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Questions tagged [solrcloud]

Apache Solr includes the ability to set up a cluster of Solr servers that combines fault tolerance and high availability. Called SolrCloud, these capabilities provide distributed indexing and search capabilities.

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Solr Restore API gives incorrect response

I have solr cloud version 9.5 with two nodes deployed in kubernetes cluster. I am trying to restore the collection backup using the Solr restore API. I am experiencing an issue with the Solr backup ...
teji's user avatar
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Solr backup not getting created in both solr nodes

I have solr cloud version 9.5 with two nodes deployed in kubernetes cluster. I am trying to take solr backup using the Solr backup API Bakup API - http://localhost:8982/solr/admin/collections?action=...
teji's user avatar
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How to changes servers for an existing Solr Cloud Collection

Context: My company is using Solr 7.0 in cloud mode, kept in sync by a Zookeeper ensemble; 3 Solr nodes, 3 Zookeeper nodes; 1 collection, 1 shard, 3 replicas (each replica on one of the Solr instances)...
bobo's user avatar
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Unable to filter by child and extend the results to the grandchild in solr

What we need: We want all documents that have institutions in a specific range of latitude and longitude, and for these documents we want to return all the children of the document. one document is ...
Sina Sarshar Pour's user avatar
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CDCR Replication is not working in solr 8.11.2

I have setup CDCR IN Azure VM with 3 nodes and 3 zookeeper `My Solr version is 8.11.2 Zookeeper =v3.6.2 I have setup source and target cluster with below configuration in source, We are not able to ...
soundarya's user avatar
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Trying to connect to Solr Cloud using zookeeper instead of a simple HttpClient from R?

There is a package called solrium which has been great for me until the network timeouts began happening. Our production servers run SolrCloud, managed by a zookeeper quorum, and my only theory I have ...
quickreaction's user avatar
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Seeking Guidance on Synchronizing Indexing Data Between Two Solr Cloud Clusters in Different Regions(east us & central us)

I'm currently working with two Solr Cloud clusters located in different regions, and I'm looking for advice on how to synchronize the indexing data between them. Can anyone help me identify the best ...
Cloud Ops's user avatar
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Docker volumes not persisting data between container restarts in Docker Compose

I'm encountering an issue with Docker volumes not persisting data between container restarts when using Docker Compose. Here's a breakdown of my setup and the problem I'm facing: Docker Compose ...
Arjun Parmar's user avatar
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Getting NoClassDefFound Error org/apache/zookeeper/KeeperException$NoNodeException while using solr-solrj-8.11.3

I have a java app which uses solrj jar to communicate to apache solr 8 and 9. Recently due to security vulnerabilities in solr-solrj-6.6.1.jar i upgraded to solr-solrj-8.11.3.jar. Compilation was ...
crimson_joey's user avatar
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How do I update solr.xml to given read/write/delete permissions to backup directory so backups work?

I am trying to start a Solr backup using the following API call: https://{server}:{port}/solr/admin/collections?action=BACKUP&name={backupId}&collection={collectionName}&location={...
MrDJW's user avatar
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How to start existing cluster in Apache Solr?

I'm running Apache Solr in localmachine. I maintain a set of data and collections in a cluster. Every day, I have to use new cloud creating solr command. solr start -e cloud After assigning the ports ...
pranish's user avatar
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Query solr data in Admin UI

I tried to query my solr data via the Admin UI. Error for the executed query. I tried to query my solr data using SQL option on the Admin UI, but I'm unable to fetch any data.
ESSAKI NATARAJAN's user avatar
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Getting NPE in apache SOLR 8.11.2 while doing atomic update using add-distinct from my java based appication

org.apache.solr.client.solrj.impl.CloudSolrClient$RouteException: Error from server at {hostname}/solr/collection_shard6_replica_t2737: java.lang.NullPointerException at org.apache.solr.update....
Sushank Hegde's user avatar
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SOLR 'facet.prefix' is not working as expected

I'm using facet.prefix feature in my solr query. but it seems not working as expected. my sample solr facet.prefix line as 'f. storeStockLevelSizes_string_mv.facet.prefix=123' and i'm anticipating ...
Uday's user avatar
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SolrJ deleteById does not deletes data in Solr

I've a Solr collection having 6 shards based on years - 2019 to 2024. I use this method to delete some documents in this collection : invoke(() -> solrClient().deleteById(collectionName, ids )); ...
Steve's user avatar
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