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Questions tagged [spring-data-jpa]

Spring Data - JPA is part of the Spring Data umbrella project which makes it easy to implement JPA based repositories

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Impossible to use DATEDIFF in java JPA criteria queries?

For the life of me, I cannot figure this out. I want to select entities from my H2 database, and get the difference between an entities timestamp column and a passed parameter. trying var dateDiff = ...
diet coke's user avatar
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how to get the difference between two dates in JPA criteriabuilder api?

Im trying to use criteria builder to get the difference between two dates in millisecond or smaller precision. I’m using H2, and for the life of me i cant do: cb.function(“DATEDIFF”, BigInteger.class, ...
Daniel Goldberg's user avatar
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Spring Security error Like Stopping service [Tomcat] and Error creating bean with name 'springSecurity'

I have created new project and when I am created the new spring security class I am getting the error and also added the spring security dependency please go through the code and I think this info is ...
Jinendra's user avatar
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How to Implement Configurable Grading Grids in a PFE Dashboard for Non-Technical Administrators? [closed]

I'm working on a project for managing grades and evaluation grids for students in PFE internships. The goal is to allow the director of stage services to modify the evaluation grids and grading ...
newmembreCode's user avatar
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How to use Distinct and Order By together in JPA Query Methods

I am using a projection interface to get data for a specific case. I cannot share the real code so I am sharing a similar example here. I have a Employee entity class and created a projection ...
JAVA_CAT's user avatar
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Handling Date comparisons in MYSQL 8 and Spring boot without Milliseconds

We are upgrading our project from Mysql 5 to Mysql 8. there is weird issue coming in db queries in date handling. On MySQL 5, while saving data to db, the date used to be saved with 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:...
amangautam1's user avatar
-1 votes
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ServiceImpl defined in a dependent jar library is not found by spring in MainApplication

I have created a springboot application which will serve as a library for my MainApplication. This library has some service class, repository class and entity, basically an independent feature which ...
BaMiniCo's user avatar
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Hibernate SQL Error: NULL not allowed for column 'ID' on INSERT

I am encountering an issue with Hibernate when trying to insert a record into my database. Here are the details of the problem: Problem Description: I'm using Hibernate with Spring Boot to persist ...
m.wietecki's user avatar
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How to query JPA LocalDate field by passing a month and year as arguments?

I have the following entity with a LocalDate transactionDate field: public class Revenue { ... (Other fields omitted for simplicity) @Column(name = "transaction_date") private ...
Davi Santos's user avatar
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Springboot Error : org.springframework.beans.factory.UnsatisfiedDependencyException: Error creating bean with name 'authController' defined in file

I am using springboot 3.3, tyring to run the code in local server but getting following error in springboot :- org.springframework.beans.factory.UnsatisfiedDependencyException: Error creating bean ...
aaryan kumar's user avatar
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In Spring Boot, how can I initialize database before context creation?

I want to initialize my database before Spring context is created. Then I want to initialize my components based on the content in the database. How do I do this? e.g. my component: @Component class ...
Soid's user avatar
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Spring Boot 3.2.7 with Java 17 is not creating tables and columns in database

This is the first time I am going to create an application using java 17 and Spring boot 3.2.7. In no way spring boot is able to create tables and columns in mysql schema after starting my application....
Mahadi Hasan's user avatar
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Hibernate results loading stuck in middle of a row

When querying SQL Server database from Spring Boot JPA using a native query it takes longer than expected. On trace level it's visible that it's stuck when parsing a single row. Jump in time is ...
Jakub Havlík's user avatar
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Limit resuts returned by Spring Scroll Api

I want to implement the scroll API from Spring. So that when a user scrolls in the Front End, new data is loaded on every request from the Front end. I try to limit the results returned by Spring and ...
four-eyes's user avatar
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Spring Data JPA violating foreign key constraint although the logged queries and their bound parameters look as expected

I have a Spring Boot backend that uses Spring Data JPA to communicate with the database. I am attempting to save a cart item into the database, but a foreign key constraint fails while saving a child ...
Ekobadd's user avatar

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