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Questions tagged [spreadsheet]

Use this tag for questions about spreadsheet apps, plug-ins, libraries, etc., where no more specific tag exists. A spreadsheet presents tabular data sets arranged in rows and columns, typically with tools for capturing, analyzing, and collaborating on that data. Each cell may contain alphanumeric text, numeric values, or formulas.

-2 votes
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Turn table into a list

I have this table of what people are missing on each month, and what are they missing(maked as missing) or they have(marked with an "X") or if the guy wasn't working at that time, it says ...
Soku's user avatar
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Creating an MVP of a Spreadsheet with API/SaaS Integrations at a Cell Level [closed]

I am thinking of building a solution best described as a spreadsheet on asteroids. The interface would be very simillar to a spreadsheet, but the user would be able to call APIs to perform certain ...
Hugo Mansur's user avatar
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When the Values From Two Tables Match Write the Value of Adjacent Column in Table 2 to Table 1 [duplicate]

I have two tables. Table 1 contains a list of names in Column A. Table 2 contains a names and codes column (Column A and B). I want to take the value from Table 1, Column A, search a range of values ...
bella 's user avatar
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-2 votes
1 answer

Google Sheet, need help calculating difference with multiple conditions I have this table of data in google sheet where I want to calculate the difference of credit and ...
Kent Ong's user avatar
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2 answers

Google Sheets lambda or match() function?

I'm struggling with formula.. I want to sum in column K, when code in column H match code in column J. I thought I'd try a pivot table, but again something didn't work properly..? Google Sheet example ...
Kam's user avatar
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2 answers

COUNTIF INDIRECT formula that always works now gets parsing error

I've been using this formula, relying on COUNTIF and INDIRECT, to tally attendance for several years with no problem, but with this class I get a parsing error and I can't see why. Students register ...
Rachel T's user avatar
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1 answer

Sheets - Use a form to add data, but to a worksheet name based on the data input

As the title explains, I have created a workbook in Google Sheets. There is a worksheet labeled "Form" which be used to input data into one of 12 worksheets (the months of the year labelled ...
Chazwod's user avatar
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Find the list of different values in 2 tables by id key

I have 2 tables with the same IDs but different values for some cells. I want to find the different values on the new tab in the following format: Id, sheet1_field, sheet2_field, sheet1_data, ...
Maksym Katsovets's user avatar
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How to set time interval between automatic calculations in Excel

I have a spreadsheet which source data from external sources and many formulas depends on these source data. The source data are updating frequently (sub-second), but my spreadsheet is too heavy to ...
xymzh's user avatar
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Return 1 of 3 values based on search results in Calc

I have a Calc workbook with sheets named Project n, where n is the project number as its own individual sheet. Formatting: A B C D E F G H Date String String String String String String Event1 Date ...
hiigaran's user avatar
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Querying the Goods Sold to update the Inventory Management sheet

Hello brilliant minds, I have two sheets Goods Sold and Inventory management that I am struggling to connect as they are interrelated. The idea is to query the Goods Sold in terms of quantity to ...
Aman Lalwani's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Google Apps Script is not exporting PDF blob correctly

I am scripting a tool that creates a copy from Google Slide file (a template) and replaces some data in the Slides with data from a Spreadsheet. Then it adds the link to the file in the same ...
Miguel Martin's user avatar
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Google Sheets - Bypassing the restriction of 50k characters for TEXTJOIN

I'm using QUERY to fetch a list of emails. Additionally, I need to exclude a couple of non relevant emails. The list of non relevant emails is pretty long (4k +) so instead of manually typing each ...
Damien 's user avatar
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Want to filter same texts from 2 lists in google sheets

I have 2 lists One is equipments lists and other is summary of the equipments lists in one sheet Summar list is sum of equipments which are repeated, like if you have chalks 2 no, chalks 2 no, duster ...
Adharsh's user avatar
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How do I use xlookup in dynamic range?(spreadsheet)

First Sorry for the bad English. I have a data with A, B, and date.(For exampe name, salary) I want to search B based on A, but here's the problem. There are multiple Bs matched to A, and since ...
Lunartown's user avatar

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