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Questions tagged [scala-cats]

Cats is a library that provides abstractions for functional programming in Scala.

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Scala Fs2: Aggregate computation on infinite streams

I cant seem to understand how to perform aggregate computations on infinite streams. Taking an infinite stream of elements and performing a computation on each one individually is easy, but collecting ...
breadman2000's user avatar
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How to force pull in fs2.Stream

I created an fs2.Stream with: topic <- Stream.eval(fs2.concurrent.Topic[F, Either[Throwable, AmqpMessage[Array[Byte]]]]) messages <- Stream.resource(topic.subscribeAwait(innerQueueSize)) ...
Izbassar Tolegen's user avatar
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Are BFS and DFS the same and just the Monad is different?

I wrote a tail-recursive BFS in Scala: import scala.collection.mutable /** Do BFS from start and return the smallest distance to end (None if not connected) */ def bfs[A](start: A, end: A, neighbors: ...
pathikrit's user avatar
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How can I update a variable within my Http4s service every set interval of time?

I am trying to continually refresh a value after a set interval of time within an Http4s service. Up until now it's been defined as just a val that maintains its initial value. I would like to ...
andres's user avatar
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Set up and use the Cats library for typeclass derivation in my Scala 3.4.2 project

Good Day, I am using Intellij 2024.1.3 and Oracle OpenJDK 22.0.1 this is my build.sbt: ThisBuild / version := "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT" ThisBuild / scalaVersion := "3.4.2" lazy val root = (...
Ali Tc's user avatar
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How to combine multiple ordered streams efficiently?

Given a List[Stream[F[_], A], where A <: Ordered, and each stream contains an ordered list of elements, what is an effective way to combine these streams into a single, ordered stream of all ...
Ákos Vandra-Meyer's user avatar
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EitherT with Scala type alias

Try to use type alias with EitherT get compilation error type FuEiErr[T] = Future[Either[Error, T]] type FuEiErrInt = Future[Either[Error, Int]] case class Error(msg: String) def fA(x:Int): FuEiErr[...
RobertJo's user avatar
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I use Scala 3.3.3 and would like to test a small program using import cats.kernel.laws.IsEq - I get this error: laws is not a member of cats.kernel

I am using Scala 3.3.3 and would like to test a small program using import cats.kernel.laws.IsEq, I get this error message: "laws" is not a member of cats.kernel and here is my build.sbt: ...
Ali Tc's user avatar
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Incorrect Show auto derivation involving NonEmptyList

This program: package domain import cats.{Show, derived} import import cats.implicits._ case class Error(code: String, message: String) case class Errors(errors: NonEmptyList[...
satyagraha's user avatar
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ScalaFX and Cats Effect

I am trying to integrate Cats Effect into a ScalaFX desktop application, and I am having trouble getting the tasks to execute. I would like to run a background thread/fiber to initialize the window ...
Jonathan Card's user avatar
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Where Is The Implementation for Traverse[IO]

val foo: IO[List[Int]] = List(IO.pure(100)).sequence Where do I find the implementation for the sequence method? I presume there is a Traverse typeclass implementation for cats.effect.IO and where ...
thlim's user avatar
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Changing error type of ApplicativeError/MonadError

I use a library that produces a result with some custom error type. This library defines MonadError for that result type. For compatibility with the rest of my application, I'm trying to get ...
Vladimir Korenev's user avatar
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Why does Maven download hundreds of versions of maven-metadata.xml for dependency when I explicitly stated a non-snapshot version in pom.xml?

At my company we're upgrading to a new version of Scala but when I run mvn clean install, near the end of the build, it spends 22 minutes (!) trying to download metadata about these 3rd party ...
christopher oates's user avatar
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Handling Exceptions in Scala FS2 Stream Transformation flow

import cats.effect.{IO, IOApp} import fs2.Pipe import fs2.Stream object Test extends IOApp.Simple { final case class Student(id: Int, name: String) private val studentData: Map[Int, Student] = ...
Randhir Kumar's user avatar
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How to call Cats typeclass method without specifying it explicitly?

I want to write that code: IO.foreverM: IO.sleep(1.seconds) *> IO.println("Tick") But it doesn't compile. However this code compiles: FlatMap[IO].foreverM: IO.sleep(1.seconds) *> ...
Max Smirnov's user avatar

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