @rollup/plugin-node-resolve, with snowpack). For a package I'm importing (indirectly via RxDB), I'm having some issues and ...
user1224598's user avatar

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