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EitherT with Scala type alias

Try to use type alias with EitherT get compilation error type FuEiErr[T] = Future[Either[Error, T]] type FuEiErrInt = Future[Either[Error, Int]] case class Error(msg: String) def fA(x:Int): FuEiErr[...
RobertJo's user avatar
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Scala: Type error not detected in "contains" method

I have this test code: object Main: trait X0 class X1(name: String) extends X0 class X2(name: String) extends X1(name) { val seq = Seq[X1]() seq.contains(3.1415926) //compiles ...
Jacques Lemieux's user avatar
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What is the difference between the types Null and Null & T where T <: AnyRef?

Look at the following method def toOption[T <: AnyRef](value: T | Null): Option[T] = value match { case null => None case content: T => Some(content) } If you ...
Readren's user avatar
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Scala type mismatch error involving generics and refined types

The following is a simplified version of a type-mismatch error I'm trying to solve: trait Foo[A] { type B val b: B } trait Bar[T, R[_]] { val r: R[T] } object TypeMismatch extends App { def ...
lewistg's user avatar
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Prefix type operators in Scala?

Scala allows writing infix operators for types, just as for expressions: type ->[P,Q] = P => Q Making X -> Y equivalent to writing ->[X,Y]. I would like to have a unary prefix operator, ...
TrayMan's user avatar
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Anonymous subclasses with extra methods -- scala2 vs. scala3

The following code works as (I) expect in scala2 but generates a compile-time error in scala3. I tried to find an explanation in Programming in Scala, Fifth Edition and the web but failed. Any ...
bwbecker's user avatar
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Scala 3 generic tuples: type bound & converting to Seq

I have two problems, which I think are related. I want to have a type for tuples, of which all elements of the tuple are at least an Animal, in Scala 3.3.1. I came up with the following: // In ...
bobismijnnaam's user avatar
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In Scala 3, how can I write a method that returns some sort of Tuple depending on arguments?

I'm trying to write a method that combines higher types into new higher types using tuples. Say I have a type Foo[X], then I want something like: trait Foo[X]: def +(y: Foo[Y]) = <tuplify X and Y&...
Todd O'Bryan's user avatar
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Generic Numeric range function in Scala

I have two functions in scala that do exactly the same like this: private def getIntRange(minLimit: Int, maxLimit: Int, step: Int): Something = { (minLimit to maxLimit by step) .map(_....
Emilia Paredes's user avatar
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Having trouble using class as a key within Scala map. Any help appreciated

Beginner here and I've been having some difficulty getting one of my maps to work within Scala. My nested map symmetryTable contains keys of the type Shape which is class that I have implemented. ...
Braden Christopher's user avatar
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Get key and value types of scala map

If I have a complicated map type, like type MyMap = Map[(String, String), List[Map[String, Int]]] is there a way to do something like Map.Key to get the type of the key (here, (String, String))? I ...
Troy Daniels's user avatar
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Scala: Verify Unique Type Existence At Compile Time

I have the following: sealed trait Tag case object MyTag1 extends Tag case object MyTag2 extends Tag sealed trait Error[T <: Tag] // error implementations... I'd like for two Error ...
C4ffeine Add1ct's user avatar
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Implement function which output type is depend on input type

Let imagine I have the following traits/classes hierarchy ( scala 2.13 ) trait In trait Out case class In1() extends In case class In2() extends In case class Out1() extends Out case class Out11() ...
Pizza eu's user avatar
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lists contain few types Scala

I am relatively new to Scala and I'm currently working on a function that will process a list containing both Strings and Integers. My desired functionality is as follows: If the list item is a String,...
amit's user avatar
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Unable to use .to() operator on Long data type

The question is: The prime factors of 13195 are 5, 7, 13 and 29. What is the largest prime factor of the number 600851475143? I have written a code for it but it gives an error.The code is written in ...
Diwash Mainali's user avatar

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