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Questions tagged [symfony]

Symfony refers to both a PHP framework for building web applications as well as a set of components on which the framework is built. This tag refers to the currently supported major versions 4.x, 5.x, 6.x and 7.x. Alternatively, you can specify an exact version using the respective tag. This tag should not be used for questions about Symfony 1.x. Please use the Symfony1 tag instead.

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Symfony PHPUnit Test Error: Cannot Instantiate Interface Doctrine\ORM\EntityManagerInterface

I am working on writing PHPUnit tests for my Symfony application but keep encountering an error that I am unable to resolve. The error message is: 1) App\Tests\PaymentControllerTest::...
Kaveh Mohammadi's user avatar
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Symfony - Stock AJAX arrays in a Symfony variable

Here is my template, with products to add in the basket : templates\specific\catalog\show.html.twig : {% extends 'specific/layout_fo.html.twig' %} {% block stylesheets %} {{ parent() }} <!-- ...
Captain Harlock's user avatar
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I installed the simple_kafka_client for my symfony project and getting the conflict errors

This is the repo: I am trying to use the below code: use PyaeSoneAung\AwsMskIamSaslSigner\AwsMskIamSaslSigner; use ...
bhaskar p's user avatar
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Feed key passphrase to external SSH command on Windows

I'm using Symfony Process to run the SSH client bundled with Windows in a command-line PHP script. Remote server settings are stored in C:\Users\MYUSERNAMEHERE\.ssh\config file, connection is ...
Álvaro González's user avatar
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Getting DB2 stored procedure output parameter using symfony and doctrine

I am refactoring plain PHP code in symfony (5) + doctrine my mode is something like: $sql = "CALL my_store_procedure (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"; $stmt = db2_prepare($db, $sql); $p1 = "p1&...
Stefano Giusto's user avatar
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Error: Unable to create a signed JWT from the given configuration

I followed the documentation and I can't get a token. I even managed to install OpenSSL to make the key command work by installing Chocolatey first. User.php <?php namespace App\Entity; use App\...
Hachem Benyahia's user avatar
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How can i handle CollectionType with EntityType (multiple) inside

Let's say i have two entities, User and Magazine. At first, i had a ManyToMany between these two but then i needed an extra field to manage the quantity of Magazine per User so i created a ...
cartoon's user avatar
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how can i change a variable after submition in symfony 7

i m trying to change a variable after i click on a submit button after verifying some conditions. i used normal html forms instead of symfony forms idk if there is any difference. controller: #[Route('...
idkman's user avatar
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Symfony 5.4 BotMan Chatbot, function not working

This my BotManController, i don't know why it is not getting functions mostly I think the error is in my controller not being able to get the botman method. class BotManController extends ...
Yasser Castelltort's user avatar
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Can't change access for angular app route from symfony security.yaml

Angular project integrated with symfony in one project i have this routes access in symfony security.yaml - { path: ^/catalog, role: PUBLIC_ACCESS } - { path: ^/catalog/all, role: ...
Arsen Mkrtumian's user avatar
-2 votes
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Symfony Backend with React Js Frontend [closed]

I Create a react js frontend, and a symfony 7 Backend using api Rest and axios ,first I test the connection between the back and the front it works ,but when I continue on developing the Backend and ...
Hamza EL-HARCHALI's user avatar
-1 votes
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Empty cache and weird first page loads on symfony 7.1

In my symfony 7.1 (php 8.3) application, on the registration page, the first attempt to submit the form always results in a console error message "turbo.index-810f44ef1a202a441e4866b7a4c72d11.js:...
RoZx93's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Symfony multiple CKEditor fields : how to load the library only once?

I have a Symfony 3.4 project (yes I know it's old!) and I have a form with many CKEditor fields, I use the CKEditorType (from FOSCKEditor bundle) to display them. The fields are part of a Collection (...
Eve's user avatar
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1 answer

Symfony Api Platform - Not filtered duration

I'm currently on a Symfony Api Platform project and i need to know how to filter a duration There is my object simplified <?php namespace App\Entity; use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM; use Doctrine\...
AtyKlaxas's user avatar
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1 answer

Api Platform Voter subject is instance of the Voter class instead of the class it is supposed to be used for

first time using API Platform or at least its 4 years since I used it. I try to add a Voter to an ApiResource but unfortunately $subject is an intance of the Voter class itself. In both methods - ...
Kbi's user avatar
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